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Does it matter?


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I have searched every topic to try to find an answer to this question and I have found little snippits that do answer certain parts of it so I decided to make a topic.

My question is, is there any advantages to being in different regiments and/or batallions with regards to the type of training you can get? I am going to be station at one of the PPCLI batallions and I know that airborne troops are in the 3rd PPCLI. Does that mean if I'm put in the 1st or 2nd PPCLI does that mean I am out of luck to join the airborne, or is it just harder, or does it not make a difference at all?
Same goes with training like the CSOR which, correct me if I'm wrong, is done in Petawawa. Is there a better chance of being chosen to go through selection if your station at the base of the training?

I am really just wondering because I was given this information from someone who doesn't have any experience in the military, its just hearsay, I wanted to get some information here before I ask my recruiter. I was going to re-badge during my BMQ (which will be starting in 2 weeks for me in Borden) to RCR because I was told there is a better chance at being chosen to go through selection for CSOR by being stationed there. And seing on how CSOR, and really JTF-2 is my long term goal, I want to get the best advantage as I can before being stationed.

Thanks in advance.
Get in first and pass a few courses...a few years under your belt will help too.

CSOR and JTF do not limit their scope to just Pet so you can relax on that.

IIRC both organizations require you to have at least 4 years in before applying.

Hope that helps a bit.

The answer to all of your questions is no. Make it to the battalion first, and you will learn more later.

"does that mean I am out of luck to join the airborne" I assume you mean do Basic Para, otherwise you're a few years too late. Again, that's after you actually get to the unit. Don't worry about any of that stuff until you are a qualified Patricia.
danteh said:
I am really just wondering because I was given this information from someone who doesn't have any experience in the military, its just hearsay,

If the mailman offers me advice on how to fly the space shuttle, I'll probably pass on it.  You might want to do the same with advice on the military from someone who was never in the CF.  :)

I was going to re-badge during my BMQ (which will be starting in 2 weeks for me in Borden) to RCR

Just a small point.  You can request to rebadge from PPCLI to The RCR, but you may not get it.  Just so you know, it is not a given.
I think there might have been a misinterpatation on what I meant. I wasn't specifically talking about SOF or Para. Although, yes, they are my main goal, but I am well aware of the timeframe to get where I want.

What I meant was are there courses in general that only specific regiments and/or batallions can do?

For example, can only someone placed in 3PPCLI get advanced para? Or can anyone in any batallion get it after meeting the requirments to do the course?

I just mainly want to know if there is any course advantage to being in any specific regiment/batallion?

3rdroyal: Yeah I meant Para, probably should have said that considering there is no more airborne :p

Der Panzerk: "CSOR and JTF do not limit their scope to just Pet so you can relax on that."  -Thanks that was one thing I was wondering about.
All courses are available to every BN.  It is up to the CSM/RSM to decide what courses to put you on in which to benifit the unit. Now being in a Para Coy might increase your chances of going on a DZ controler course as that Coy has a need for them which is greater than say a LAV Coy out of 1 VP.