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Discrimination against homosexuals, races, etc.

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Hank Hill puts it best:

"What kind of country do we live in where the only man I can hate is white?"
paracowboy said:
I'm not sure I follow.

Added the "Untrained" in Orange.

Used similar line instructing Basic......years and years ago.
Old Ranger said:
Added the "Untrained" in Orange.

Used similar line instructing Basic......years and years ago.
sorry, APS moments. I think I'll be stealing that from you.

homersexual, heh. Great glayvin in a glass, but that's funny!
loyaleddie87 said:
homosexuality in the CF... accepted, yes, encouraged, no.

What's unfortunate about that statement is you could probably throw in a couple of other groups in place of "homosexual" and people would agree with you.
Whats unfortunate is that whole stupid statement, I don't seem to recall any of the courses I took encouraging me to be a heterosexual......
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Whats unfortunate is that whole stupid statement, I don't seem to recall any of the courses I took encouraging me to be a heterosexual......

I'm not sure if he was referring to courses encouraging anyone to be sexually oriented a certain way, but probably about the members. Many people do not accept homosexuality.
OH   man...honestly , whatever you are..thats great.   But, its getting old hearing..im gay and proud, im this and im that, im gonna parade and shove it in your face.   Thats great....I dont see straight people having a straight parade, or driving around with IM STRAIGHT bumper stickers and so on and so forth.   It just seems more and more, the attention is being brought to the homosexsual issue (if thats even the right word for it, since I dont see it as being an issue...to each their own)   by the gay community ...than there is by the straight.

I think the real problem is those unaccepting, that are dealt with accordingly...especially in CF.
It just seems more and more, the attention is being brought to the homosexsual issue (if thats even the right word for it, since I dont see it as being an issue...to each their own)  by the gay community ...than there is by the straight.

That's because gay people don't beat and murder straight people for being straight, and straight people were not denied any of the rights (marriage, for one) that gays were and still are. Want to see  some "straight pride" in action? Go to a bar or nightclub.  ::)

I suppose it's a good thing that you don't know about it. Means the battle's mostly won already.
Guys, I gotta agree with Semper_Fidelis on this one. Most definately.

It's not only homosexuals either, I see this strongly with black people. Now don't get me wrong, I love em all (especially chris rock, he's hilarious. That chick from austin powers 3 is pretty hot too. :) ) But I don't see why there should be a Gay Pride parade/march/week/magazine, or Black History month, or "Niggaz proud to be brothaz" type people who class themselves as "soldiers and gangstas". I think a lot of people, including other black people in the forces are a little ticked when you have rappers calling themselves soldiers and stuff, since what they do totally does not reflect the views of the CF, or any other nation's armed forces.

Now, If I, Fry, Decided to throw a White parade, or white history month, or white parade.... I think I wouldn't be labelled as a savior, but as a bigot/racist/hater/member of the kkk/white supremist. None of these would be true. It's just a messed up world, if you ask me.

Basically, I think it's the flaming aspect that ticks off many people.

Britney Spears said:
That's because gay people don't beat and murder straight people for being straight, and straight people were not denied any of the rights (marriage, for one) that gays were and still are. Want to see   some "straight pride" in action? Go to a bar or nightclub.   ::)

I suppose it's a good thing that you don't know about it. Means the battle's mostly won already.

Yeah but people that murder others based on their gender preference aren't ticking right upstairs anyway, and don't speak for everyone who's straight.

Who's rights? Seems as though they now gain rights to marriage, while I lose my right to freedom of speech. If I speak out against this, I'm shot down as a bigotted gay-hating animal.

As for straight action, a lot of the clubs I've been to, I haven't seen a flaming amount of "straight-action". If you go to sleezy dance clubs and stuff, you're going to see all kinds of action. Hell I've seen people walking others with leashes and all.

As I've said before, I think it's disgusting, and I'm not for homosexuality at all. But, that is my opinion, and they are entitled to their rights just as well as I am. I'd do my job along side 'em and as long as they do theirs, there's no complaints from me.
BS, don't assume that I don't know.  You're being discriminatory against my youth. (HA!!)

I lived on a base that  no longer is there, it is park land i hear.

in one building there was  2 known and admitted females who did not like males, that was fine, they were left alone and they left the rest of alone in that  building,  other 2 floors were male only floors

there 2 guys who lived on one floor,  one was openly gay, he was getting a divorce and decided men were better. the other guy was just posted in after his ql 3 in borden and he had different tastes and he was my  roommate. to be honest it was awkward to live with him for the first few months because i was never sure what side he was on or what  side he was dating that weekend.  he went both ways i guess you could say. he was not open enough to say  he was gay  or heterosexual, he even dressed up as a drag queen and came back to the barracks in drag at least once. a guy  across the hall told me after I came back off leave there was a hot girl in my  room on the weekend and he wanted her number.  the girl was my  roommate, in airforce blue dress.  along with some of his drag friends.  i am sure had the other guys in the barracks knew this guy was what he was there would of been trouble.
being gay or heterosexual does not amke you a good or bad soldier, it is your actions when in uniform and at work that  makes the soldier.

I think there have been more problems with the NEW to Canada soldiers then you will have with the gay  people serviing in the military, on one res basic training course we had to esplain the movies were old and that  we not training them to kill people from their home land but rather it was old movies made during the coldwar days and that  USSR was the named ememy  not RUSSIA.
The army has to teach respect to all races , creeds regardless of what  they  do behind closed doors.
Alter Ego said:
What about homersexuals?    ;D
Marge Simpson?  ::)
I'd hope that their still arn't people so uncomfortable with Homosexuals, that they can't say the name. As long as they don't inapproply involve us, Let 'em be.
It's not only homosexuals either, I see this strongly with black people. Now don't get me wrong, I love em all (especially chris rock, he's hilarious. That chick from austin powers 3 is pretty hot too.  ) But I don't see why there should be a Gay Pride parade/march/week/magazine, or Black History month, or "Niggaz proud to be brothaz" type people who class themselves as "soldiers and gangstas". I think a lot of people, including other black people in the forces are a little ticked when you have rappers calling themselves soldiers and stuff, since what they do totally does not reflect the views of the CF, or any other nation's armed forces.

Now, If I, Fry, Decided to throw a White parade, or white history month, or white parade.... I think I wouldn't be labelled as a savior, but as a bigot/racist/hater/member of the kkk/white supremist. None of these would be true. It's just a messed up world, if you ask me.

Basically, I think it's the flaming aspect that ticks off many people.

Nicely said Fry. The only real race is the human race   :)
and the only colour is olive drab...wait now it's nintendo cam!

Seriously though, who gives a rat's ass? If you do your job and do it well I don't care what you do on your time, just don't bring it to the parade square
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