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EME Cap Badge at CFSEME


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Hi ya'll, a quick question

What do QL3 students wear as a cap badge at CFSEME. Do they wear the "EME" cap badge, the "Cornflake"?

Thanks in advance.
If you've completed your EME COMMON Training ...you wear your eme cap badge
actually,That rule was changed(reg force atleast).Any pers who is on PRETC from the EME trades now is issued thier capbadge as soon as they arrive at Borden.
ive been told by a guy that works there that its not until after they finish the QL3 trianing dont know if it has taken affect..
When I arrived in Borden,the school still controlled the PAT plt.The rule was at that time was you had to complete your CET before you were allowed to put up your capbadge.Once we all were moved to PRETC(Post Recruit Education and Training Center)they started issuing capbadges to all EME PATS regardless of trained level(complete with a 2 hour parade on the Lundy Lane parade square).This trend continued until I left the school in 04.Talking to a good friend who just arrived in Borden for QL3 weapons(reg),she as well was just given her capbadge upon arrival in PRETC.There was a rumor that you had to complete any trade course(BDT,airbrakes,POET),but after talking to her,I get the impression that the rumor fell through.If this has changed since last week,I would appreciate if anyone can correct me on this manner.
My initial post was not meant to be rude or ignorant.Any who felt that it was meant as such,I apologize.
Well, I'm an FCS Tech in Borden right now, and Ive been here for 3 weeks and dont have my EME cap badge. As a matter of fact, my roommate has been here for about 5 months still doesnt have his cap badge, so I think it has something to do with finishing courses. I dont know yet, but when I do, I will post some facts.
I just started PRETC last friday and i was told that you don't get an EME badge until you start MOC training. I'm an FCS Tech and as far as i know, the next FCS Tech course doesn't start for me until next year and they (B COY) don't even know when it starts
Hey arclite,

I'm an FCS tech awaiting training in PRETC, what dates do you have for your courses? Or do you have yours yet?
I leave for SQ on May 24, back July 15, and leave for POET a month later to come back on March 3, 2006. If it makes you feel any better, I dont have a course date for my MOC either, but Im sure it will come sooner or later.

mrosseker said:
Well, I'm an FCS Tech in Borden right now, and Ive been here for 3 weeks and dont have my EME cap badge. As a matter of fact, my roommate has been here for about 5 months still doesnt have his cap badge, so I think it has something to do with finishing courses. I dont know yet, but when I do, I will post some facts.

Rebadging occurs upon completion of QL3 training. They changed that when I was just on my out of Borden.
They give your EME badge at the end of you CETT, Thats why I'm still walking around with my Bellmoral.
Not much has changed over the years, and as much buggery as it seems, those given the cap badge at PRETC will probably have to take it down. This has been an issue since I started in the branch back in 1990. We had our EME (LORE) cap badges issued right after POET, but had to take them down because we had not completed EME Common (CET). We as a course fought, but lost. We were re-presented the cap badge at the end of EME Common, which just happened to coincide with the "bringing back" of the horse.
Hang in there and you will have the honour of knowing that you earned your cap badge, such as most of the combat arms do, and didn't just have it "issued." like the airforce, navy, jimmies and logistics wogs. You will wear it with pride.
Any of you know a dude named Quirke? I have him in my shop for some good OJT. He is out of control !

Arte et Marte

EO Tech by trade,
FCS Tech at heart.
Yeah like stated RES after completeing BMQ,SQ, driver wheel and EME COMON core get to ware the eme capbadege. As a reg force you do not get ur cap tell u are done your QL3 which is not right
I don't know if my reserve unit has made a mistake but I just finished my BMQ in the summer and was going to take my SQ right afterwards (but I was Med RTU'ed from the course for poison ivy), but I was presented with my capbadgeat my units first exercise.
My husband got presented with his capbadge in April upon finishing his CET. Up to then he was required to wear his Arty capbadge.
CFSEME, and the schools seem to have their own policies, and none of them are consistant with the other.
I was on vehicle coy's PAT platoon for 2 weeks wearing my infantry badge. I was 2 weeks into my core training when they told us to go to the tailors and get the ponies put on our berets.  I've heard other courses have had to wait till after their 3's; like I said,..........no one is consistant.
Was there ever a metal EME cap badge, when did the metal ones disappear?
There still is a metal cap badge. You wear it with your CF's.

It's good to see that the issuing of the cap badge is the same as it was when we got the horse back, different for every course coming through.  :P

Note: Be a little gently with it when you get it. Depending on how yours is sodered together, sometimes they fall apart. I went through a couple of them.

Questions: Regimental Coy is gone now, right? It's just SQ? Is the history of the Corp being taught at the schools now? Where do you learn MRT drills now? (haven't been to Borden in a while, can you tell?  ;))
Regimental is still around and different from when I went through. They still teach the basics, but have shied away alot form the Army stuff. It's a shame.