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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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canucksnation said:
Also, another matter that just got dropped on me this morning.

In Summer 2012, I was involved in a vehicle accident in which I was at fault (I accidentally rear ended the vehicle in front of me). Now fast forward to today, the driver of that vehicle in front of me has decided to sue me because he/she is not appeased with the settlement by ICBC (my insurance company and the accident occur in Vancouver and my vehicle/driver license is registered in BC). I been advised by my vehicle insurance company that ICBC is obligated to represent and settle this matter for me. Me and ICBC are trying to get the other driver to settle, but reckon the other driver is trying to take me and ICBC to the cleaners. If this was to go to court, a date is set for in 2017. So with all that being said, I'm currently in the Canadian Forces application process, so how screwed am I on getting rejected by the Canadian Forces? And what are my %/odds? Keep in mind, Iam represented by a crown auto insurance company that's going to represent and settle for me whatever the costs maybe all the way? Much thanks!

Don't worry about it, as something like this, should not be considered to be a "judicial" obligation.
DAA said:
Every applicant to the CF is subject to the "Pre-Sec Questionnaire".  Depending on how you answer those questions, that information "may" be forwarded to Ottawa for review, who in turn will decide whether or not a full-blown "Pre-Security Assessment" is required.

Generally speaking, nobody will advance to the Medical/Interview stage until the pre-sec has been addressed.

UPDATE. So as it turns out, I am getting the 'full blown' Pre-Security Assessment. For anyone who had this conducted on their application, how long did it take for the Pre-Security Assessment to be completed?
canucksnation said:
UPDATE. So as it turns out, I am getting the 'full blown' Pre-Security Assessment. For anyone who had this conducted on their application, how long did it take for the Pre-Security Assessment to be completed?

It all depends on the countries which are involved.  Turn around times range anywhere from 4-24 months and in some cases, never.
canucksnation said:
Uh yeah, I read those. I was hoping to get response from recent applicants that experienced or in similar situation as me right now. Merci!


You are not someone special.  You are just another person, one of the many, who may be applying to join the CAF. 

Once again, it is reiterated:

DAA said:
It all depends on the countries which are involved.  Turn around times range anywhere from 4-24 months and in some cases, never.
I`m filling out the DND Personal Data Verification and in the section previous employer; One of my previous employers is the Canadian Forces, if my bosses were either promoted or posted somewhere else or retired whom would I fill in for the contact information. Also my last unit was a ship and is being decommissioned this year. *Trying to be proactive as I haven`t been contacted by the recruiting centre yet after filling out my online application.
Get Nautical said:
I`m filling out the DND Personal Data Verification and in the section previous employer; One of my previous employers is the Canadian Forces, if my bosses were either promoted or posted somewhere else or retired whom would I fill in for the contact information. Also my last unit was a ship and is being decommissioned this year. *Trying to be proactive as I haven`t been contacted by the recruiting centre yet after filling out my online application.
Edit for clarity: The ships phone number or the phone number of the person who was my boss at the time.
Good day,

Include all of the information that you know when filling out the forms. Make your best effort in obtaining the information required and if unable to locate the information you can fill out a Statutory Declaration stating so and the background check can still be conducted based on the information provided. 
In March 2014, I applied to the Forces, wrote the test in June and was eventually called in for my interview and medical examination in December.
The interview went well and the recruiter suggested that I should be called in to start in February. The following week, I was contacted by e-mail regarding my security screening as my address during time of unemployment was the same as the one of my previous contract. I provide details more details of where I travelled within the province until I had started a new contract.

7 months later, I still have not received any new about the processing of my application. During that period, I worked a few months at an airport and had my security clearance screening completed by Transport Canada. A staffing/temp agency submitted a screening PWGSC at the Reliability level, and two months on, I still don't have any news.

As time goes by, I have been considering returning to school or starting a business. I couldn't make it a friend's wedding in Spain, as I didn't want to jeopardize my security profile by travelling. I feel paralyzed.

How long am I expected wait for security screening?
I was on EMAA a couple weeks ago and I was checking my Readiness Level and to my surprise it states that my Security Clearance is only Enhanced Reliability. However, by Trade I require a Level II clearance just to continue my sad existence. According to my Sergeant-Major they won't process the Sec Clearance unless being tasked/deployed/sent on course that requires the clearance - BUT they won't even take your name for the task/deployment/course unless you have the clearance.  ???

How can I action a Level II clearance so that it can at the very least be in processing so that by the time the CAF decides I'm important and can be trusted to do cool stuff; I will hopefully have the appropriate clearance?

(and 1 MP is gearing up for R2HR so, I'd like to be as prepared as possible)

Edit: Just to be clear, I'm a Reservist.
LunchMeat said:
I was on EMAA a couple weeks ago and I was checking my Readiness Level and to my surprise it states that my Security Clearance is only Enhanced Reliability. However, by Trade I require a Level II clearance just to continue my sad existence. According to my Sergeant-Major they won't process the Sec Clearance unless being tasked/deployed/sent on course that requires the clearance - BUT they won't even take your name for the task/deployment/course unless you have the clearance.  ???

How can I action a Level II clearance so that it can at the very least be in processing so that by the time the CAF decides I'm important and can be trusted to do cool stuff; I will hopefully have the appropriate clearance?

(and 1 MP is gearing up for R2HR so, I'd like to be as prepared as possible)

Edit: Just to be clear, I'm a Reservist.

You can have your SSM refresh him/herself on CTAT and what Clearances are now necessary to handle, instruct on and operate secure equipment like radios, or many of our vehicles and weapons systems.....or even read the Pams.  Lvl II has more or less become the "minimum Clearance" required to be a member of the CAF, even if you are a Reservist. 

George Wallace said:
You can have your SSM refresh him/herself on CTAT and what Clearances are now necessary to handle, instruct on and operate secure equipment like radios, or many of our vehicles and weapons systems.....or even read the Pams.  Lvl II has more or less become the "minimum Clearance" required to be a member of the CAF, even if you are a Reservist. 


The issue is not with my SM, he's the one having issues getting our Level II into processing. Whomever is the receiving body to conduct clearances won't entertain applications from our platoon because we're reservists and they'll only do it.... as I explained above. It's frustrating. Much like annual Med/Dent, we can't get one done unless it is for promotion/tasking/deployment; but when we are being promoted/tasked/deployed we get turned down because we don't have our Med/Dent done.
The workload on DPM Secur 2 (or whatever they are called now -- PSSD (?)) has drastically been lowered since Afghanistan.  A Lvl II is a fairly simple Clearance that does not reach anywhere near the extent that CSIS is involved as with a Lvl III.  I still suspect it is someone at your end of your processing, likely within your unit, that is dropping the ball; perhaps your USS or A/USS.
My references have been contacted . Does this mean that my background/security check has been completed or is it a two part process? Thanks
Good day ShawnCameron,

Welcome to the “Ask a CAF Recruiter” section. The members tagged as “CAF Recruiter” are official Canadian Armed Forces recruiters. They will identify themselves with their rank, first name and the Forces.ca avatar. In order to best answer questions, there are some rules that need to be adhered to.

This section is for persons who have questions about joining the Canadian Armed Forces, occupations, different enrolment programs, and prerequisites. Much of the information can be found at Forces.ca, or the Recruiting FAQ and wiki section of this site. Before you ask a question, you should be searching the forum or the Forces.ca website for these answers.

We will not answer questions about technical difficulties with the application process, or the website. We will not answer questions about difficulties contacting your recruiting centre or general inquires with regards to your current application or file. These questions can be asked here: http://forces.ca/en/page/contactus-73

ShawnCameron I recommend that you maintain contact with the recruiting centre processing your application in accordance with the "Submitted application whats next?" post. I have provided a link to this post below: 

George Wallace said:
I still suspect it is someone at your end of your processing, likely within your unit, that is dropping the ball; perhaps your USS or A/USS.

That would be my guess as well.

Just a check question as to what level they would check a NCM reservist under?

-Reliablility Status
-Level 1 (confidential)
-Level 2 (secret)
-Level 3 (top secret)
