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Does online criticism violate one's right to free speech, split from: Re: Physical Fitness

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hm perhaps perhaps not. I should just stop writing posts on things since everything i write about is wrong, even though there is no answer that is wrong. I feel like my rights, under Section 1(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the violation of the security of the person is being violated. Im a law student and this is how i feel. One may think I'm some stupid 17 year old that doesn't know anything. Surprisinly, I do know alot of things, more then most think. Im apologize if this is wrong, to say how I feel, then you people dont exactly have empathy of how people feel. Again I apologize if I have inconvenitently caused this website hardships, as it has caused me. Hmm. I should stop talking because no gives a crap. Thats the way the world is, isn't i?

  -Pte. Allen- :threat:

Reading the responses to this post   :o  are going to make my day.  Fire away boys and girls...   :threat:
So you are a law student and know your rights. Good.

You also have the right to leave this privately owned and operated military oriented site.

The discussions here become political because of the majority of the membership who are, in case you haven't figured it out yet, in either the Canadian Forces, US Forces, or another foreign service.

No one is keeping you here.

You are here because of your free will to join up, agree to the Guidelines located here in case you didn't fully read them:


Then you proceeded make a spectacle of yourself and get called on it.

Exercise your right to leave.

The Army.ca Staff

The best thing you can do is spend some time reading the different post that you are interested in  .  According to your file your a very young Pte  in the army most of the people that  post frequently if youtake the time and  read there profiles are extremely experienced members of the Canadian forces or retired members  listen to there experience it may or may not help .      Than in time hopefully you will get a better feel on how to post .       
"It is your RIGHT?"

Excuse me!  You are 17.  You are a Pte in the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment. 

Was it your "right" to join that Regiment?  No, it was not.  You had to meet three Criteria to join this Component of the CF.  You met the Age criteria through the consent of your Parents.  You had no "right" to join the Primary Reserves without that consent. 

You have lots to learn young Miss, so get off your high horse.

As was pointed out; this is a Private Site.  You have the "Privilege" to post here if you follow the Rules as posted by the Site Owner.  You have quoted a Section from the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, so you have obviously read that.  Have you read the Rules of Conduct for this Site?
Pte Allen:

Serious question - are you posting here in your second language (your profile doesn't indicate)?  I ask because your postings follow a pattern of syntax and grammatical error which is not unusual in non-anglos writing in this language.

Your claim to infringement of your right to free speech is a red herring.  This is a privately owned and operated site.  You'll find similar limitations imposed on you in any newspaper, web forum, or other seemingly public space.  In fact I can't think of ANY public space (which this isn't) that allows completely unfettered speech.

For a law student you seem unusually wrapped up with your "feelings" - that's more usually the domain of psychology or arts students.  Where are you studying?

Recce by Death and karl28 gave you some good advice - I won't repeat it.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff

The last thing that I want to do is discourage you from participating on this site, actively or passively, so please bear with me.

I do not think that anybody else bears you any malice either, although it may seem like you're swimming with sharks at times. Trust me, you have yet to see a real feeding frenzy.

The Charter does not apply here. It's a private site, owned by Mike Bobbitt, and not a government one. Think of it as his electronic house, which he has graciously opened up to us, his guests. As worthy guests, we abide by his rules as we would if we were in his real house.

I don't believe that you're stupid, although I might apply terms such as "naive" and "inexperienced". Those labels would have applied just as much to any of the rest of us at your age, too, and I think that most of us are honest enough to comprehend that. Those of us who are older, however, grew up without the hazard of the internet, wherein the youth of today can transmit their natural naivety and inexperience around the planet. Had this means existed during our youth, well...

Most of us are quite conscious of that.

We have had some genuinely stupid and/or obnoxious people post here many times in the past, and you'll see that happen in the future as well. Most end up banned rather quickly. You have not caused any offence or real irritation, so far, and I'd rather help you avoid that.

We all give a crap, or else we wouldn't be doing this job or participating on this site - and I wouldn't be taking the time to type this.

My last post to you was intended as guidance in order to improve your experience here, and possibly in the military as well - purely because I do give a crap.

Please, look around the various fora here. Read previous posts. If you want to know something specific, use the Search Function. Nobody expects you to be an expert on anything, but if you do your research and then ask a question or express an opinion you'll receive a whole lot more respect.

We'd much rather welcome you into our group than push or keep you out, but ultimately that depends upon you.
Seven posts in the time that it took me to type mine - and I look positively gentle by comparison.

Seriously, though, Pte.Allen - for your own good and happiness - suck it up, take the good advice given (as you would/should from all of your NCOs, WOs, and Officers in the real world) to help you grow to your full potential, and soldier on.
pte.allen said:
hm perhaps perhaps not. I should just stop writing posts on things since everything i write about is wrong, even though there is no answer that is wrong. I feel like my rights, under Section 1(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the violation of the security of the person is being violated. Im a law student and this is how i feel. One may think I'm some stupid 17 year old that doesn't know anything. Surprisinly, I do know alot of things, more then most think. Im apologize if this is wrong, to say how I feel, then you people dont exactly have empathy of how people feel. Again I apologize if I have inconvenitently caused this website hardships, as it has caused me. Hmm. I should stop talking because no gives a crap. Thats the way the world is, isn't i?

  -Pte. Allen- :threat:

The more I talk to Young people.. (God I really am getting old by saying crap like that....) the more I start to understand the saying "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing...."  

You’re 17 right? So this is either one of two things....
a) You’re first year university, and barely beginning to scrape the surface of Law Study (I have a friend who has been in university since 2001 for Law and is still not a full blown Lawyer with a practice and all that yet..)
b) You’re a high school senior taking a Law Course at the local high school (meaning you’re learning even less about law)

So either way... you pretty much know Jack on the subject of law... at least not too much more or less then the average layperson on this board... in fact im betting alot less since there are quite a few Military Police, Civilian Police, RCMP, CBSA and Jail/Prison Guards on here.. All of whom have an intimate knowing of the law.

Heck even most senior service members usually know a thing or two about the Charter, and the Code.
So you might want to rethink your first statement about how you feel your rights are being oppressed....

Perhaps no one on your Basic (or Infantry Trade course, if you even have it!) ever told you "We are here to Protect Democracy, not practice it"

So now that we've blown your argument out of the water... where does it leave us?

We certainly haven’t incurred any hardships on your part... Personally, it’s amused the crap outta me.. I always enjoy a sideshow whenever I come onto these boards. And the way I see it you’re running a whole 3 ring circus with your nonsensical huggy feely posts.

There is nothing wrong with having an opinion, but you’ve been so far out of your arcs that you’re putting holes into range control…..

This is not like your typical message board. Army.ca, and its Successor Milnet.ca is a professional board, where professionals post. If you cannot accept that fact then perhaps you should seek out a new place to express your “worldly” opinions.. Does militaryphotos.net still have a board?

At any rate, you need to switch to receive for awhile before you dig yourself into a hole you cant get out of… or not… I really don’t care either way…

And we do have empathy here…. We just care about the people who deserve it… not emo 17 year old Pte’s who feel hard done by because no one here subscribes to their point of view, and calls them on it, when they are wrong.



Listen to loachman... he is being alot nicer then the rest of us... and we havent even turned it on yet.....
Note to all readers:

There is a world of difference between a law student (ie. student at a law school) and one who takes a course in law in high school.  At the ripe old age of 17, I'll let you guess to which group Pte. Allen belongs.

Pte Allen:

Please think carefully before uttering your thoughts vis-a-vis constitutionality of online criticism.   You do not have any constitutionally protected rights here.  That being said, I think you will find that people here genuinely do 'give a crap'.  You will learn as much as you want to but it will require you to read carefully and ask questions.  To be honest, you don't have enough experience to have an opinion yet.
pte.allen said:
I feel like my rights, under Section 1(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the violation of the security of the person is being violated. Im a law student and this is how i feel.


Ok, who is this for real.  Journeyman, is that you???
pte.allen said:
Im apologize if this is wrong, to say how I feel, then you people dont exactly have empathy of how people feel.

Pte Allen,

The fact of the matter is soldiers have a tendency to be a bit more harsh on others, especially when they are either being critiqued by someone who is "out of their lane" of expertise. As for empathy, speaking from personal experience, soldiers feel it and find strength in the bonds that tie each other together in the service.

You have just started in the reserves and you'll discover this soon enough.

Again I apologize if I have inconvenitently caused this website hardships, as it has caused me. Hmm. I should stop talking because no gives a crap.

Wrong again. The fact that so many members and moderators have responded to you speaks volumes.

I suggest you suck back, reload, do some reading and become better acquainted with the site and how it operates.

Wow, you're a Law student eh? Well... since you're obviously head and shoulders above me, I'll merely ask for your concurrence for what I am about to say. Since I'm a Criminology Student and Charter violations is all I study about in my Criminal Law and Procedure&Evidence classes, not to mention I fear of violating it everytime I arrested someone, lets take it from the top shall we?

First of all, you shouldn't stop writing here on the post. That's NOT what we, as a collective whole is insinuating. What we're trying to tell you, and have been trying to do so unsuccessfully is to educate you, and to teach you that shooting off at the mouth about things you have little experience about is NOT a good thing. From your posts, and your age I'll take a stab that you're a Pte(R). You've gone to a weekend BMQ or are still going to one. You find the forces something interesting, and you're idol worshiping. Sure you've got a great brother.

The point we're trying to make with you is this, and this is in PLAIN ENGLISH: It's nice to have an opinion, however before giving such opinion, consider your experience with the CF, and your life experience in general. The problem with most young people such as yourself is that they don't listen. I was there once. But the ones we find generally on here take it to the extreme end. Maybe it's the generation you were brought up in, I don't know, maybe it's all that radiation from the computers, but you will have to WAKE UP, SHUT UP, and SMELL THE JAVA soon. You are approaching to the age where your interaction with ANYONE will dictate and let people form an opinion about you. Currently your status here isn't very high. We have all been at one point or another in your shoes, some of us may have never trotted there on this forum, but most of us have. We've all learned, it's time you should too.

Okay... now your quotation of the Charter. You've just made me dig through my backpack, so bare with me. This is the most up to date version of the Criminal Code of Canada by Thomson Carswell: Pocket Criminal Code 2008 ed. which inludes Forms of Charges I mind you.

Charter of Rights and Freedom...WAKE UP there is no s.1(b) of the Charter! Oops... I guess you started off on the wrong foot there. What you wanted was Section 2 sub-paragraph b or as commonly written by those of us who are in the Law field s.2(b) of the Charter. So what does that section say? Well first of all it says this:

Charter of Rights and Freedom

s.2: Fundamental Freedoms
:Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

  (b):: freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.

That's the section you want. Your quote about security of the person is s.7 of the Charter. Want to know what it says? I do. But you're going to have to look that up, because obviously you need a little work on your Charter Rights.

So everyone already explained to you why s.7 didn't apply to you, so I'm not going to go there again. How's this I'll apply it to the context you were talking about, which was bullying you in the form of enforcement. Since you're a Law Student and sooooo much higher then my lowly education in Criminology, you must know about the s.24 test of the Charter right?

Well, look it up because I'm not going to spoon feed someone with the calibre such as yourself. It's not often we're graced by the presence of a Law Student. S.24(1) will establish whether or not there was a Charter Violation. In this case no on denied your freedoms under s.7 because they don't apply, and no one violated your s.2(b) rights because despite what people may think we still allowed you to carry on with your ramblings.

So since s.24(1) passed the test, how about s.24(2) well lets see... was evidence obtained in a manner against you? Um... no. Okay, was your rights and freedoms violated? Again... no. Last test for this section! Would the admission of this evidence.... wait... we're not talking about violations here are we? That's right we're not, because the sections you've cited are NONE applicable. Not to mention you have no dealings criminally with this site. You came here of your own free will... feel free to leave.

What I've come to the conclusion from your little Charter escapade is that not only are you, immature but also a liar. You are not a law student, so please don't pass yourself off as one. We frown on people passing themselves off as things they're not on here. How's that for a reality check?

You are a 17yrs old who knows little to nothing about how the world actually functions. Because you do not. Please don't toy with us, because we've got better things to do with our time. If you really think I didn't care then I wouldn't have replied to your ramblings about nothing. I would move on, shake my head and get on with my day. Because I care that's why I'm talking to you.

From my own little rambling you'll see that no matter WHAT you think, someone will always know MORE then you do about certain things. THAT is life and THAT is the world young grasshopper. We here at Milnet are not evil closed minded people, but we don't like to be looked down upon, and especially by someone who has less time in life then our collective time in the field (which I am a VERY minor contributor of).

Read on Pte. Allen. THINK prior to engaging your keyboard. You are a member of the CF not by RIGHT but by CHOICE. You have earned the title to call yourself a Private, it's not a RIGHT it's EARNED. Very little in life are RIGHTS, get that through your head RIGHT NOW, and it'll save you much grief in the future. My best holiday wishes to you. Stick around and you'll see what we mean. We do care, I care. If not you'll not be seeing this from me.

Folks, good show, now lets ease up and see how Pte. Allan decides to respond.

This could go good or bad.......
As everyone has responded to my post that I wrote, I begin to understand what you all wrote. However, I fail to undertsand how I am "[u]Emo[/u]". As you have all recommended, I am attempting to read about this site. Another quotation I would like to point out that one member said, "  Im immature and a liar" perhaps yes, I am immature in some aspects of my life; however, not the entirety of it. I did not "lie" about the section I was talking about. My law book must be older because that was the section it said. Thank-you all for your, I guess, positive critiscism. As I am going to "suck" up everything you all said. Yes I may not know everything. But its just that. I do know some. I did not; however, say I knew everything. Which no one  I know, knows everything. I am sorry for not: saying what I mean and mean what I say. Thank-you all.

  -Pte. Allen- :cdn:
Good, now maybe work on more reading, as you stated, and less posting.

Merry Christmas.
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