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Allgunzblazing said:
Hey Shuck, very well said. Excellent post  :salute:.

I hope and pray that this year, those of us who've been in the process for a few years now are able to become members of the CF.

Thanks, a/g/b. Best of luck to you in your process as well. Yes, let's hope this year does bring positive changes for everyone!
Hi Determined,
I've read your posts accross the forums recently and I just want to encourage you as well as everyone else.  You seem to have a very strong mindset, incredible motivation and dedication-- a strong man. No doubt you'd make a great soldier, and I truly look forward to serving along side you in the near future.

Thank you Noctis.  :salute: It's an honor to hear such words. Cos I am a good soldier of life already, and I am very eager to put such qualities to work.
It's nice to read that others would feel such from reading my post. It's helping me to stay focused. Even us strong minded, highly motivated and dedicated people sometimes need that pat on the back cos I seem to be having a heck of a time giving it to myself. I better learn before getting into basic cos I know I sure as heck won't get it there lol
If I have grazed correctly in the recent posts of yours, you are also in the recruiting process?
I definitely look forward to doing as I'm told LOL serving my fellow soldiers, as well as protecting our country and the people of it.
Thanks again for taking the time to share some encouraging words
Determined said:
...I'm older than you :-P I'm going to be 40 on the 30th. lol...

Yes, I've been reading some more entries and there seems to be quite a few who are either my age or older. YAY!;) I think the reason I'm 34 and finally pursuing this now is because I've never felt my age--ever. I've always had clear career goals, but I'm a bit of an opportunist as well, so if something came along that was a great opportunity I jumped at it. It was always something that I knew would aid in my endeavors, but I don't believe in wasting the chance to do something that puts me out of my comfort zone. I taught in South Korea for a little under a year, did volunteer mission trips in Barbados & Guyana building homes and churches/mingling with the locals, I was always trying to learn as much as I could as fast as I could in any given scenario, I love risk-taking (I'm a sucker for anything thrilling), enjoy sports (although I'm not the greatest at several, I still enjoy playing practically everything), so stuff like this has kept me 'feeling' young, I guess.  I thought it was finally time to settle and focus when my son was born. I need/want to be able to provide a certain type of lifestyle for him and I want to do something he can be proud of--me as well. I'm fortunate in that I have a very supportive husband who's been behind me 100% since I started the process and he's always known I wanted to pursue law enforcement of some sort. It was just a matter of deciding what my options were and where...
Determined said:
If I have grazed correctly in the recent posts of yours, you are also in the recruiting process?

Yes, that's correct. I'm currently waiting to be assigned for my week at Trenton for Aircrew selection. I'm trying to get into ROTP for either Pilot / Infantry O. / Armoured O.  I truly hope to get to go to RMC Kingston-- however as I already have a CEGEP degree I would not attend St-Jean (asides for BOTC). Because of this, the graduates from St-Jean would have priority over Kingston spots. I'd much rather go to Civvy U. then any university here in Montreal. I'm not much of a party guy and would prefer the regimental lifestyle of Kingston.
Yes Shucks, I like adventure myself, and love playing sports. Not very good at many of them but do enjoy being activity.
Next week I am starting some Rock climbing and hope by the spring to try Sky Diving.
I am joining late in life because I prefer the more regimented lifestyle as well, compared to the previous careless one I had before.
I'm not much of a partier either Noctis, not any more anyhow. lol
Man, I need to read up on my acronyms more as I am finding it hard to follow the lingo LOL
I am very curious if there are recruits in Ottawa awaiting the process or...I'd love to find others to train with.
I think I'll start a post or search if one was already started.
Good Luck to us all. It sounds like we all know we are getting it. When is just the unknown factor.
Had you been over here in Montreal, we could've gone indoor rock climbing together. I've been looking for a partner for the past couple of months. Sucks Canada is such a big country :P
I thought I would give an update. I haven't been to the board in ages. Though I have conversed and met some fantastic people since.

I had my surgery. February 11th. Amazing how things worked out to be honest. I will be physically healed by the end of March, with the go ahead to start physically training again.
It's been a whirlwind.I met the new surgeon on January 29th, the day before my birthday, then by the end of my birthday, the next day, we went from a surgery date of March 4th, to the 29th of February, then February 11th. I had less than a week and a half to get prepared.

I am two weeks into my recovery, and am feeling pretty good about things. It's been a rough two weeks of healing. I am much better but still lots of rest to be had. Though I am finally able to go for small walks outside. It was a major surgery, even though a routine one.

Until my appointment with the new surgeon, which I must say I had no idea how it was going to go but was hoping for the best, and a miracle. I kept saying things to myself like, I'd be happy if I had the surgery by the end of February, and other positive things..as well as ensuring that this surgeon, whom I had never met till January 29th, had every medical document pertaining to the current issue at hand. It was funny, cos just as we were about to meet, and before he opened the door, I heard him say "This is a lot of stuff." and I KNEW he was referring to the documents in my file. lol I was in shock I think when I left there with the date of March 4th. I thought if anything we were only going to be meeting and he'd give me an idea of when he thought he might be able to help me, if anything. Cos he was undermining another surgeon. Sort to speak. And when I left there with an actual date I was in awe. Worried about the surgery, excited things were happening, and in shock that I was really going to be having this surgery.

Over the year, I went from being told I could have it, that I didn't need to have it..to put it off if you can...to being bounced in every direction. What did I learn..just to listen more closely to myself. I have been working so diligently on my health for years regardless of my application to the military. I let that take precedence than listening to myself and fixing my health issues solely for myself. So I am glad I had the surgery and I am now telling the Universe that I want that to be my last surgery.
I am laughing as my personal trainer told me to becareful what you ask for. Since I did ask and tell the Universe I'd be grateful having this surgery by the end of February and it ended up being the middle of February. lol

I was going to share what I did before meeting the surgeon..and I got distracted lol in my own thoughts..Anyhow, I did some rock climbing. Bouldering actually. Omg it rocked me physically. The first time it took me almost a week to recover. The first day I could barely close my fingers. But the natural high..and the feeling of accomplishment when you could top out on a boulder was the ultimate high. I had a hard time containing myself. I've never felt like that before. My heart was beating so fast. My adrenaline was pumped! To the Max that I almost felt out of control. I was hooked. I went the following week but not without taking my grand daughter, who is four years old the same week I went for the first time. I went a few more times, but I also had some injuries I had to pay closer attention to as my running took a hit a few weeks before the surgery. I had knee issues and shoulder issues. Seems they are so far so good since the surgery but then again not been tested in any way. I am just hoping that after six weeks off of everything that my body is more than happy to start training again. I know I will be. Right now, the focus is on listening closely to my body and healing.
Woohooo I am reapplying for April 1st! Well, close to around then. If all goes well on my surgeon follow up on March 26th.

I've also applied for Carleton University for part time enrollment come September 1st for Social Worker. I figure I need to continue living my life regardless of when I will get into the military. When it happens I will be all the more surprised. I have told the Universe though that I'd like to be before I turn 41. Since I did say I was going to be in by the time I'm 40 and that just happened at the end of last month. I got the whole year ahead me for lots of good things!

I know a few people have started BMQ since I first posted on this board. I am hoping while I am laid up that I can cruise around. Learn some stuff and read some inspiring stories.

Thank you for sharing, all the best for a speedy recovery! :)