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disgruntled police officers have led me to re-think my view of the police..

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You need to leave. I suggest professional student as a career.

wow, the same people who got me into trouble before follow me into this thread. Anyone who would like to answer my question legitmately could you please PM me, i am asking out of sincerity!
Future Prodigy said:
They wont NOW when the actual LEO's refuse to enter into discussion about such a topic... i find this utterly disgraceful and disgusting!

O....k.... obviously you read nothing, but type everything.

Why is it utterly disgraceful and disgusting? Why should a LEO waste their time and effort on someone they barely know and have thus far shown nothing that would remotely engage their attention? Your above comment doesn't make me want to post to your thread either, I mean jebus, high and mighty much? Who are you to judge them? If they don't want to bother with you, why should they?
Future Prodigy said:
wow, the same people who got me into trouble before follow me into this thread. Anyone who would like to answer my question legitmately could you please PM me, i am asking out of sincerity!

Cease it now with your "bandwagon" remarks!!

I posted in this thread LONG BEFORE you got a warning from the mods in the other thread.

Go ahead: check the post timings ...  ::)


ArmyVern said:
We're all different. You are not going to get a straight answer here that will serve your purpose. YOU need to figure out what YOU want to do in life and how YOUR skills can best satisfy your desire to improve society. Only you can do that. None of us can ... no matter how many threads you start up seeking those answers (especially so if you are indeed a teleologist <--- you could debate this with even yourself forever).

ArmyVern is trying to tell you that answers won't come from others people, whoever they might be, but from INSIDE you.
You can't find a general answer in websites when what you need is your personal one. You need your intrinsic answer, not
an extrinsic coming from somewhere that will never satisfy you .
Future Prodigy said:
....... Let me give an example of my motives (so i am not misunderstood). I have, as stated, been very active on teaching forums as well... because i believe through education attitudes will change, by bringing issues to light, etc... however i have become disgruntled over the fact that teachers must rigidly stick to the curriculum and have very little room to engage these issues... so my questions have been geared towards that area. I am stirring the water only because i seek answers, not to offend. I do not understand why these posts are taken any other way. Are we that comfortable in our existence that we can not engage such questions legitmately!?

Therein lies the rub.  You admit that you are disgruntled over the fact that teachers must ..........., and that you are disgruntled over what the government and humanitarian agencies are................, and you have heard of disgruntled police...........Do you see a trend here?  You are disgruntled about darn near everthing.  

Not being a Psychiatrist, I can not make a professional analysis of your psyche, but I don't think I would trust you in close proximity to any form of weapon in your current state.  You seem to have some serious issues with contrary opinions and criticism.  Perhaps a break for some reflection would be a good thing.
Future Prodigy said:
wow, the same people who got me into trouble before follow me into this thread. Anyone who would like to answer my question legitmately could you please PM me, i am asking out of sincerity!

You've already received "sincere" answers in ALL of your threads. NO ONE can solve YOUR personal dilemma for YOU. STOP postings threads asking them to --- then becoming upset whenever someone doesn't echo your own moral compass ...

Stop Trolling.

Yrys said:
ArmyVern is trying to tell you that answers won't come from others people, whoever they might be, but from INSIDE you.
You can't find a general answer in websites when what you need is your personal one. You need your intrinsic answer, not
an extrinsic coming from somewhere that will never satisfy you .

See, i don't agree though. If i seek questions about the policing profession... it would be logical to ask LEO's my questions... especially when one is questioning the validity of certain things.

geogre wallace - ???
ArmyVern said:
You've already received "sincere" answers in ALL of your threads. NO ONE can solve YOUR personal dilemma for YOU. STOP postings threads asking them to --- then becoming upset whenever someone doesn't echo your own moral compass ...

Stop Trolling.


well im glad you have found your niche in life armyvern but for some of  us who are quite frankly, a bit scared, upon graduation and not knowing where to take their life next... we people, who feel this way, like to discuss these sort of 'career' goals because we have not had the blessing of finding our spot yet! So, i do not understand why i am a logic for asking. I have TWO WEEKS left till i graduate... and the reality of such an event is starting to quickly dawn on me!
ArmyVern said:
You've already received "sincere" answers in ALL of your threads. NO ONE can solve YOUR personal dilemma for YOU. STOP postings threads asking them to --- then becoming upset whenever someone doesn't echo your own moral compass ...

Stop Trolling.



I sense a lock or worst coming in your future FP
This thread has now spiraled.

Usual caveats apply.


I suggest that everyone involved in this thread take a 24 hr breather before warnings get ramped up.

Future Prodigy - Armyvern has also warned you.

The Army.ca Staff
Just a comment with regards to this topic.
I don't doubt that there are a great many officers who experience frustration with the job.  Many conditions of the job have changed rapidly over the last 20 odd years, and the place you worked when you got hired may not even resemble the place you are in now.  I hear many of the senior guys talk about "how it was" and it sounded like they had a blast.  Even in my own nine+ years on the job I have seen some truly pathetic rulings (most of them out of BC, thanks hippies  :P) which only served to make life better for criminals.  Please refer to my pet thread in the Judge Superthread for a comprehensive look at the legal system and it's shortcomings.
However, one has to ask themselves "why am I on the job?"  Most people I know join because they want to help the citizens.  Criminals suck and need to be dealt with.  So as bad ideas come along, we adapt and find new, creative ways to deal with them.  Some guys get bummed out and quit.  That is a shame, because it means that the bad guys won another scrimmage.  We are "The Thin Blue Line" and are all that holds the filthy underbelly from destroying what is good here at home. 
For myself, I love policing as much and maybe more than the first day I drew my uniform.  I think it is the best job in the world, and wouldn't trade it for anything. Well, maybe I'd trade it in for 15 months for a tour to Afghanistan, but that is it  ;)
I hope this answers some of your queries, FP.  Now, as mentioned by others, try to slow down a notch and attempt to not react so poorly to criticism.  You obviously have strong views and are not shy to get them across.  Just don't get sucked in if you feel someone is baiting you.  Turn the other cheek, if you will. 

And, with that addition ...

I'll lock it up again.

Usual caveats still apply.

The Milnet.ca Staff
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