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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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If you are a Canadian citizen and have lived in Canada for a ten year continuous period or to the age of 16, whichever comes first then you will not require a pre-sec, unless you come from a scheduled country or have immediate relatives living in a scheduled country.

Sorry that should have read:

If you are a Canadian citizen and if you have lived in Canada for ten-year continuous period immediately prior to applying or you have lived in Canada since you were 16, whichever comes first then you will not require a pre-sec, unless you come from a scheduled country or have immediate relatives living in a scheduled country.
it was in highschool, my parents moved back to the USA (because they were originally from there). I couldn't afford to live on my own in Canada, so I went and lived with them. They were living in a border town so I still kept going to school, working and everything in Canada, cept sleeping. I never got anything in the USA either(credit cards, criminal record, etc.) except a driver's license that I had for 3 months before I switched it to a BC one.

Actually I just went back and figured it out, I was 15 when I moved to the USA, and 9 months short of my 16th BDAY, 9 MONTHS!!! that's really frustrating.

Oh well, keep soldierin' on and hope for the best.  :salute:

Security checks almost always take a while unless there is a rush put on it (by either a government official or someone higher up the chain, which is rare). The checks are done thru Ottawa and they aren't solely determined on basis of trade, they look at many aspects, including how you scored on the CFAT, the interview and where you have been/lived in the past few years especially if they appear on the scheduled country list (I have been told that these checks are not biased). This information however can always be critically subject to an expert's perspective however so keep that in mind. For some high security level trades a Signals Officer for instance, part of the check may be done to get you in and the other part may be done while you are in a certain of training (depending on how badly they wish to fill in the void). Either way sit tight and keep your spirits high until the check clears, whatever career you choose in the CF, it's worth the wait! Best of luck to you.  :cdn:
>>Infanteer101<< said:
...including how you scored on the CFAT, the interview and where you have been/lived in the past few years especially if they appear on the scheduled country list (I have been told that these checks are not biased)...
:o  Errr...not quite sure where you came up with your info.  Why would you think a CFAT score would have any bearing on the checks being conducted for your security clearance?  The actual checks that are conducted for each level are public record and can be found at Annex "C" here:  GSP - Personnel Security Standard
I'm just basing this on the info I recieved from the CFRC, I in no maner hold myself to be an expert in this case. I was told that a CFAT may have some bearing on the speediness of a security check depending on the need for a certain occupation to be filled in immediately. I do think however, MP 00161 that you are correct because it did take me a few dozen trips to the CFRC to get everything straightened out. Thanks for the info! Cheers! :cdn:
Hey, can anyone tell me what level security clearance a SigOp recruit needs? Just filling it out...recruiting center doesn't open til Monday and if I need to fill out the parts for Level III then I need to compile some info over the weekend...

You don't have a "need to know."  ;D

Seriously, don't worry.  it's not a test you can study for.  Fill out the forms completely, correctly, and accurately.  Then have a nice wekend. Turn the forms in on Monday, and don't call them, they'll call you.

P-Free said:
Hey, can anyone tell me what level security clearance a SigOp recruit needs? Just filling it out...recruiting center doesn't open til Monday and if I need to fill out the parts for Level III then I need to compile some info over the weekend...


Being a sigop I can tell you fill out all of the form that the recruiting center gave you Trust me you WILL require at least a level 3 at some point and that one is multiple pages.
George Wallace said:
Didn't we just cover all this in another thread yesterday and several other threads in the past?

Yesterdays was about navcomms if I remember correctly. But the best source of information anyone can get is ask  the recruiter. If people asked more questions of the recruiter there would probably be less of these threads here.Then again many people just joining the CF would not know to ask some of these questions because they have never had a security clearance etc, this forum would then become a good opportunity to find out which questions to ask due to the experiences/skills of the members that have been through the process in the past.
The form I got just says if I need a Level III I need to fill out parts K, L, M, N and O. Parts about character references, and where you've traveled outside Canada. If I only need a Level I and II I don't need to fill those sections out..But all they sent me in the mail was the form, nothing to tell me which level I'll need.

So I don't want to fill it out incorrectly...

P-Free said:
The form I got just says if I need a Level III I need to fill out parts K, L, M, N and O. Parts about character references, and where you've traveled outside Canada. If I only need a Level I and II I don't need to fill those sections out..But all they sent me in the mail was the form, nothing to tell me which level I'll need.

So I don't want to fill it out incorrectly...


I would wait until monday and call your CFRC and ask them specificallywhat they require for you to  fill out. I haqve filled out MANY of those forms in my time in the CF and they will never be 100% correct the first try  (in my experience)
Does anybody know why you have to fill out this twice? All of the information on it has already been provided to the CFRC and yet here I am filling out another one. The only difference that I can spot between the two is that this one is asking for everything to be 10 years back when the last one was only five.
You had better get used to filling out the same forms over and over and over and over and over and over again....Its the nature of the military. The main reason may indeed be that there has recently been a change in the format of the security screening sheets used when enrolling in the CF.

argh, that is one thing I'm not looking forward to. I am sitting here going nuts at quarter to one trying to remember the freaking postal code of a place I haven't lived in for six years, among other little nuiciances I just can't remember. Like do they really care that I washed dishes at ABC Country Resturaunt when I was 14?
What it's mostly about is that they want you to be able to account for your activities for a certain period of time. This way, they can investigate whether you have been up to anything untoward in while 'gaps in employment or school'
My recruiting center just photocopied mine for their reference and use...

If you have the same one as I got, there should be 2 pages of instructions on how to fill it out, and under the section for past addresses it just says you only need postal code for current address and others IF YOU KNOW IT..

Be as thorough as possible, make sure there are NO gaps between any of your activities in the last 10 years. The difference between the 5 year and the ten year is lvl II secret, and lvl III Top Secret.

if you were out of a job for a few months between job, write it down..make sure you're thorough and follow instructions to the letter...any discrepancies can add WEEKS onto your security clearance process
If you remember anything from this thread..once you have you're security clearance form filled and ready to hand in,


It makes it a lot easier when you need to do a security update...just pull up the old form, and add any new info
Sorry I have a few questions:

Would corrections on the form add a delay?   Would white out be looked upon as suspicious?

I will be attending the Naval Electronic Sensor Operator Qualification 3 course...since it says 'Qualification 3 course' does that mean that this is one of the trades that have a Level III?
Gunner_Pyza said:
Sorry I have a few questions:

Would corrections on the form add a delay?   Would white out be looked upon as suspicious?

I will be attending the Naval Electronic Sensor Operator Qualification 3 course...since it says 'Qualification 3 course' does that mean that this is one of the trades that have a Level III?

No Qualification 3 is your first trades course and that name has nothing to do with your sec level..I Don't know what sec level your trade needs, I'd ask one of the naval types on the forums.

Corrections won't add a delay, in fact they'll prevent one...make sure all information is as accurate as possible

Edit: Grammar