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Disgust in YouTube.


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I was on YouTube today and I came across a dozen or so videos filmed by terrorist "snipers" killing and shooting American soldiers. What really got to me was that it is an AMERICAN website. I was disgusted to know that as Americans, they were supporting the death of American soldiers by letting these videos remain on their website. I was couldn't believe they would support it, personally. Not to mention, some of the comments are just downright horrifying. The videos are pretty graphic and filled with terrorist propaganda and jihad rhetoric. I emailed the site to request the videos be removed and I suggest some others do the same.

But what if YouTube was a Canadian site, and videos of Canadians being shot and killed started popping up? I know how I would feel.

1 of the many comments: "The only cowards r who bomb poor peoples homes, the only cowards r who kill women and rape them.. this applies to the marines!! Iraq will be ur next vietnam and the marines will burn in hell.. Iraq is the marines graveyard"
Certainly I agree that this would not be nice to watch.

But it does certainly highlight the difference between our values of freedom of speech and those of the insurgents/terrorists.

You'd never find an insurgent web-site or an Al Qaida web-site posting the same thing in reverse. Videos of their own dead? Only if it's a video of him/her blowing themselves up and becoming a martyr, or verbally condeming us infidels before they go out on their mission to do the deed.
Well....in some cases those videos have been a result of the arrogance of those sniper teams and their poor abilities/shooting skills.  Their filming did not include the return fire that brought about their demise.  They also teach Troops how the enemy work and "HOW NOT TO BECOME A TARGET".
Although I agree with you 100% Patrick in that those videos are NOT nice to watch, I am somewhat glad they are up there.  Freedom doesn't always conform to an individual's sense of what should and should not be allowed to be viewed, hence why freedom is so great.  While I agree with you the people who made those videos are cowards, you have to remember that those videos are for propoganda purposes only.  If those videos really do disgust you that much, don't search for them or watch them.
Yup I agree with the previous posters.  While the vids make me feel ill (I have seen a couple) they do teach a valuable lesson about personal security.  Also what they don't show is the number of times the troops were saved by their body armour.  All they show is the guy falling after the shot and a madman babbling on in his native tongue.  Reprehensible yes, but that is the nature of the internet.  Anyone with a computer....
Hm, this is really a tricky subject.
It really is not appropriate up there to see the American soldiers being shot, it is horrible! However, playing the devil's advocate only, if those videos should not be up there, neither should the videos that include the police officer who was shot x-number of times doing a routine traffic stop. The police are putting themselves on the line just as much as the soldiers are. But then again, to look at the flipside, would anyone have a problem with a video watching the police in a raid on a house?

But I digress. I agree with Patrick H.

Support Our (the good guys) Troops.
Try puting in "Canada" and "Afghanistan" and watch our boys kick a*s instead ;D
It just sickens me that some nutjob would put this crap on the internet I think the need their head examined.
You also have the choice and freedom to not watch it.
armyrules said:
It just sickens me that some nutjob would put this crap on the internet I think the need their head examined.

Regardless of it's taste or if it's good form or not...who says it was a nutjob? Possibly this is a form of psychological warfare being posted by our Nations' enemies. They understand our weaknesses, like we understand their's, and they would be remise in not exploiting it.

Of course it could be a nutjob as well...but the difference between sanity and insanity is simply which majority you belong to.
I didn't even watch the videos after I read what it/they were about I wouldn't want to how cold someone glorify killing soldiers by putting on the internet fo all to see.  ???
armyrules said:
I didn't even watch the videos after I read what it/they were about I wouldn't want to how cold someone glorify killing soldiers by putting on the internet fo all to see.  ???


As pointed out, we infidel soldiers can use them for training purposes and as "lessons learned."

The terrorists/insurgents use them as their recruiting adds...pure propoganda to them.
Regardless of free speech, freedom of expression or any other freedoms, it is an American web site and I have to agree with Patrick H. that it is disgusting and reprehensible that the person who control the content or monitor it would allow such shit.  Pictures of dead people or videos of the killing of persons regardless of nation is rather pathetic and caters to the lowest but to take it even further and display our enemies videos of our own being killed,... I don't even know how to express how that sickins me.

These videos have been circulating around military circles for some time.  Some are actually retrieved off the bodies of the sniper & videographer and have stories from the capturing troops as to how the snipers were taken out.  Others have been analysed to find out that many of the snipers missed their targets, but still the footage was used for propaganda, which in turn is analysed. 

Lessons learned.

(Now you guy's stop looking at those shots of the 'Assassination of JFK'......they will grouse you right out!)
So Teflon,

You are then advocating censorship? I'll stick with the Freedom of Speech. While it may not be nice and it may not be pretty, at least I have I have the option to watch/listen or not, thank to those who served so honourably before me.


Well, yes seems like I am advocating censorship,... I also advocate censorship of kiddie porn and videos depicting cruelty to animals.  I don't care if something is pretty or even nice,.... I just don't believe in spreading something that would demoralize our side and encourage the other.  Why would you or others not associated with their cause wish to spread their propaganda for them?  - Oh that's right, that's not what their doing,... Their get their sick little rocks off watching a U.S. Serviceman getting killed! As to those that have served and fought before me for these freedoms,... I'll ask the ones I know if this type of video is what they fought for.

Yes there is no law prohibiting them from providing it but that doesn't make it right!
IrishCanuck said:
Welcome to the new age of media distribution.

War isn't pretty.

Seen alittle of it myself, just returned less then a month ago so thanks for the update :blotto:

Doesn't make those videos ok in my book
Teflon said:

Well, yes seems like I am advocating censorship,... I also advocate censorship of kiddie porn and videos depicting cruelty to animals.  I don't care if something is pretty or even nice,.... I just don't believe in spreading something that would demoralize our side and encourage the other.  Why would you or others not associated with their cause wish to spread their propaganda for them?  - Oh that's right, that's not what their doing,... Their get their sick little rocks off watching a U.S. Serviceman getting killed! As to those that have served and fought before me for these freedoms,... I'll ask the ones I know if this type of video is what they fought for.

Yes there is no law prohibiting them from providing it but that doesn't make it right!

Wow. this and kiddie porn are of two totally different realms. In-comparable. One involves adults whom have volunteered for their duty as soldiers and thus are aware of the risks involved in that undertaking. No they didn't volunteer to have their deaths video-taped and placed on the web but they were aware that death may be a price they had to pay in accomplishing their mission.

No kid volunteers for porn, knowing it will be video-taped or not.

Like I said, freedom of speach. Soldiers fought for our freedom of speach. Period. Full stop. It didn't come with a caveat.

And what pray tell is this:

Why would you or others not associated with their cause wish to spread their propaganda for them?  - Oh that's right, that's not what their doing,

You'd better re-read my posts. I'm not spreading their propoganda for them...and I called it exactly that.

I don't remember comparing those videos with kiddie porn, read my post, I simply stated it as another case where I advocate censorship.

Since you take such a firm stance on censorship: : "Like I said, freedom of speech. Soldiers fought for our freedom of speech. Period. Full stop. It didn't come with a caveat." Then I take it you believe kiddie porn should be legal? remember no caveat?!! or is it OK because they volunteered to be soldiers? (sounds like an exception to me!) Censorship has it's place, now should I be the one to decide,... heavens NO but it has it's place!

By the way I don't think those soldier's Wives, Mothers, Fathers, Children volunteered to have their love ones death exploited in such a manner