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Domestic Terrorism/Public Attacks on CAF Personnel

Jarnhamar said:
So it's very very different circumstances because these soldiers were simply able to defend themselves and didn't die (not for lack of effort)?  You're back pedaling.
nailed it on the head mate.

When soldiers are dead, people are angry, worried, ect, one does not have the luxury to wait around and say that they are waiting for all the facts to come in.

When people are wounded, with non life threatening injuries, it buys one a little time.

Again, if it's just a god freak wacko who is bi polar is it really the time to go on about fighting terrorists? Probably not?

So let's wait and see if it is a god freak wacko who is bi polar. If not, go on about fighting terrorists
Jed said:
Sigh...  I guess, Altair you sure wouldn't want be be accused of erring on the side of your fellow CAF members at the expense of some poor down trodden miscreant.
If it's a mental patient,  no good comes from bashing them. It's just sad.

If not, throw the book at him, and in the case of the soldiers at the RC, a lot more. 

Sorry if I don't go for the knee jerk reaction with little to no facts coming in at this time.
Altair said:
Kinda weird to get all raging mad about a mental patient.

Who said he is a mental patient?  No one.  Well, actually you did in this quote.  No one else is.

Not saying that he is, but let's make sure he's not.

You actual did say he is a mental patient.  In the quote.  Just above here.  Read it again.  Start a rumour, repeat it until someone states it as fact.

I noticed you couldn't take a moment to say "I'm glad no CAF members were more seriously wounded or killed" or "hopes for a full and speedy recovery", something along that line.

Aren't you a CAF member? 
Eye In The Sky said:
Who said he is a mental patient?  No one.  Well, actually you did in this quote.  No one else is.

You actual did say he is a mental patient.  In the quote.  Just above here.  Read it again.  Start a rumour, repeat it until someone states it as fact.

I noticed you couldn't take a moment to say "I'm glad no CAF members were more seriously wounded or killed" or "hopes for a full and speedy recovery", something along that line.

Aren't you a CAF member?
should I have phrased that differently? OK,  how about if he is a mental patient, which he may or may not be, it would be weird for the goverment to go on about terrorists when they could be dealing with someone with mental illness?

Sorry. Didn't pass my online sensitivity training class at basic.
Altair said:
If it's a mental patient,  no good comes from bashing them. It's just sad.

If not, throw the book at him, and in the case of the soldiers at the RC, a lot more. 

Sorry if I don't go for the knee jerk reaction with little to no facts coming in at this time.

Throw the book at the troops from the Recruiting Center?  For defending themselves from a knife-welding attacker who had already tried to kill someone?

This is a serious question; have you ever had anyone try to stab you with a knife, I mean really really no-bullshit try to drive a knife into your body?

I have.  You don't think, you react.  You do what you have to do to stop the mo-fo from driving that blade into whatever part they are going for.  In my case, it was my neck/head/throat. 

You so casually dismiss any and all things, with a toss of your hand and quick judgement.  You always have the "DS solution". 

Consider what your reaction and thoughts would be if this happened to someone you cared about, maybe that will help envision what it is like to be in a life and death situation.  The perfect ending is the one you aren't leaking your juices all over the place when all is said and done.
Eye In The Sky said:
Throw the book at the troops from the Recruiting Center? For defending themselves from a knife-welding attacker who had already tried to kill someone?
The attacker.

Altair said:
Sorry. Didn't pass my online sensitivity training class at basic.

Fake bravado in the place of concern for 2 people who got hurt by someone coming at them with a knife;  classy.

Dude, take a few minutes to think about what message you are portraying.  You aren't impressing anyone with talk like that. 


At the very least, consider stopping the rhetoric you are spreading in this thread from this thread.  It is in poor taste in my opinion.
Eye In The Sky said:
Throw the book at the troops from the Recruiting Center?  For defending themselves from a knife-welding attacker who had already tried to kill someone?

This is a serious question; have you ever had anyone try to stab you with a knife, I mean really really no-bullshit try to drive a knife into your body?

I have.  You don't think, you react.  You do what you have to do to stop the mo-fo from driving that blade into whatever part they are going for.  In my case, it was my neck/head/throat. 

You so casually dismiss any and all things, with a toss of your hand and quick judgement.
  You always have the "DS solution". 

Consider what your reaction and thoughts would be if this happened to someone you cared about, maybe that will help envision what it is like to be in a life and death situation.  The perfect ending is the one you aren't leaking your juices all over the place when all is said and done.

A good question to bring reality into these situations. It is not like you see in some TV show. People do matter. Especially people who are on your side like family or CAF members.
Eye In The Sky said:
Throw the book at the troops from the Recruiting Center?  For defending themselves from a knife-welding attacker who had already tried to kill someone?

This is a serious question; have you ever had anyone try to stab you with a knife, I mean really really no-bullshit try to drive a knife into your body?

I have.  You don't think, you react.  You do what you have to do to stop the mo-fo from driving that blade into whatever part they are going for.  In my case, it was my neck/head/throat. 

You so casually dismiss any and all things, with a toss of your hand and quick judgement.  You always have the "DS solution". 

Consider what your reaction and thoughts would be if this happened to someone you cared about, maybe that will help envision what it is like to be in a life and death situation.  The perfect ending is the one you aren't leaking your juices all over the place when all is said and done.

:goodpost:  Milpoints inbound.
Eye In The Sky said:
Fake bravado in the place of concern for 2 people who got hurt by someone coming at them with a knife;  classy.

Dude, take a few minutes to think about what message you are portraying.  You aren't impressing anyone with talk like that. 


At the very least, consider stopping the rhetoric you are spreading in this thread from this thread.  It is in poor taste in my opinion.
to each their own.
jollyjacktar said:
:goodpost:  Milpoints inbound.
a great post. Loved it actually.

If only he had gotten the proper context of what I was saying.
The context of your post (re: throw more than the book at the RC types) I did mistake, but it wouldn't have changed much of my post.  I still find it alittle disconcerting that you see it as 'they were only stabbed' and never honestly thought to so much as wish them a full recovery.

So, mistaken context aside (I was glad to read you didn't mean the law should come after them), the rest of my thoughts remain the same.  Sometimes the little things we do are what make us big.  In the case of wounded CAF members, even without knowing them personally, taking a second to give them best wishes can be a little big thing.  It reminds us of the greater family we are all welcomed into and a part of, whether we embrace or reject it.
Altair said:
If only he had gotten the proper context of what I was saying.

If only you had expressed yourself clearly. I, too, took it the same way as others have.
First off, re:  any suggestion that they were "only stabbed", I echo the WTF's already shared.
George Wallace said:
Yet the Federal Government's only comment is that this is an "incident".  It seems that they are afraid to mentiont the "T" word for fear of panicking the Sheeple.
Maybe, or maybe this?
George Wallace said:
I am sure that they will investigate every minute detail of his life leading up to this event to determine his relationships.  A professional mental health assessment will also be made as to his faculties. 

So, before you just brush it off as "your average crazy dude", let's wait and see what the investigators and Doctors determine. 
For the record, here's the latest from the info-machine @ this point (also attached in case the link doesn't work for you):
The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, made the following statement:

“I am aware of the incident at the Canadian Forces Recruitment Centre in Toronto. While it is premature to comment as an investigation is on-going, the information the RCMP has at this point suggests this is an isolated incident and that there is no imminent threat to public safety. Canadians can be assured that their police and security agencies are fully engaged and are discharging their responsibilities. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.”


And we have another government comment, via Twitter, less than an hour old as of this post:
Canadians - and the @CanadianForces - will not be intimidated by terror & hate. May the CAF members injured yesterday make a full recovery.
Post edited to add the French version ...
Ni les Canadiens, ni @ForcesCanada ne seront intimidés par la terreur et la haine. Bon rétablissement aux membres des FAC blessés hier.
Altair said:
Depends on the motivation.

Whether he hates western society or has  voices in his head telling him to do things.

I trust that every aspect of his life is being looked through and security services will know soon enough.

Ok, I'll lessen it to assualt and attempted assualt with a deadly weapon.  Whether it was in regards to a relgious vendetta, drug money, or insanity; I don't think motive matters.  To me an incident is Jay walking.