All right,
Lets say that I'm wrong with the "lower standards" thing. By the way I don't want to insult anyone, and I know for a fact that we probably have the best professionals in the world. For the record, none of the guys that where cough for drugs in Esquimalt where geniuses.
I guest I was under the wrong assumption that the problem was at a larger scale then it is. It seems to me that 10 years ago we would never hear about drugs. There was maybe the odd incident once in a while. Now, just when I was at Nellies, we add at least 3 guys in my allway that where doing it. One girl told me she ad done it a few times, but it was not a big deal cause she did not do it anymore. The issue was, in my opinion, that she did not see anything wrong with this because it was casual. I then ask her about her friends, she then said that she was not going to say anything cause her friends would not do it on the ship, you know they are not stupid.
So I apologize if I made this sound maybe to general, maybe it's just worst in Esquimalt. We add a meeting with the Admiral and we got to talk a bit about this issue. They have the best intentions in the world, and they are really pushing with the "zero tolerance". Then one Chief asked "how come we can't just kick them out when we catch them?". Then the Admiral was kind of unease, he add no reassuring answer to this question. Something to do with an office in Ottawa for release, they are over loaded with paperwork! They presented us a drug sniffing dog and did a demonstration. Maybe they tough it would scare the people doing it. I guest the next week, when they told us that they can't really legally use the dog kind a put a dent into the whole dog thing!
I'm just concern, that's all. The people that are doing it seem not effraid at all of the consequences. You know what they say now these days between OS. "Make sure your uniform is ready cause you will get in trouble big time. And if they think it's not up to standard, tell them you add to go for a fix and then they leave you alone."
But like the other posts are saying, drug as been around forever, it's not worst here than anywhere else. No offence to the other guys, I read some of your other post, you guys are all great. I understand your points of view, I also agree with them. Maybe I'm over reacting. Let's just hope my life of yours will never depend on someone on drugs!
all stations, this is navy-nesop, out!