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does steven harper have a secret plan for the military?

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there's been some real shady business going down lately in ottawa. harper is doing everything he can to get a majority. i even think he put in motion the plan to unite the left as apart of a master scheme and so far things are playing out his way. he knew by releasing a crappy budget that the left wouldn't support it, would try and band together, which would anger most canadians, which would cause another election, and with the left voting public upset with the merging of their parties, they will probably not vote...in tern giving the PC a stronger vote, and obtains the majority this way. then giving him the power to act without consent from the others

-so my big question. with the release of the 480 billion dollar canada first defense strategy, which was announced under the radar....what is he up to?
-he says we're out of the gahn by 2011, but then what? maybe relieving US troops in iraq so obama can move them in where we just left?
-beef us up for a move to take a leadership roll with troops on the ground in darfur?
-maybe giving canada more bite, to be a world player, which would mean more combat rolls as apposed to the softer, weaker, peacekeeping rolls

I'm starting to think the reason why he's not too concerned about keeping us in the a-stan is because we were only there to get practice for something else
Britain and the usa are both stretched militarily, both using their reserve and guard units actively, and here's us, sitting on 20,000 reservists, just sitting around. i don't think we're running off to go start a war, but i think we may be going to help our allies fight more in the wars that are already going on.

-what do you guys think?

That you should capitilize more and do some reading on the site..........until then this is locked.
By request I'm opening this up and putting it into Radio Chatter..........I know I'll regret this. :-\
The microwaves are expecially strong today....bzzt-bzzt
Because I have no doubt in my military mind that this is somewhat of a troll post.....

I'm curious as to what you would have the 20,000 or so reservists that are just sitting around doing? What type of role do you see us reservist bench warmers  ::) playing on the world military stage?

I think that as Bruce stated earlier, some research might be in order. Afghanistan is hardly 'practice' in the sense of the word - perhaps saying that Afghanistan is gaining 'experience' in a mixed counter-insurgency campaign would have been more in order. What do you see as being 'the big show' ?

Please check out the following website if you believe you are being scanned or manipulated by the Harper gov't.


Have a nice day! :pop:
Earlier I sent him a PM, and not a nasty one, but a bit direct hoping for him to learn, and I got a big blast of shyte back. He won't be back, or so he told me, as said everyone on this website 'were retarded', and it was going to be the last time he was on.

Here is just a small tidbit of the abuse I copped  QUOTE :warstory: "this will be my first and last posting on your ridiculous site, because it's clearly infested with retards like yourself"  :warstory: UNQUOTE

He did tell me he was a reservist with 11 yrs TI, and an infantryman.  His language, the calibre of his grammer, and overall demeanor expressed in his PM tell me otherwise.

Anyways, not our problem.


He'll be back Wes. He won't be able to let it die.

Please see http://zapatopi.net/afdb/

He's scanning you right now!
HollywoodHitman said:
He'll be back Wes. He won't be able to let it die.

Poacher - Last Active:  Today ( 07 Jan 09) at 00:05:05  - note times are Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)


And this was reopened for what reason?

It seems to me that it was reopened just so people could crap on the poster in open form.  Nice to see it is encouraged to do so.  To bad us sometime posters are given warnings for doing the same thing.
Dude, it's radio chatter, and frankly this was an inflammatory post. It'd have been interesting to see what some of the reasoning and responses were. One thing that seems to get overlooked is that sometimes it's ok to have a conversation go off the rails a little bit.  The guy didn't take the bait, so clearly Wes' points to him in PM hit home.

If nothing else, anyone who read the post found out where to get an anti mind control hat.
Harley Sailor said:
And this was reopened for what reason?

It seems to me that it was reopened just so people could crap on the poster in open form.  Nice to see it is encouraged to do so.  To bad us sometime posters are given warnings for doing the same thing.

To not unlock it, some would say it was censorship. You can't please everyone.

The only reason IMHO it was locked in the first place was the use of MSN speak.

At the end of the day, its just someone's opinion, silly it may be, there has been much worse posted.

Time for a rum, Harley, and a dark Lambs Navy at that.


poacher said:
-so my big question. with the release of the 480 billion dollar canada first defense strategy, which was announced under the radar....what is he up to?

Canada First Defense Strategy. Yep, this one was so under the radar you knew the name. Just because a press conference is called, and the press throw this one to page ten below the fold, does not mean the government was not transparent. If you want to blame some one for the lack of fireworks,  neon signs and loudspeakers, feel free to blame properly the press... Mind you, I felt the coverage was more then adequate ( your knowledge of the strategy proves my point).

-he says we're out of the gahn by 2011, but then what? maybe relieving US troops in iraq so obama can move them in where we just left?

Useless, ignorant and baseless supposition...

-beef us up for a move to take a leadership roll with troops on the ground in darfur?

If we were to go to Sudan, you can bet we will have to take a combat force with us, as no one there will accept us with open arms.

-maybe giving canada more bite, to be a world player, which would mean more combat rolls as apposed to the softer, weaker, peacekeeping rolls

Baseless, and useless speculation.

I'm starting to think the reason why he's not too concerned about keeping us in the a-stan is because we were only there to get practice for something else

More speculation. Where are you getting this stuff?

Britain and the usa are both stretched militarily, both using their reserve and guard units actively, and here's us, sitting on 20,000 reservists, just sitting around.

Not only is this baseless and ignorant speculation, but as a Reservist who has been to Afghanistan, who currently has some of his troops, as Reservists in Afghanistan, I can say with absolute certainty, that your statement is false... Given the rest of your pedantic rant, I would argue that it is possibly purposely false, namely you are engaging in a form of propaganda called misinformation.

i don't think we're running off to go start a war, but i think we may be going to help our allies fight more in the wars that are already going on.

-what do you guys think?

I think you need to go on into listening mode. Stop talking for a while, and spend the next couple of days reading the threads on this forum.

First, for those of us in uniform, understand that we are supposed to be apolitical... Drop the "Harper is a meanie" garbage.

Second, if your purpose is to troll here, you will find the audience here tires of trolls quickly, and ultimately, after a couple of nibbles, you will be completely ignored...

If your intent is to engage in honest discussion, then bravo... You started off on the wrong foot, but then we all occasionally do that. Take my advice above, stop talking for a while, and just read the pages. Formulate informed, intelligent questions and come back. Also, take note of the moderator's direction, and learn the basics of the English language, or at least employ the skills you learned from grade one on.

The folks here do tolerate dissenting views... They do not tolerate ignorant trolls though.

poacher said:
-what do you guys think? 

I would have been willing to listen to more if there were some sort of actual query involved.  It reads more like "here's the conspiracy Im accusing you of, did I get it right" ?

Overwatch Downunder said:
To not unlock it, some would say it was censorship. You can't please everyone.
The only reason IMHO it was locked in the first place was the use of MSN speak.
At the end of the day, its just someone's opinion, silly it may be, there has been much worse posted.
Time for a rum, Harley, and a dark Lambs Navy at that.

I took your advice Wes and had a few Dark and Dirties last night; a bit of the Captain, as we say.

As I seen it, to lock it was to say that we don't want that type of foolishness around here.  To leave it open was to invite the type of degrading comments that came.

It is nice to finely see some constructive comments

HollywoodHitman said:
Dude, it's radio chatter, and frankly this was an inflammatory post. It'd have been interesting to see what some of the reasoning and responses were. One thing that seems to get overlooked is that sometimes it's ok to have a conversation go off the rails a little bit.  The guy didn't take the bait, so clearly Wes' points to him in PM hit home.

If nothing else, anyone who read the post found out where to get an anti mind control hat.

Please don't get me wrong, I love to read when posts sometimes go off the rail a little bit.  I've just noticed that some can get away with it more then others.
HS, no worries. Sometimes skin can get thin on here and sometime mods have a bad day too. I 'warned' for making a self depricating post a few weeks ago regarding the reserves...and I are one.

Anyway, noone said anything truly nasty to the guy. If someone is going to come on here and post inflammatory, troll like posts, if they've got their FAQ's straight, then they should really expect to be shown the link to the tinfoil hat.


I'll give you a chance to tighten the tinfoil and promote your conspiracy theory. Guess why it's locked this time?

Milnet.ca Staff
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