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Don't take this the wrong way but...


Sr. Member
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I can't wait to start BMQ and be able to relax.

Before you either shake your head, laugh your ass off at me, or blow a gasket... this is what I'm referring to.

Getting a solid 6 hours of sleep.  (as opposed to the constantly interrupted 6-7 I get now)
Eating meals while they're hot-ish. (as opposed to having to reheat repeatedly)
Not having to wipe anyone's nose or other area (other than my own - barring any unforeseen circumstances)
Completing a task without a child attached to my leg.

And in my own sick little way, I'm looking forward to my husband taking on the single parent duties.
And no more screaming and crying...

...oh wait  :-\

But I can't wait either!
Forgot one

-Won't have anyone pawing at my boobs either.  :P
MedTech said:
You're... kidding... right?

Of course without pictures it would be hard to argue one way or another.......
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Of course without pictures it would be hard to argue one way or another.......

ok ok I'll rephrase... I won't have anyone pawing at my boobs AS MUCH.....  ;D
Lil_T said:
I can't wait to start BMQ and be able to relax.

Before you either shake your head, laugh your *** off at me, or blow a gasket... this is what I'm referring to.

Getting a solid 6 hours of sleep.  (as opposed to the constantly interrupted 6-7 I get now)
Eating meals while they're hot-ish. (as opposed to having to reheat repeatedly)
Not having to wipe anyone's nose or other area (other than my own - barring any unforeseen circumstances)
Completing a task without a child attached to my leg.

And in my own sick little way, I'm looking forward to my husband taking on the single parent duties.

Just to warn you, I definately didn't get a solid 6 hours sleep once during the first 8 weeks.  It was more often 4.5 to 5.25 hours sleep with no chance to catch up on sleep. I can guarantee you no one was well rested on my basic training course - including the parents who were accustomed to being woken up lots at home. Sleep deprivation was one of the hardest parts of basic for everyone that was going through it while I was there.  I went through Basic in Borden so maybe St. Jean is a little easier when it comes to getting sleep but I doubt it.
Indeed.  That being said, 4.5-5 hours of sleep sounds great.
The only suggestion I can make about sleep during a recruit course is....
Take every chance you get - to nod off & sleep.
A lot of newbies are away from home for the 1st time - they have ants in their pants and want to do all sorts of things all the time... so sleep isn't on their agenda... even though it should.
Oh sleep will totally be on the agenda....  it's that whole, "when in doubt, rack out" thing right?

Years ago, had a bunch of recruits that would pull out their little gameboys the minute the Platoon went to ground... they would zone out on these things.. problem was that, at nighttime - if on sentry or on patrol.... they would be 100% useless.  After a fiasco on the 1st night, I took away all their batteries... they went to ground & napped.
Be honest... I love going to work with the night shift. No screaming new born.... but the puretty sound of my plow truck... Pretty Sterling...

I remember being so sleep F**ked one time after the field.. I got into my car.. lean forward.. push a button and sat there. I sat in a daze thinking for the longest time why my car didn't start.. next thing I know my cigarette lighter just pop! Yeah I know I drove the MLVW too much then... Gives me the shakes thinking about it.

Now who hasn't done the lighter deal before?
not I - but I have fallen asleep in accounting class, in front of the professor, drooling on my text book.  epic. fail.