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Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

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kincanucks said:
for "non-specialist occupations" (everything but MARS, MPO and Legal)

The new process sounds like a good idea... probably a lot less waiting :)

MARS, MPO, and Legal are the only "specialist" occupations? Why is that? And what does that mean exactly, besides what you've said in your original post?
cuteboots said:
The new process sounds like a good idea... probably a lot less waiting :)

MARS, MPO, and Legal are the only "specialist" occupations? Why is that? And what does that mean exactly, besides what you've said in your original post?

those occupations that do not require specialist boards (NOAB, MPAC, etc)

Specialist in that they each require supplemental selection procedures: MARS requires a Naval Officer Assessment Board.  MPO requires a Military Police Assessment Committee.  Legal requires interviews by the JAG branch.
In a perfect world: each Regiment would vett and accept or deny their applicants BEFORE they got in and got a degree and passed Ph IV.
TCBF said:
In a perfect world: each Regiment would vett and accept or deny their applicants BEFORE they got in and got a degree and passed Ph IV.
Makes perfect sense...

I got an offer as DEO in signals. I have passed all the tests except the PT. My PT would be in one month. My question is that if I fail the PT in first attempt, can I do it again? I mean that can I still do it after my offer date... I really want to the join the Canadian Forces. I can run 5 KM and can do sit ups, but push ups are little hard on me. However, I am improving on them. Thanks in advance. :cdn:
you have a whole month, you've got nothing to worry about, just do 20 pushups 3 times a day and it will be fine.
cdnEng said:
I got an offer as DEO in signals. I have passed all the tests except the PT. My PT would be in one month. My question is that if I fail the PT in first attempt, can I do it again? I mean that can I still do it after my offer date... I really want to the join the Canadian Forces. I can run 5 KM and can do sit ups, but push ups are little hard on me. However, I am improving on them. Thanks in advance. :cdn:

Any offer is conditional on that you meet and continue to meet the eligibility requirements (PT, ERC, Med, etc.)to enrol in the CF.  If you fail the PT and don't pass it in time for the assigned enrolment date then you will not be enrolled and your offer will be given to someone else.  Your physical fitness is something you should have been addressing prior to your application not after getting an offer.
Today, I got acceptance letter as Signals Officer in mail. But I had no idea about length of my contract. I phoned the recruiting center and they said it would be 9 years. I read in the Signals Officer's information sheet that if you are in ROTP, then you will complete 4 years of obligatory service after graduation from university. I have already finished my university education and applied as D.E.O. In that case, what will be the length of my Contrace? Also, my salary has been highlighted equivalent to officer cadet not D.E.O. in my package. Kindly help me to expain this. Thanks.
Contract and restricted release are two different things. You're not obligated to stay in the CF unless you owe obligatory service, received subsidization or signing bonus for your trade. If you went DEO you'll get DEO Salary although it may be part way through basic before it shows on your pay stub. Regardless call you're CFRC and make sure all the paperwork is clear before you sign.
The best place to get the answers on your contract length, would be your recruiting centre, though I did look it up and it is nine (9) years for DEO Sigs.  As for your salary, contact the file manager at the recruiting centre who is working on your file and ask them for the details on your rank and salary.  All of this should have been on the conditional offer that the recruiting centre received prior to contacting you ref your enrolment.
1.  If they told you your contract is for 9 years, that is what it is for.  That was easy.

2.  So, the package said ROTP much complete 4 years obligatory service after graduation from university.  You aren't ROTP, so it does not apply to you.  That again was easy.

3.  You have finished university and applied as D.E.O.  You want to know what the length of your contract is?  See No. 1 above.  That, too, was easy.

4.  Your salary has been highlighted as equivalent to officer cadet, not D.E.O., in your package.  You want an explanation.  OK.  There is no such rank as D.E.O.  You will not start off as the CDS, who is a General, but you will start at the bottom, which is Officer Cadet.  You will learn all these ranks as you go through your training.  You will have some very knowledgeable instructors, with much less education than you, to ensure that you learn all of this.  Wasn't that easy.

In the end, you will be given the rank and pay level on your message and if you accept that offer, that will be what you get.  Too easy.
George Wallace said:
1.  If they told you your contract is for 9 years, that is what it is for.  That was easy.

2.  So, the package said ROTP much complete 4 years obligatory service after graduation from university.  You aren't ROTP, so it does not apply to you.  That again was easy.

3.  You have finished university and applied as D.E.O.  You want to know what the length of your contract is?  See No. 1 above.  That, too, was easy.

4.  Your salary has been highlighted as equivalent to officer cadet, not D.E.O., in your package.  You want an explanation.  OK.  There is no such rank as D.E.O.  You will not start off as the CDS, who is a General, but you will start at the bottom, which is Officer Cadet.  You will learn all these ranks as you go through your training.  You will have some very knowledgeable instructors, with much less education than you, to ensure that you learn all of this.  Wasn't that easy.

In the end, you will be given the rank and pay level on your message and if you accept that offer, that will be what you get.  Too easy.

Ahh, i love these explanations. Reminds me of my stepfather.
Contract Length for  a DEO Sigs Officer is 9 (nine) years.

Your salary will be in accordance with CBI 204.11 (check your ETP (Enrolment Transfer Posting Message) when you get it. As well, the CFRC should brief you that prior to enrolment. You can also check it out at: http://www.forces.gc.ca/dgcb/cbi/engraph/home_e.asp?sidesection=6&Section=204.211&sidecat=21&Chapter=204#204.211
Huh?  What?  You got this far but still have these questions?
Read, research, decide, and only then sign on the dotted line. 
If you're sure after thinking hard, then good luck. :salute:
New Terms of Service now in effect
Issue 5/05 – 18 May 2005


What has changed?

• Variable Initial Engagement

The VIE replaces the Basic Engagement (BE) for NCMs and the Short Service Engagement (SSE) and Short Engagement (SE) for officers. The length of the VIE varies from military occupation to occupation depending upon the needs of each occupation and the training time required for that occupation.

The VIE ranges in length from three to nine years, not including subsidized training or education. For example, if you are enrolled as an armoured officer and attend Royal Military College, your officer VIE of nine years plus the Regular Officer Training Program (ROTP) period of four years equals a total VIE of 13 years. If you enrolled as a Direct Entry Officer (DEO), the VIE would total nine years. Details of the length of engagement for each occupation may be found in the relevant instructions issued by the Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources – Military).

Regarding you pay on entry, I believe all officer files start there.  Once the documentation is complete to ascertain other entitlements, such as for DEO, you will be moved to the correct bracket.

For D.E.O. you start out as an Officer Cadet.  After basic training you get promoted to 2nd Lieut and your wages will increase.  That should have been explained to you by CFRC, I know they explained it to me when I picked up an info package.
I'm throwing this out there in hopes that someone went through the same problem, or maybe someone in the system has some advice.

I originally looked into applying for the CF when I had finished the requirements for my Bachelors degree. I ended up with a few extra credits at school however, so I decided to take the summer and spring to upgrade to Honours rather than applying to graduate. I was worried however that if I finished my degree in December that I'd be stuck sitting around until April or worse for IAP. I applied in June and a Sgt at my CFRC told me not to worry, that I'd be able to get a conditional acceptance so I could leave for training before I had my degree in hand, as long as a friend or family member could send my degree in once it was ready while I was gone.

So, now, I've been selected for DEO Inf, which I thought would be great news. 6 weeks later, I still don't have an offer. First my file manager called requesting proof that I had qualified for at least a bachelors already. I got a letter from my school to the office in 5 hours that said I'd be done my honours in December, but if I wanted it, I just had to apply to change programs for my Bachelors.

Today I got another call and I was told that in order to get an offer recruiting HQ said that I had to apply for a change of program back down to Bachelors. The paperwork for that would take 6 weeks, and in 6 weeks I'll be done my last classes for my Honours degree.

I'm not about to downgrade my degree, especially when I'm weeks away from finishing it. The CF has all the proof short of the lambskin that I've qualified for at least a bachelors degree already, but neither my word, my transcripts, the University course calender, or the associate chair of my department's word seems to be good enough.

I realize that I'm the one making things difficult here, but I know the CF needs people, especially in combat arms, and I want in ASAP to do my part. Is there any chance of me getting an offer for January or am I going to have to wait till April once I've 'officially' graduated?

Don't make the same mistake as me...I quit highschool a month away from graduation to join the military..then I realized it was a stupid move and VR'd..now I'm graduated and am going to be rejoining right after Christmas. Finish school..the CF will always be here.
I think I'm in the same boat as you, so I might be able to help you if you can answer me one question:

Did you officially graduate with a 3-year Bachelor's degree, or did you upgrade your studies to Hons. Bachelor's to wait to graduate with a 4-year degree?

I decided to upgrade to Hons. add a second major and wait.

I supplied the recruiting centre with a letter from my school explaining that I had earned a Bachelors degree and would only have to request it to recieve it.
