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Discipline, and the NCO My latest story....

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Dissident said:
What hapened to "Yes Sgt, No Sgt"?

Maybe Mud recce man is on a power trip, maybe not. Fact remains, he is right.

And Mud reccee man, by posting out here, you are opening yourself to criticism. If you are looking for validation or advice on the subject, NCO's on you CFB would be a way better approach.

My $0.02

Ok, power trip?  NOT.  Why is it that people think NCO's enforcing RULES set out by HIGHER are on power trips?  Is that a beef with people that AREN'T Snr NCO's need to "make up"?

Or is it a lack of sense of duty of some.  I think it is.

*edit  yah I am tired...and pissed.  Some of what I am tired of is excuses for not doing your job as an NCO...to keep your troops sorted out.  Or making reasons for not keeping them sorted out.  If you can't or won't fine.  Don't judge those that can/will/do. 
    Mud to me you were carrying out your duties as a Snr NCO if you see an infraction you take care of it.
Small matters of discipline become larger if the individual is not made aware of infractions, you are in fact assisting the offender by displaying that rulues are for everyone who signs the dotted line. That is your job carry on.

                              Regards OLD F of S

I go out for the night and leave him unattended and look what happens  ::)


Actually I would like to add my 2 cents to this with regards to how lax things are on this base in question...I am a civilian...I have a gym pass...I drive on and off of that base like I own it...no one really checks my ID...I could be holding up a cut out one from a cereal box...no one would be any the wiser...it's very disconcerting as I can only imagine what the possibilities would be for someone who wanted to do anything questionable there... ???
Michael Dorosh said:
To his credit, the sergeant didn't come on the internet to stroke his own ego afterwards...

If this sounds like an incredibly petty story that there was no point in sharing...I'm guessing this is the right thread for it?

If this (not following order, rules, policies, etc) seems petty to you, <<moderator edit>>>>

<<moderator edit>>you are telling me you get to decide, on a friggin' Base, what rules you follow and what ones you don't?  <<moderator edit>>


Thanks for coming out.

<<moderator - gents lets keep the personal attacks out of the discussion.  No good can come of it.>>
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