While I commend FDO on his stand up attitude I don't think he can speak for all the centers. Although I do believe that there are a great number of recruiters who have the best interest of an applicant at heart, I also know that there are many recruiters that do stretch facts and manipulate the "real" truth about certain trades and this is where a great number of our "Premature" releases come from. I believe that if you are serious about joining, pick a trade off the website that you are interested in and then try to talk to people that are in that job. Yes I know that this is not always an option for people that don't live near any military establishments but it is the best info you will ever get. I think that applicants must do everything they can to investigate a trade but I do worry about the ignorant that have no experience with the military who are manipulated by those not so caring recruiters. I too was one of the ignorant manipulated by misinformation and misdirection of a recruiter and am still trying to get out of the AC OP trade years later. No matter what anyone say though our recruiters are still leagues more honest and professional than our American counterparts.