I am really amazed at the amount of discussion that this topic has brought forward
. Obviously we all know that the 280's require replacement and coupled with the vast number of military contractors, there are multiple options that could be thrown on the table for a replacement
I believe that "
ships that can do more with fewer personnel" is a concept that has been thrown around in the past and this obviously is something to consider. Mind you this ship must be able to handle a limited number of training billets, staff billets and maintain the ability and numbers to still be able to perform boardings. So I think that it should be able to steam with 125-150 personnel, but be able to handle up to 275-300 personnel with staff and two complete boarding teams embarked.
Although it would be nice to have a dual-hanger configuration, only one helicopter would be required. With the JSS coming on line, 2nd line maintenance could be performed on that class of ship rather than this ship. Besides, dual hanger creates a top heavy ship... which we currently have and call a 280!
With all the above being mentioned, we also have to maintain focus that Canada
are strong leaders in the ASW world as well as being able to hold their own in the other areas of nautical warfare. Obviously this ship should be able to accomplish those tasks as well.
With the newer technologies being made available, it seems to be easier to do more with less personnel... although training for these personnel becomes very long. This is just sign of the times.
Looking at the issue of a "
Greener Military" where you have the Combat Arms occupying positions on the ground and then all other parts of the military are there to support those forces, I think that NGS should be an option to look at as well.
Like Ex-Dragoon said, lets stick with the main discussion as I think this one has brought about many good ideas...