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'Demilitarization' of University Campus

[RICE] said:
"The reality, though, is that recruiters often omit important information - risk of exposure to depleted uranium, likelihood of deployment/death in Afghanistan, the interest on tuition subsidies paid by those who do not complete their four-year commitment. They do it, and they do it here to take advantage of our percarious economic circumstances."

Don't MARS officers tell you all these things?
Also, what are the 'risks of exposure to depleted uranium'?

MARS officers are navy officers. Youre thinking about recruiters (who can be of any rank or occupation).

The whole DU thing is a popular bandwagon that people like to jump on.
Piper said:
MARS officers are navy officers. Youre thinking about recruiters (who can be of any rank or occupation).

The whole DU thing is a popular bandwagon that people like to jump on.

Thanks, the recruiter I spoke with mentioned he was a MARS officer, and i falsely assumed this was the title for recruiter officers.

And the whole thing about DU seemed a little... out there
[RICE] said:
Also, the reason why I stayed away from the arguments you suggested is because he condemns
the military entirely:

"Too often, they die far away from home for an oil pipeline.It's really no secret that recruiters come to campus entirely because we're so vulnerable, we so want a hand that will pull us out of this mess we didn't create. They come to campus to take advantage of us. It's called the poverty draft.So a viscious feedback loop emerges. Students live in poverty to get an education, accumulating debt the whole time, because there's not enough money going to them or to post-secondary education. There's not enough money going to post-secondary education because it's all going to the military. The military comes to campus where students are impoverished to recruit them. The military gets more money that's taken away from post-secondary education. All the while, people die in an unpopular imperialist adventure." -CJ Symons

I don't think there is anything you can do to change the mind of someone that ignorant. He has the world figured out and he is obviously mad that some soldiers are paid to go to school (and defend Canada and liberal western ideals) while he is not paid to go to school. You can't reason with a human shaped, blurry xerox of Karl Marx.

I wish you the best of luck in your noble attempt to undo some of the brain damage this glue bag is causing.
GDawg said:
I don't think there is anything you can do to change the mind of someone that ignorant. He has the world figured out and he is obviously mad that some soldiers are paid to go to school (and defend Canada and liberal western ideals) while he is not paid to go to school. You can't reason with a human shaped, blurry xerox of Karl Marx.

I wish you the best of luck in your noble attempt to undo some of the brain damage this glue bag is causing.

Thanks :) It gets ridiculous when we have job fairs on campus and there's a group of people having a banner signed for support against campus recruiting. Every time they ask me to sign it, I always tell them I have an application in for the forces, then they usually try to give me a pamphlet... they're all quite ignorant.
[RICE] said:
Thanks :) It gets ridiculous when we have job fairs on campus and there's a group of people having a banner signed for support against campus recruiting. Every time they ask me to sign it, I always tell them I have an application in for the forces, then they usually try to give me a pamphlet... they're all quite ignorant.

While I agree with the sentiment, and the approach I must caution you...

Fighting misinformation with misinformation will end up with someone pointing out to you that you are indeed the one who is wrong.  I'd suggest you continue to thoroughly research everything you want to say to these people, so that there is no reasonable rebuttle from them.  Food for thought. Or rather, will post for food :P
Corps of Guides said:
While I agree with the sentiment, and the approach I must caution you...

Fighting misinformation with misinformation will end up with someone pointing out to you that you are indeed the one who is wrong.  I'd suggest you continue to thoroughly research everything you want to say to these people, so that there is no reasonable rebuttle from them.  Food for thought. Or rather, will post for food :P

That's why I came here first ;)
Miscellaneous offences

301. Every person who

(d) interferes with or impedes, directly or indirectly, the recruiting of the Canadian Forces,

is guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding twelve months or to both.


He may want to think twice.
ark said:

He may want to think twice.

Brilliant work! You learn something new every day!
ark said:

He may want to think twice.

Great idea, but it would never happen to a civvie campaigning against the CF on a campus. Ever.

You might also point out that it's an urban myth.

The Canadian Military is almost invisible on Canadian campuses. (Except for Remembrance Day.)

I think the propaganda on campuses is getting worse.

I read with interest in a book about spying on Canadian campuses, that about 40 years ago the Canadian Communist Party set themselves a propaganda campaign targeting the Demilitarization of all Canadian university campuses. The campaign's ongoing.

Next time a student rants on the subject, ask him/her what Demilitarization means. They usually can't provide an answer.

Also, ask them when they last endured a curfew or witnessed troops marching through their hallways.

Another tack that sometimes works WRT CF advertising on campuses, is reminding them that students have minds of their own--they don't need a bunch of left-wing wheezers their student-colleagues dictating their free will choices.

Edited: for politeness
Another thing to note for the original statement is that reservists do, in fact, parade during the school year.  The hours are such that it needn't interfere with classes, but it's not true that all training is done in the summer.
You need to refer to "casualties" nor "causalities".

Not all Officers have university degrees, and many NCMs do. What distinguishes us, though, is our Commission from Her Royal Majesty.

As an Officer, I drive the helicopter, not the NCM(s) behind me. We would all be shot at equally, however.

Is he in favour of beating women if their ankles show or men if they shave their beards, stoning or shooting women on allegation of adultery, denying women health care from male doctors while preventing women from working in medicine (or any other career), banning sports, television, radio, music, or any other form of human pleasure? That's what he is supporting if he is against our presence.

We will let him have beer, porn, sex, and music. The Taliban won't. Whom should he really prefer to be sharing his campus with?

Ask to see the building permit for the oil pipeline.

Run your next draught by us as well.
jp86 said:
Another thing to note for the original statement is that reservists do, in fact, parade during the school year.  The hours are such that it needn't interfere with classes, but it's not true that all training is done in the summer.

He wasn't talking about reservist he was talking about RMC/Civ U Ocdts.
Loachman said:
You need to refer to "casualties" nor "causalities".

Not all Officers have university degrees, and many NCMs do. What distinguishes us, though, is our Commission from Her Royal Majesty.

As an Officer, I drive the helicopter, not the NCM(s) behind me. We would all be shot at equally, however.

Is he in favour of beating women if their ankles show or men if they shave their beards, stoning or shooting women on allegation of adultery, denying women health care from male doctors while preventing women from working in medicine (or any other career), banning sports, television, radio, music, or any other form of human pleasure? That's what he is supporting if he is against our presence.

We will let him have beer, porn, sex, and music. The Taliban won't. Whom should he really prefer to be sharing his campus with?

Ask to see the building permit for the oil pipeline.

Run your next draught by us as well.

I decided to post the part of the National Defense Act about interfering with recruiting.
He then posted the definition to 'civil disobedience'.
I told him "Interpret the law as you wish. Civil disobedience is not mentioned in that article, nor does it make it legal."
He then went on to say that he wasn't arguing the legality, but that it's what we should do and that's what he cares about.
I told him that if he cares about breaking the law, he's a terrible candidate, and if he cares about changing it, good luck. He's not going to have much impact if any.

I took Piper advice and stuck to what I know; it's working out quite well for me.  :)
Hello Rice,

I just read the guy's blog...he's so ideologically brainwashed that I don't think it's worth bothering trying to reason with him on his blog. You're more than welcome to wrestle a pig in the mud, just remember that the pig likes it.

A better solution would be to target his election campaign on its own merits. The guy is welcome to try and demilitarize anything he likes...but what does that say about his viewpoint on freedom of expression and the judgement of his constituents? Just a thought - having been a right-winger student politician at the UofT, that kind of doubt tends to move the undecided away from a wingnut. As for his dyed-in-the-wool followers (the kind who follow his blog and insult women for dating soldiers), ignore them. It's not worth your time trying to convince someone whose mind is already made up and closed to a different perspective.

As for the comment that officers don't fight, well, as a former Infantry Officer and current Intelligence Officer who has been forward to the FOBs in the sandbox...well, you've probably been more than corrected on that misconception already.

Keep up the good fight!
Ah - it must be nice to be young and "idealistic".  I miss knowing everything.
Lil_T said:
Ah - it must be nice to be young and "idealistic".  I miss knowing everything.

As long as he thinks he's relevant.  He'll probably graduate with a fine arts degree, $60K in debt and, after failing to sell his screenplay while working as a Starbucks barista, will land in a dead-end office bureacracy only to die at 45 of a massive coronary because his underlings are putting the wrong cover sheet on their "TPS Reports."

.... so there I was ... 
:rofl: Repeat after me:

"would you like two apple pies for $1.39?"