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DND Mail being destroyed (APRIL FOOLS')

:brickwall: :akimbo: :flame: :mg: :sniper: :cam: :soldier: :gunner:                        :fifty: Canada Post.

I want a refund on my tax money used to support Canada Post.
Folks, lets not jump on all "Canada Post"........like the man said"so far, there has been no complaints from the workers", so just like  any place of employment, 'one' person has probably made this happen, well, for the same reasons some people in the C of C may take what should be a simple thing to understand, [ item that “may soil, taint or damage mail or mail equipment, expose a person to danger or emit offensive odours”.] and turn it into a dog and pony show.

Now, I'm sure none of you have ever been in a dog and pony show.......... ^-^
They should deliver the damn mail as it is!  I go to our outlet about once a week and I have yet to see any visibly displayed notices to the affect that you CANNOT spray letters with perfume and until there is a national ad campaign to clear this up they are in the wrong and should suck it up. 
It's in portion that someone away from there love ones to get there mail.CAN post should have that mail on the next plane. :threat:
That should be enough emotional reactions to express the general feelings of the forum.  When more facts come to light a Moderator can unlock the thread for continuance.

Army.ca Staff
Hi everyone...first I would like to put out that I live in Nova Scotia.....I started this post at 12 am on April First ATLANTIC TIME..... also I did ths post with the blessings of Mr Bobbitt.

Before we all go on a huge letter writing campaign or phone our respective MP's let me clear some air and say


Yeah the Vern thread was funny but this one is not because it COULD happen.

-100 mover1
Ahhh you guys are just sore that you didn't think of it first :P

-100 eh....

I thought it was a gooder, tugged a few heart strings got people rawled up  ;D
mover1 said:
Before we all go on a huge letter writing campaign or phone our respective MP's let me clear some air and say

Uh... Ummm....  what if this has already occured?  The site was up and down all day, I didn't see this reply until now.

I thought It was serious since I didn't get half my mail while I was overseas...  ???
Thank Goodness this was not true  ;D.... that would be a terrible reality, if this was really the case. I was honestly feeling very disappointed, that something like this would occur in Canada. "Phew"

RHFC_piper said:
I thought It was serious since I didn't get half my mail while I was overseas...  ???
You can still blame that on Canada Post I'm sure  ;)
This still doesn't mean some twit in Canada Post hasn't either thought of trying this or actually done this - I often wonder some days...

Oh well, if we can't laugh at ourselves, we shouldn't laugh at others - much.

Nicely done.

Imbeault said:
You can still blame that on Canada Post I'm sure  ;)

Well... I guess it's not April 1st anymore... I'm not serious. 

I know where all my undelivered mail is; with my company (since I left early).

Good April fools thread...  it actually got me a little riled up.  Not enough to do anything more than gripe, though. 

good stuff.
You know the best part was when some unknowing mod locked it up........at first I was upset because I thought it kinda ruined it a bit.But then I laughed and had to find someone to unlock it so I could spring the punchline .....
Great April's Fool. ;)

It would have been nice if you posted it on 01 April, not 31March07 at 23:06:59hrs :nana:

Have to admit, it was a good one. :salute:
DOOHH!!!  And here I am trying to figure out why I couldn't find it anywhere in the news.  Good one.

ps Maybe not so gullible, after all  I work in a "Scent free zone"
GUNS said:
Great April's Fool. ;)

It would have been nice if you posted it on 01 April, not 31March07 at 23:06:59hrs :nana:

Have to admit, it was a good one. :salute:

I did post it on April First at 00:06:59 ATLANTIC TIME.....unfortunateley I forgot the world revolves around Ontario and its time zone.. hence why the post appears that way.....so  :nana: back at ya.....
