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Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

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George Wallace said:
DEO, or whatever, and then a decission is made in Ottawa as to what pay level that person will start in, after consideration is given to education, training, and professional development and experience.  In some cases you may find that such a person will start off at a pay scale or two higher than his peers who have entered under a different program and time.

Are you saying that as a DEO, you could start in one of the "Incentive Pay" categories above "Basic" on the pay rate tables?  I've not heard that before ...
Real-world experience having an impact on how much you get paid when you start out... I dunno about that.  I have 8 years engineering experience and an extremely high GPA and I am starting out at IPC2 for a 2LT.  The clerk at the CFRC told me that IPC2 for DEO people is standard.  Who to believe, who to believe.
I read somewhere that one of the guys had a close to 3 hour DEO interview.....This leads to my question are DEO Interviews generic across all recruiting centres.  I would naturally say No because my interview has to fit in a 1 hour time slot(I am booked at 9am, and the next officer applicant is booked at 10am).  However on the otherhand a generic interview is the only thing that makes sense.  Also are these interviews taped or recorded to help in the selection of the officers??  If they are not taped or recorded how could the interview have a big impact on the selection.  In most jobs the interview is the deciding factor.  However if the selection board does not see the interview the only thing they have to go on is what the interviewing officer has to say (ie. strong applicant with strengths in..and weaknesses in, or weak applicant...should not be offered position)..

How much of a deciding factor does the interview have on the final decision??
Generic to the point that the same sort of things are covered.  The interviewer has a form containing topics that they go over.  They will mark down a grade for that topic, plus perhaps some comments.  This part is fairly generic.  What isn't generic is dependent upon you as an individual.  Your history.  Your unique qualifications.  That sort of thing. 

No, it isn't recorded.  The interviewer will compile a report based upon their findings from the interview and this report will be forwarded to the selection boards for review.

I would say that the interview plays the largest factor in whether you get an offer or not.  The other requirements must be met/passed, but the interview is the prime number, so to speak.
Hey man, thanks for clearing that up.  My interview is Monday morning so I am properly preparing myself.  I have about 40-50 pages of notes I have taken off the forums and various websites to help prepare for the interview.  I'll be going over this notes all weekend.  I just wasn't too sure how some interviews can go for less than an hour and another interview can go for almost 3 hours, that lead to my question. 

I am sure if I start expanding and really get into the interview I will be aloud extra time.  And yeah each individual is different and has very diverse backgrounds so it could not be purely generic.... just down to the areas to cover, that makes sense to me.
Interview definitely depends on your recruiting officer. Also for some trades there are additional interviews or panels that you must attend as well.
Yeah I definetly can see how it depends on the recruiting officer....this would also lead me to believe that some candidates have a pretty big advantage over other candidates depending on their interviewing officer......this may not seem like a big deal but if DEO positions are as competitive as some people say then it can make all the difference in the world...

brneil said:
Interview definitely depends on your recruiting officer. Also for some trades there are additional interviews or panels that you must attend as well.
40 pages of notes? Wow - you will certainly have a lot of info. I had a DEO interview on 29 June of this year at CFRC Kitchener that was  conducted by an Airforce Captain. Lasted about 2 hours, lots of questions about high school and educational experience. Don't sweat it. My sense is that they want to guage your character and ability to learn about your trade as opposed to what you might know right now. Good luck.
Casing said:
Real-world experience having an impact on how much you get paid when you start out... I dunno about that.   I have 8 years engineering experience and an extremely high GPA and I am starting out at IPC2 for a 2LT.   The clerk at the CFRC told me that IPC2 for DEO people is standard.   Who to believe, who to believe.

I'm DEO as well.  I don't think experience or marks have that much to do with it.  I have an electrical engineering degree, but only a couple of years of work experience, and I got IPC2.  Most people in my trade (SIGS) are also IPC2, except for a few people with non-engineering degrees and no work experience.  However, I do know a few guys who managed to wiggle their way up to IPC2 (complete with back pay) after finding out that they were making less than their buddies :)

Pay always seems to be an issue in the army :)  Never had any problems myself, but it seems like everyone else spends half their time at the pay office trying to rectify various pay issues.
Well, after my swearing-in ceremony I have a little more insight into the initial IPC for DEOs.  Of 6 that swore in (including me), 4 were starting at IPC2, with the other two at IPC1.  The IPC2 lucksters are all engineers, with the other two being Infantry and MPO.  Also, I know that the Infantry guy had a Computer Science degree.  So!  What this tells me is that your initial IPC is essentially based upon your occupation and intake plan.

Conjecture, of course, but the evidence seems to back it up.
I'm going to head down to the CFRC today and ask for a copy of my COE.  I have no idea what IPC I'm starting at (the clerk "guessed" it was just basic, with no IPC), but if Infantry is getting IPC1, then I think I'd be no worse than that?  Unless it is just experience, and because I have none (other than my summer work experience), I get nuthin'.

It doesn't matter much, but I'm going to get this settled.
RGO said:
40 pages of notes? Wow - you will certainly have a lot of info. I had a DEO interview on 29 June of this year at CFRC Kitchener that was   conducted by an Airforce Captain. Lasted about 2 hours, lots of questions about high school and educational experience. Don't sweat it. My sense is that they want to guage your character and ability to learn about your trade as opposed to what you might know right now. Good luck.

I agree.  Key point being "don't sweat it".  The interview is fairly straightforward.  I don't remember mine lasting much longer than 45 min or so.  I was also under the impression that the main intent was to determine your character strengths and wweaknesses  Keep in mind that it is possible to be over-prepared for an interview.  The purpose of the interview is to find out about you, NOT about the people on these forums or other websites.  The last thing you want to do is to start bs'ing your way through the interview.  Just be honest.
Well, I guess I've got IPC2 as well, which is what I expected from all the points raised here.  When I first went in there I explained the situation, and that I wanted to determine my IPC level because I was told I'd be Basic but others were told different things.  The Naval Lt. there told me that others were likely receiving IPC2 because of prior reserves service.  She then went to double check and determined I was actually granted IPC2, and she had no idea why.  So she said she wanted to check into it further on Monday.  I think the engineering degree is the logical explanation (with Casing's information, especially), but I guess she hadn't encountered this situation before.

A little late coming to the party, but I thought I'd add my 2 cents.

When I went to the CFRC for the paperwork and everything, i.e. posting messages. The one who was helping out with everything mentioned that those in the engineering trade would start at IPC 2. That seemed to be regardless of work experience because another OCdt (2LT now as well as myself) had quite a bit of work experience and had IPC 2. OTOH I had minimal work experience, but had a Master's and I got IPC 3.

Hopefully that helps shed a bit of light on it... as far as the engineering trade is concerned.
I was wondering if anybody knows how often the selection boards meet for DEO positions.  I am interested in 2 career paths - Logistics Officer or Health Care Administration Officer.  If anybody can help me out I'd appreciate it.

I may be wrong but as I understand it from other posts I have read on Army.ca,  DEO boards meet once a year.  Every Oct/Nov.  A search of Army.ca using keywords like "DEO selection", or "selection boards" may result in the definite answer you are looking for. :)
shootergurl said:
I was wondering if anybody knows how often the selection boards meet for DEO positions.   I am interested in 2 career paths - Logistics Officer or Health Care Administration Officer.   If anybody can help me out I'd appreciate it.

The DEO boards sit two times a year:


More boards may be held on a as required basis.

See my posts in the Logistics Officer thread for more on LOG O.  HCA has very few positions available for the next board so of course the most competitive will get them.
Well all the files are off and away as of a couple of weeks ago.  I am hoping for a spot in the September intake for DEO applicants and was wondering when I should have the word.

I have done a search and found that Pieman was good enough to post this:

My file manager says he has to send out my application to the board by May 12th, and then they start to review it. He said that offers should start to trickle in starting in June.


Great, so if I am getting an offer for Sept. I should be part of that trickle beginning in June ...so when does the trickle stop?  Can anyone tell me when should I stop hoping for an offer for September ...and start hoping for one for January?  When will I know that I am definitely not being offered a spot in September?

Any insight is appreciated.

Thanks! - Joe
I would think your recruiting center would be kind enough to let you know if you are not being given an offer. Give them a call once a week; they are likely quite busy this time of year. They should know if the position you are applying for is filled for September after a reasonable amount of time; I would think 2-4 weeks. I'm sure Kincanucks would be privy to that information if you told him the position you are applying for.
Depending on the occupation the board dates are anywhere from end May to mid Jun.  Results are usually, hopefully, out a couple of weeks after the last board and will detail who was selected, who was waitlisted and who was not selected.  THe CFRC/Ds will contact everyone in due time.