lindhout - I think you're over-reacting. I have Type II diabetes, and know several Type I diabetics. While every case of diabetes is individual, being a diabetic in the military would be VERY hard to manage.
I think your knowledge of diabetes is lacking, personally. While yes, for a Type II, being without medication poses mostly long-term risks, COMA is one of those risks. And for a Type I diabetic, being without insulin means going into diabetic ketoacidosis, which can result in coma or death.
I've never been in the armed forces, and never will be. But I can understand why it would be very difficult to be in the armed forces and diabetic. Jobs that will be desk-only-forever are few and far between, and those are the only sort of jobs with anything vaguely resembling a guarantee that you will have access to your meds. I don't think hate was being expressed previously - just common sense.
It's great that there's a Type I who is cleared as a search and rescue pilot - but I think it's unfair to assume that all Type I CF members could manage such a position. It's also very unfair to let a not-even-yet-diagnosed-possibly-diabetic believe that all jobs in the forces are possible....