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Do alot of you have wrecked bodies? (knees, back etc)

CDN Aviator said:
Dont put your fingers where you wouldnt stick your..........

....and this is based on personnal experience?  ;D
X-mo-1979 said:
Taking mefloquine and cant remember where I put the phones....does that count...it's happening RIGHT NOW lol.

Then change medications.  It's that simple..... ;)
CDN Aviator said:
Dont put your fingers where you wouldnt stick your..........

... wee Wullie and all fingers (and thumbs) present and accounted for... ;D
geo said:
... wee Wullie and all fingers (and thumbs) present and accounted for... ;D

Same here but i have been bitten once or twice by the occasional MGB / EWBB
Ooooh... on that point(s), I resemble that.
OK Here goes 23 years so far and...
  - Bad feet from old runners and even older Cbt Boots (remember the Cornwallis cripplers!)
  - Track Back, actually it's not that bad except when I over do it.
  - Arthritis in my Knees, elbows & Shoulders (meds work so its tolerable but right now my meds are in my suitcase which is in Yellowknife and I am in Resolute Bay!, it's gonna be a long week)
  - Weakened ankles due to my next point -
  - And the piece de resistance Steel rods in both femurs anchored top and bottom with 4 screws (I snapped off the screw heads years ago Doc says that I play to rough)
  All that and I'm still deployable (barely) but it's been a hell of a ride and I wouldn't change much of it except for maybe being stupid enough to drive through the Rockies in Feb (broken legs)
You're in Resolute Bay?
Been there....
didn't help my back when, coming out of the NCPC power station in mid February, (ice covered factory staircase), foot slipped & I rode the staircase down on my back.......... Yippie.... OWWWWWWWWW!!!
Little off topic, but I'm double jointed quite a bit. Does that enhance the chance of injury? Or would be able to cause more problems when I reach an older age?

Deadpan said:
Little off topic, but I'm double jointed quite a bit. Does that enhance the chance of injury? Or would be able to cause more problems when I reach an older age?


Look at wikipedia under hypermobility. In short maybe and maybe. Dislocation and arthritis are both possibilities but some never have problems.
Partially blind
Hearing loss
Muscle pain in my Right upper arm and left shoulder
Left hand swells in various places and joints hurt
Knees shot
Feet hurt on a daily basis
Back pain from lower to upper
Daily medication to stop me from making me MAD AND SMASH

Other than that all is good.  ;)



the 48th regulator said:
Partially blind
Hearing loss
Muscle pain in my Right upper arm and left shoulder
Left hand swells in various places and joints hurt
Knees shot
Feet hurt on a daily basis
Back pain from lower to upper
Daily medication to stop me from making me MAD AND SMASH

Other than that all is good.   ;)



I was in Ottawa and put two and two together, saw your iltis. You're hardcore in my books  ;)
popnfresh said:
I was in Ottawa and put two and two together, saw your iltis. You're hardcore in my books  ;)

That was my dopplegangers shennigans you saw...

Oh how I hate how he steals my thunder....oops, are the pink elephants talking to me again?


popnfresh said:
I was in Ottawa and put two and two together, saw your iltis. You're hardcore in my books  ;)

I second that, I've just never wanted to say anything. And to think, I moan about my ankles being a chronic problem. It's thinking about folks like Tess and Piper that gets me through the morning jogs when the ankles flare up. I say to myself "Hey, dumbass, there are guys in worse shape then you, keep going you pansy". It usually works.
the 48th regulator said:
Partially blind
Hearing loss
Muscle pain in my Right upper arm and left shoulder
Left hand swells in various places and joints hurt
Knees shot
Feet hurt on a daily basis
Back pain from lower to upper
Daily medication to stop me from making me MAD AND SMASH

Other than that all is good.   ;)



Well Tess, you are sort of an exception to most of us - having been shot what, seven times? 
LOL D&B, LOL... is that all you lost ???
Redeye said:
Well Tess, you are sort of an exception to most of us - having been shot what, seven times? 

That's right seven, however the War museum has it at 5.  I have never had the heart to correct them.


Then there is "Pin knee" - you know, the medical condition that comes about when the guy hits the bloody thing THEN yells "Pin out!" . However,  "Pin knee' is one thing, "Pin balls" is another...
heh JackD...

In the new Acrow bridge, if you try to pinout from a certain angle, the pin abuts to a rather sturdy flange.... poor fella hammered that pin till he was blue in the face and his body was aching... before his Sgt pointed out the little alignment problem :)

He won't do that ever again