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DEO - Pilot - Questions

PWN said:
Sounds like a Selection has been added for 15 Aug.

Puts me on a pretty tight timeline from when I finished DRDC, but good luck to everyone else still waiting to be Merit Listed!

Can anyone confirm that the August 15th selection did indeed take place?

I spoke with my file manager at the recruiting centre a little over a week ago and he said he hadn't heard anything about a deo pilot selection board scheduled for the 15th.
Hi guys -- I just received a call from my file manager. I was told that there is another selection board scheduled for sometime in September (he couldn't remember the exact date off hand, unfortunately). He also confirmed, as skyhigh10 has mentioned, that many spots remain and that offers are still going out.

I just though I'd pass this along; I know there are a whole bunch of you out there waiting for information, just like me. All the best...
Wow R.C. - that is a great thing to hear. I've been plagued with delays like the rest of you and I was nervous having missed the June and July dates because of this. DRDC told me my aircrew factor should be at my CFRC by mid-September and I'll be merit listed then, so if there is a selection that month that would be fantastic. Fingers crossed everyone
I was also told, by my file manager, that your air factor does not need to be assigned in order for you to be merit listed and selected. It is entirely possible for a candidate to be on the merit list and selected prior to having the air factor assigned. If a candidate is selected in this fashion, then their offer would be conditional upon the air factor result. One member on this thread was selected in this way not too long ago. You may very well be on the merit list already, Reaper-1. Your file manager should be able to let you know.

All the best...
I attended ASC (in June) and passed, but am a DEO Component transfer... does anyone have any info as to whether or not I will have to pass a merit board, or are positions "reserved" for CT's? I've been hearing conflicting reports and would appreciate any insight! Would anyone know how long this process usually takes?

I'm just waiting for an air factor to be assigned, however candidates off the street going through their CFRC's (instead of DMil7) from my ASC course have already received offers... I'm not sure if their air factors have been granted or not.

et30 said:
I attended ASC (in June) and passed, but am a DEO Component transfer... does anyone have any info as to whether or not I will have to pass a merit board, or are positions "reserved" for CT's? I've been hearing conflicting reports and would appreciate any insight! Would anyone know how long this process usually takes?

I'm just waiting for an air factor to be assigned, however candidates off the street going through their CFRC's (instead of DMil7) from my ASC course have already received offers... I'm not sure if their air factors have been granted or not.

Strange your Airfactor hasn't been assigned yet.  I was told by Staff at DRCD that as a serving member your Airfactor will be assigned quicker than an off-the-street applicant as you are already in the system.  All they have to do is update your file on the DIN at your home unit.  Mine was assigned 3 weeks after I was at DRDC.  As for your question about DEO CT's I have heard varying opinions about this entry plan but its just that - opinions and speculation.  Nobody seems to know for sure it seems like a real grey area as far as the different entry plans are concerned. 


Thanks Rob. I'm curious if the guys off the street don't have air factor's but have been conditionally loaded on BMOQ's... from reading on here, it seems that this is done often.

Also would DRDC upload your airfactor into HRMS, or is it sent to the home unit? It would seem unusual for a home unit to be responsible for uploading a medical category...

This waiting game is so frustrating especially as I read of more and more positions filling up. Oh well.

I am in the same boat you are.  Last I heard from my file manager, my air factor was awarded and my file was sent to a MWO for "final review and so my offer can be prepared accordingly".  This sounds good but that was also over a month ago now.  My file manager also advised me that our files are not sent to a board such as those candidates coming off the street but when I asked for clarification I receieved no response.

From my understanding DRDC would be uploading the airfactor and it won't be sent to your home unit, but I am having trouble getting solid answers from anyone regarding the rest of the process.

As far as I can tell right now I am just waiting for a yes or no and am also worried about all the spots being taken up!

I will post here if I hear anything of interest though!

Good luck
thanks qyrang121, when were you at drdc? It would seem there are so many unanswered questions about the CT's. I'll let you know as well if I hear anything!
I was at DRDC the second last week of June.  It took about a month for my air factor to be granted.
That's when I was there, I think we may have met actually, I seem to remember meeting a Queen's York Ranger. Anyway, I still haven't seen my airfactor on my MPRR... :(
AFAIK, any/all CTs are handled at D Mil C (vice CFRG for CFRC applicants IIRC).  Look for CF MIL PERS INSTR 03/08 - CF CT and CT Career Programs on the DIN, that might hold some info for CT DEO applicants.

Just finished my interview and will be moving on to ASC. The recruiter informed me that there are 51 DEO pilot spots still available for this fiscal year (April 1 - March 30); however, 30 of those spots are reserved for people with previous military experience.
the tickler said:
Just finished my interview and will be moving on to ASC. The recruiter informed me that there are 51 DEO pilot spots still available for this fiscal year (April 1 - March 30); however, 30 of those spots are reserved for people with previous military experience.

I'm not sure about this... I heard 2 weeks ago that only 7 pilots were engaged /103 DEO pilot spots available for 2012-2013 (excluding 20 spots for people with previous military experience). I doubt that more than 40 candidates were engaged in less than 2 weeks. But good luck! I'm in the same situation as you... waiting to go to ASC... but for the second time! :S

*Last update: Missing some information.
Good luck to all of you waiting.

Qyrang - extra props to you and your prospects. As one Ranger to another....  :-). There are a few of us ex 011's that went the 32A route.  Celer Et Audax
Good to know there are a few other Rangers floating around out there!  I have 2 other ranger buddies trying to change the colour of their hat as well.  They are going for AVN Tech and are also currently playing the waiting game along with me.

Thanks for the well wishes!