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Does geographical upbringing affect your CF attitude?

Do CF members base their "favorite" postings on bases near their home towns or on actual experiences

  • Best posting is near the place I grew up.

    Votes: 24 42.1%
  • It doesnt matter to me where im posted.

    Votes: 17 29.8%
  • Im far from home and I love it.

    Votes: 16 28.1%

  • Total voters


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Just curiouse, as I have noticed a trend of soldiers badmouthing bases they have never lived at.
I joined to see something different and do different things, travel to new base ever 3 to 4 years and loved it. The bases I could get posted to the better. Then I could make a better choice of were to retire.
now retired at base of my choice and loving it.
I dont bad mouth bases, I tend to say  been there don't want to go back
Just curiouse, as I have noticed a trend of soldiers badmouthing bases they have never lived at.

Which isn't surprising: Canadians seem to love badmouthing places they've never lived in.

Not that I have military experience yet to base an opinion on, but for me I think that both options are preferrable depending on age and where you are in your career. In my first X number of years in, I wouldn't mind getting posting to various places no matter what the distance from home. However, after taking in that experience and moving on in years, I think staying closer to home and being closer to family and friends etc. would be the way to go.
You hit the nail on the head with that one, the first question I always ask when confronted with Quebec bashing is "So you have stayed there right?"
Bruce Monkhouse said:
You hit the nail on the head with that one, the first question I always ask when confronted with Quebec bashing is "So you have stayed there right?"

Hmmm, this is music to my ears! :D

My preference goes to the nearest. Coming from Quebec, the Vandoos hold a special place in my mind and heart. It has the advantage of not to be too far from the family and friends. But, I would love to be posted to Wainwright or Gagetown, knowing I would come again in Valcartier. Another thing is that I'm pretty sure it's easier to lead as officer in your mother language and to understand how it really 'works', hear habits, attitudes, etc. Still, I'm also tempted to go PPCLI as I would love to live in Alberta. Banquet for tought... haha.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
You hit the nail on the head with that one, the first question I always ask when confronted with Quebec bashing is "So you have stayed there right?"

Well: I have lived in Winnipeg and I am quite familiar with Hamilton: two cities that get religiously trashed by Canadians, but two cities that I love and like (respectively). I, like you, always ask people if they have ever lived there. It is amazing how many people can shamelessly answer "Oh, well...I drove through there one time.." or " Well...I was in the airport once..."

It's all the same to me. If I get posted on the very northern peak of our country, I won't give two shits.
I'll know that I'm serving my country, no matter where I am.   ;)
Interesting topic.
I have to agree with that fact that people base the trashing of one base to another purely by hearsay.
Take for ex sample , Petawawa ( now before you cringe).
I liked it there  plenty of outdoor activities, my unit was awesome great people to work with.
Chatham , NB, interesting little base nice area.
Shilo, MB, ( I consider it to be the gem of the forces)
Trenton , ON, fantastic location.
Winnipeg, MB, now here trying to understand the drivers, and why beef is so expensive here? as of today do they really have friggin snow plows here.
I have been to basically all bases of Canada for taskings and can say i have had my share of likes and dislikes, but then that is personal.
I joined the service for a career not a job, and if the services send me some where then its a service requirement.
Yes some people do not want to leave there hometown, or even Provence for that matter.
Since you remember me and have me at the disadvantage of knowing whom I am, [ hint] you must remember how much I loved Petawawa and area......[ in hindsight, sometimes too much] :-[