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Devils Night


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Tonight, is the all too infamous, Devils Night. Please tell me that I'm not the only one here who's been vandalized? So far, my Dad's car's been egged by some neighbourhood gangstas, and a Ford Explorer has done a drive-by egging of the rear of my house... twice. Is anyone out there experiencing this type of problem?
damn i miss the younger years where i went out and did that.. now this time im the one chaseing after the little punks. thank god nothing happend yet.. and who ever does think about it better run faster then me  >:D
The best part of the night is sitting waiting with a lil airsoft kit, waiting for the little bastards to show up again
The best part of the night is sitting waiting with a lil airsoft kit, waiting for the little bastards to show up again

:D I was actually thinking about that about 10 mins ago. Yeah, that would totally rock, illegal or not.  :threat:
2332Piper said:
I meant airsoft.   ;) Airsoft gun in the bush. Thats what I meant.  


Could this be you...?!

Zombie KIller.
hmmm, I dunno 'bout a "GI Joe-like physique", but considering you're a young male, I bet you definitely got yourself a kung-fu grip.

Maybe you should just remove the references to airsoft guns and bats completely. It don't take a deductive genius to decipher the code.
Although we share your sarcasm, be advised that whomping people as they drive AWAY from your property poses several challenges for your attorney.  Remember you can always talk yourself INTO trouble, but never out of it.


p.s.: BOO!  Ha! Scared yuz, dint I?

Ah yes, the famous "Egg" defence.

If I was writing a novel, I would have the hero hide in his neighbour's yard, wear latex gloves, and throw small glass bottles of pink oil-based paint at the hillbillies as they drive by.

In chapter two, he would pull a string across the street that was tied to a 3/4 by 6 board 10 feet long full of nails pointy end up. Just in time to flatten the tires of the pukes.

But, I am not writing a novel.

You start a war with those guys, you want it to be in their 'hood, not yours.  You think they work at Macdonalds?  Nope.  Remember, meth dealers can afford the best lawyers.


Where the heck do people get the time to vandalize a dorm, what with all the girls running around naked?

2332Piper said:
Edit: but what if they are in the process of 'egging' your house when you act in self defence?
dude, use your fuckin' head! In this society of criminal's rights, and the cult of the victim, do you honestly intend to see your father use 'self-defence' in court. Do you really believe that any jury would see the use of a baseball bat as legal and justifiable defence against an egg?

"Yes, Your Honour, once I saw he had an entire carton of eggs, I began to hit him with my baseball bat. Why, yes, Your Honour, I do think a concussion, cracked ribs, and a broken jaw constitute legal and justifiable force when facing a teen-age boy armed with a dozen eggs and intent on throwing them at my house. After all, he'll eventually come out of that coma, but I have to wash my house."

Somehow, I don't see that flying in any court in this country. And as for an 'airsoft gun'...dude, in Canada today, the only people who can honestly expect to get away with the use of a firearm for self-defence are organized criminals. Your dad gets caught with an 'airsoft gun' in the public's view, and he's gonna have the local ERT/SWAT team coming down on him.

I ain't tellin' him what to do, but I am saying for you not to advertise it. I really suggest this thread go away, not just for his/your sake, but in case anybody else thinks it's a good idea to patrol their property and use this site as their defence.

"Well, the army guys said it was okay, yer Honour"
Do you really believe that any jury would see the use of a baseball bat as legal and justifiable defence against an egg?

Personally i will run after the teen-ager, attach him on a chair and egg the hell out of him....

I really suggest this thread go away, not just for his/your sake, but in case anybody else thinks it's a good idea to patrol their property and use this site as their defence.

I wouldn't think that someone is that stupid, sorry no offence, to use the web site as a defence in a court of law....

Anyways, mods lock this thread if you consider it useless....

Wolf  :cdn:
Well, now that I think about it, the best defense for stuff like this is removing the anonymity from the situation. You don't know who these kids are, because they pull their stunts at night. If you have a camera or flash light at the ready for when they come around, snap a photo of them, or shine a light on them. I wouldn't feel too comfortable knowing the person I'm doing it to got a pic or a good look at my face, and you don't have to worry about assault charges!
Wolfe said:
I wouldn't think that someone is that stupid, sorry no offence, to use the web site as a defence in a court of law....
you wouldn't think people would be stupid enough to murder each other because of the name they call an invisible man in the sky, either, would you?

Never underestimate the the depths of human stupidity. The more people I meet, the smarter my dog looks.
2332Piper said:
No one said I (my dad has way more brain cells then I do, he wouldn't actually go after anyone, just FYI) hit anyone, deterrence is a wonderful thing. So is watching them scurry away when they see you and then calling the cops.
you're still treading very dangerous legal ground here. Despite what common sense would indicate, we've all seen enough instances where people defending themselves, others, or private property have ended up on the wrong side of the docket. Waving firearms around, even fake ones that look realistic is opening a whole 'nother can o' worms. Brandishing a firearm is a threat, and worse, it brands all gun owners in the eyes of the media as trigger-happy loons.

Neighbour sees a man in the dark, on Devil's Night, carrying a gun. He calls LEO, they are told by dispatch that there is an armed individual on such and such street, acting sketchy. They respond, accidents happen, misunderstandings occur, and shots are fired.
Nothing good could possibly come from that.

You're training to be an officer, are you not? There is a lot more to tactics than "1 Section forms a firebase, 2 & 3 sections will do a left flanking". What if the action contemplated will alienate the locals? Instead of one lone gunman, you now have created several. What if there is a source of Int in that area, who has been seen with one of your sergeants, and by acting you bring retribution down on him? Now, you've compromised an Int source, and none of the locals will talk to any of your men. What if the actions contemplated will violate your ROEs? Will the action contemplated compromise your nation's policy? If the tactical corporal is so important, how much more so is the tactical platoon commander?

I ain't shittin' on ya, I'm trying to help you out. Someday, you may be the one leading me and my men, and I want you to do it well.

Anyways, back on topic. Devils Night is the stupidest bloody 'night'...ever. IMHO. Pranks are fine, vandalism is not.
I don't understand it, either. There is nothing amusing about destruction of people's property, and it often has tragic results.

You'd be surprised. Then again, maybe its because all the girls are in my room.
I call. Show pics.
paracowboy said:
you wouldn't think people would be stupid enough to murder each other because of the name they call an invisible man in the sky, either, would you?

Never underestimate the the depths of human stupidity. The more people I meet, the smarter my dog looks.

Well its a fact that we humans are most likely to be stupid i can't argue this. By the way my dog is smarter than yours  :o :o :o :o
As far as where it came from, there doesn't seem to be any " real" history behind it. I did find this on the net:

Devil's Night
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This article is about the Michigan cultural phenomenon. For the album by rap group D12, please see Devil's Night (album).

Devil's Night is one name associated with October 30, the night before Halloween, particularly in the metropolitan Detroit, Michigan, area, though it is also "celebrated" in other areas in the United States like Camden, New Jersey. It is also known as Mischief night, and in some areas "Cabbage Night".

Traditionally, kids and teens in the Metro Detroit area play pranks on their neighbors on this night. Some of these pranks include ringing doorbells and running away; soaping or waxing windows; throwing eggs at houses and cars; overturning garbage cans; and draping trees with toilet paper. Devil's Night is a long-standing Detroit tradition pre-dating World War II, with anecdotal incidents occurring as early as the 1930s.

Beginning in the 1970s the mischief became more destructive, particularly in Detroit's inner-city neighborhoods, and extended into hundreds of acts of arson and vandalism. The destruction reached a peak in the mid- to late-1980s, with more than 800 fires set in 1984, and 500-800 fires in the three days and nights before Halloween in typical years.

In 1995, Detroit city officials organized and created Angel's Night on and around October 30. Each year, as many as 40,000 volunteers are gathered to patrol neighborhoods and prevent crime. Additionally youth curfews of as early as 6pm are instituted on the days preceding Halloween. This has resulted in a decline to 50-60 fires per day in the days around Halloween.

Devil's Night was chronicled in sociologist Ze'ev Chafets' 1991 book Devil's Night and Other True Tales of Detroit, and fictionalized in the 1994 movie The Crow. While the term is still well-known by Michigan residents, the news media in Detroit currently refer to the event as Angel's Night in an effort to boost the efforts of the volunteers.

The name Devil's Night or Mischief Night is used by various pranksters in the eastern U.S. and Canada, although the acts are far less destructive, criminal or violent. A survey done in the United States graphically shows the comparative popularity of various names for this night around the country.

and this:

The kids with the matches and gallons of gas are known as "Devils" and for the three nights leading up to Halloween, it's is their intention to create a flaming hell on Earth. For kicks.

Many blame a 1967 race riot - when the Detroit night was bright with flame - as the origin. More likely, the tradition began in the early 1980s. It was a hardcore time in the city: General Motors closed many of its shops, the Detroit PD was widely accused of excessive force against blacks, and taxpayers fled to the 'burbs resulting in the quick decaying of housing and commercial properties.

Detroit had become a tinderbox and arson must have seemed like a perfect way to unleash one's frustrations. The tradition lives on.

During the three-day period leading up to Halloween, abandoned cars and buildings become the main targets. The record of 800+ fires was set in 1984 for the "Devils Night Season" [the 3 days].

In 1994, Alex Proyas film "The Crow" brought Devil's Night to national awareness. Strangely, only 180 fires were set. In 1995 the mayor's office claimed victory over the arsons announcing a record low of only 61 fires citywide. Efforts to quell the arsonists included the demolition of thousands of vacant buildings and towing abandoned automobiles. Plus a curfew was set and sales of gasoline in small containers were outlawed for the 3-day period.

Will Devil's Night ever be smothered? As long as Detroit remains a city where people feel the frustrations of a big city of better days past, the answer is no.

Sounds pretty unreal, eh??  ??? :-[
Posts: 1,288

    Re: Devils Night
« Reply #16 on: Today at 08:32:46 » 

Quote from: 2332Piper on Today at 00:27:54
Edit: but what if they are in the process of 'egging' your house when you act in self defence?

dude, use your fuckin' head! In this society of criminal's rights, and the cult of the victim, do you honestly intend to see your father use 'self-defence' in court. Do you really believe that any jury would see the use of a baseball bat as legal and justifiable defence against an egg?

"Yes, Your Honour, once I saw he had an entire carton of eggs, I began to hit him with my baseball bat. Why, yes, Your Honour, I do think a concussion, cracked ribs, and a broken jaw constitute legal and justifiable force when facing a teen-age boy armed with a dozen eggs and intent on throwing them at my house. After all, he'll eventually come out of that coma, but I have to wash my house."

Somehow, I don't see that flying in any court in this country. And as for an 'airsoft gun'...dude, in Canada today, the only people who can honestly expect to get away with the use of a firearm for self-defence are organized criminals. Your dad gets caught with an 'airsoft gun' in the public's view, and he's gonna have the local ERT/SWAT team coming down on him.

I ain't tellin' him what to do, but I am saying for you not to advertise it. I really suggest this thread go away, not just for his/your sake, but in case anybody else thinks it's a good idea to patrol their property and use this site as their defence.

"Well, the army guys said it was okay, yer Honour" 

lol a guy that lived near me was taking his pellet gun out to the car and somebody got ERT on his ass. He never did get that gun back...
2332Piper said:
Or have you always been this old and grumpy?  
pretty much. The doctor slapped my ass, I looked at him, asked, "Izzat all you got?" punched him in the throat, gave the nurse a kiss that left her weak-kneed, put in a fresh dip, and waddled off in search a pint o' Guinness, and set of diapers.
And so it began...
I had you pegged for immaculate conception or some elaborate scheme whereby you spawned from the fabric of space and time.

I suppose i'm still the only one.