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Discrimination against homosexuals, races, etc.

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MCpl Westie said:
and the only colour is olive drab...wait now it's nintendo cam!

Seriously though, who gives a rat's ***? If you do your job and do it well I don't care what you do on your time, just don't bring it to the parade square

I concur
Hey flamesguy/gal, Re. homersexuals ... just kidding, of course, nothing to do with not being able to write homosexuals.  So, to be serious on a very serious topic.  I agree we are all part of the same race; there is only one for humans, the human race.  Could care less whom is gay and whom is not.  I expect those of the same, opposite, and both sexes rolled into one, to respect me as I do them.  Therefore, inappropriate behaviour by a female is not tolerated just as inappropriate behaviour by a male.  Don't read into and make assumptions about homophobia where none exists.  By the way, anyone studied recent psychological results re. homophobia ... results are intriguing ... some positive correlation in the latent homophobia arena ... generalization of course. ;D  :dontpanic:
Now, If I, Fry, Decided to throw a White parade, or white history month, or white parade.... I think I wouldn't be labelled as a savior, but as a bigot/racist/hater/member of the kkk/white supremist. None of these would be true. It's just a messed up world, if you ask me.

Good lord, they still MAKE people like you?

Perhaps you would like to enlighten me as to what "White History" is supposed to mean? Ever heard of Scots wearing kilts?  Quebecois celebrate St. Jean Baptiste Day? The Ottawa Greek Festival? They all celebrate cultures that are predominatly WHITE,  are they racists/bigots?

Fry, I hope you grow out of this little phase before you get into the army.

MCpl Westie said:
and the only colour is olive drab

And that is the last, most truthful word of this whole debate. If you've got something that proves this is against our whole military ethos, and you can coherently and succinctly, convey your thought via PM, I may reopen this.
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