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Defence Policy in the 2006 General Election

One more dirty trick by the NDP. Bunch of dirtbags...But here are some links to their defence critic's ideas...
Regarding Canada/US co-operation:
Regarding defence spending:
Some other defence related articles:
This guy is a clown! like really how does us going to afghanistan in Feb have anything to do with torture! oh because anyone we capture we are going to turn over to the US! well maybe the NDP can come over and we can have a Canadian Court and we know how those things go! Maybe we should turn them over to the NDP now thats real torture! :blotto:
(quote)Accelerate the already announced creation of a new 5000 person peacekeeping brigade(quote)

lol I find this funny how he keeps saying throughout that document peacekeeping this and peacekeeping that and UN this. Canada is at WAR we are not peacekeeping anymore  :warstory: I really dont know what else to say to this guy other then What??

We all know what happens to people of Peace in places like Iraq! Next we are going to see them on the internet without there heads , said to say but stuff doesn't work over there! I guess the NDP wants to see people die in the name of peace!
I wonder if they realize that "bombing for peace, is like f*ck*ng for virginity"
How many people need to die in order for them to realize that peace will never be totaly attained?
Harper expected to announce defence platform
Last Updated Tue, 13 Dec 2005 05:11:47 EST
CBC News

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper will take his federal election campaign to Trenton, Ont., on Tuesday where he is expected to introduce his party's policy on defence.

His defence platform follows his announcement Monday that a Conservative government would provide a tax credit for Canadians who enrol their children in organized hockey and other sports.

After the stop in Trenton, Harper is expected to head to Windsor in southwestern Ontario for a campaign rally....

.... [nothing to do with defence issues]

Harpers pledges $1.8B boost in military spending
CTV.ca News Staff

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper made a pitch this morning to significantly boost defence spending -- part of his strategy to empower Canadian troops to become more self-reliant on missions at home and abroad.

The Tory plan would amount to a $1.8 billion increase over projected spending by Martin's Liberals by 2010-2011. The money will go toward:

buying new strategic lift aircraft;
creating a new airborne battalion; and
doubling the size of Canada's Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART).
"Our Forces stand on guard for us, both at home and around the world. So we must stand up for them," said Harper this morning from Trenton, Ont., as he continues his tour of Southeastern Ontario, a key battleground on the campaign trail.

"The men and women who put on the uniform of Canada must have the tools they need to protect themselves and do their job."

Harper said our current lack of strategic lift capability has left Canada reliant on renting American or Russian aircraft to deploy troops on disaster, humanitarian and military operations -- including the Manitoba floods in 1997, the Quebec ice storm in 1998, the Afghanistan mission in 2002, and the South Asian tsunami relief operation in 2005.

"To be truly sovereign, we must be able to deploy our forces and equipment, where they are needed, when they are needed," said Harper. "To put it bluntly: hitchhikers may get to their destination, but they don't get to pick the route or the timing."

The minority Liberal government committed $12.8 billion to military expansion in last February's budget -- which will bring the total defence budget to almost $20 billion within five years.


Well Harper's defence policy was announced with much fanfare. The proposals with the exception of the expansion of DART are simply policies that are already in progress.  In fact, with regard to strategic airlift, Harper delayed the tnedering process  by causing the government to fall.  For some reason, the Cosnervatives want the pricey C-17, which is not as versatile as the C-130J, although it can carry more.  To help solve Canada's airlift problem, the Government should partner with Air Canada and buy some cargo plans that could be remanded to the custody of the CF when needed, Air Canada could lease them or use them for freight (is this a carzy idea?) As well, Harper's "airborne" sounds almost exactly like the JOINT ACTION TASK FORCE(JATF) already proposed by DND, which has been discussed on this site.


None of these proposals address the lack of medical staff (i.e Doctors and medics) in the CF, as well as a host of other issues.  What are some your opinions on what the forces needs?  Maybe the politicians will listen to the soldiers.

I think they're stuck.

The CDS is proposing at least as much as the promised budget will bear - maybe a bit more.  It would be political death to propose something other than what the CS says; imagine the Liberals saying, "So, General Hillier is wrong, is he?  Only four stars and real, recent combat experience, what has Harper got besides a slightly too large waist line?"

Proposing something new and radical - say some of the things proposed here on army.ca - means that one must propose some radical new money and one is left open to the aircraft carrier, robbing Medicare and American lapdog counter-attacks.

He needs to get behind the CDS, saying: "Yessir; all you asked for and a bit more - better, faster, too. Ready! Aye Ready!"

As I see it Harper's two big problems are:

o Hang on to the seats he has, especially in BC; and

o Win more seats in Ontario.

Defence, it seems to me, is not a big winner (or loser, either) in BC or in the 905 belt around Toronto.  He has made his point, now it is back to 'wedge' issues he can use to pry votes away from the Liberals.
I'm glad to see Steven Harper publically stating (within the election) what has been their platform all along. Yes, we need an Airborne unit. At 1.8$B a year, he may find he needs to spend even more as the liberals have allowed some of the CF's equipment to deteriorate too far. But the purchasing philosophy has to change, logistical vehicles need to be purchased on an annual basis, replacing the oldest 10% every year, not this bulk and clearly politically motivated purchase every 20 years nonsense. Harper must also develop a foreign policy that works. If we are to contribute in a meaningful way in far flung countries, then the CF must be given the right tools: Ro-Ro ships, C130J-30s, as well as a few C17s but more importantly a balanced force. Bring back the Airborne (1st Can Para Bn, etc. whatever we want to call it). Maintain a credible armour presence within the LdSH, RCD and 12RBC, perhaps even add 3 more battalions of regular infantry (shades of Blackwatch & Cdn Guards), we also need to maintain JTF2, there is room for both them and the Airborne. The world we live in is far cry from the 1960s and 70s when the CF was involved in Cyprus and a handful of other small UN missions. Will this be expensive? Probably, but it will be far cheaper than the alternative. As for Harper delaying tendering process by causing the government to fall, a side issue, the government needed to fall. I would not stand for propping them up merely to pass any bill or budget, otherwise the threat would be held over our heads indefinably. You need only look at any of their 1993 promises, have they kept any in 12 years? There you go. As for partnering with Air Canada? Absolutely a terrible idea given their financial track record. We need to be better prepared. Rant mode off - 
...and here is the full story.  Nothing original.  :P


Tories would bring back airborne troops
Last Updated Tue, 13 Dec 2005 11:05:07 EST
CBC News
A Conservative government would boost Canada's ability to project its values around the world with more military aircraft and a new airborne battalion, Leader Stephen Harper said on Tuesday.

Harper made the announcement at Trenton, Ont., where he said the new battalion and large, strategic lift aircraft would be based. The Conservatives would also buy planes to replace the military's aging fleet of Hercules aircraft.

"Hitchhikers get to their destination, but they don't get to pick the route or the timing," he said, referring to recent missions in which the Canadian military had to rely on U.S. or Russian aircraft.

Military spending over the next five years would increase by more than $5 billion compared to the plan set out by the Liberal government, Harper said. By 2010, he said, a Conservative government would be spending $1.8 billion more per year than the Liberals.

"The Canadian Forces deserve better than the neglect that they have seen for the past 12 years," he said.

Asked about his plan to create a new airborne battalion of 650 troops stationed in Trenton, Harper said he doesn't believe there's a stigma attached to the idea of airborne troops.

The Airborne Regiment, which was based in Petawawa, was disbanded in 1995 following a 1993 deployment as peacekeepers to Somalia, during which Canadian soldiers beat a Somali teenager to death.

Harper said, "The government of the day disbanded the Airborne Regiment to avoid getting to the bottom of a particular incident."

The Conservatives also plan to double the capacity of the Disaster Assistance Response Team, which has been deployed around the world to help in relief efforts following natural disasters such as last year's tsunami.

Harper said the Conservatives believe strengthening the military is important to maintain the country's sovereignty, which he said means protecting the borders and dealing with domestic disasters. He also said, "We need strong Canadian Forces to project Canadian values abroad."

Canada would not send troops to Iraq if he were prime minister, he said.

Tuesday's announcements were only the beginning of the Conservative military spending package, he said.
A Conservative government would boost Canada's ability to project its values around the world with more military aircraft and a new airborne battalion, Leader Stephen Harper said on Tuesday.


I was hoping to hear an endorsement of the CDS Vision. I do not not see anything new, interesting or particularly inspiring. I am tempted to vote Liberal, as much as it would pain me, so the Transformation train doesn't get derailed. What are your thoughts?  :salute:
Tories would bring back airborne troops
Last Updated Tue, 13 Dec 2005 11:05:07 EST
CBC News

A Conservative government would boost Canada's ability to project its values around the world with more military aircraft and a new airborne battalion, Leader Stephen Harper said on Tuesday.

Harper made the announcement at Trenton, Ont., where he said the new battalion and large, strategic lift aircraft would be based. The Conservatives would also buy planes to replace the military's aging fleet of Hercules aircraft.

"Hitchhikers get to their destination, but they don't get to pick the route or the timing," he said, referring to recent missions in which the Canadian military had to rely on U.S. or Russian aircraft.

Military spending over the next five years would increase by more than $5 billion compared to the plan set out by the Liberal government, Harper said. By 2010, he said, a Conservative government would be spending $1.8 billion more per year than the Liberals.

"The Canadian Forces deserve better than the neglect that they have seen for the past 12 years," he said.

Asked about his plan to create a new airborne battalion of 650 troops stationed in Trenton, Harper said he doesn't believe there's a stigma attached to the idea of airborne troops.

The Airborne Regiment, which was based in Petawawa, was disbanded in 1995 following a 1993 deployment as peacekeepers to Somalia, during which Canadian soldiers beat a Somali teenager to death.

Harper said, "The government of the day disbanded the Airborne Regiment to avoid getting to the bottom of a particular incident."

The Conservatives also plan to double the capacity of the Disaster Assistance Response Team, which has been deployed around the world to help in relief efforts following natural disasters such as last year's tsunami.

Harper said the Conservatives believe strengthening the military is important to maintain the country's sovereignty, which he said means protecting the borders and dealing with domestic disasters. He also said, "We need strong Canadian Forces to project Canadian values abroad."

Canada would not send troops to Iraq if he were prime minister, he said.

Tuesday's announcements were only the beginning of the Conservative military spending package, he said.


If we go get a new Airborne Battalion, where would the troops come from? With this new CSOR, thats already going to take a  lot of troops from the Infantry Reg'ts, aswell as CSS units.
Maybe Harper hasn't been paying attention to what's been going on in the CF and doesn't know about the CSOR.

Airborne = Special Operations Regiment.

The Conservatives either (a) haven't been following developments in the CF (b) have been, but want to grab some pro-military votes by using a well-known term like "Airborne" or (c) just don't care, and want to take credit for the CSOR when it does come about.

Either way, it doesn't make much sense.

After reading some other news sources, I have to edit:
Apparently NO ONE has been paying attention to the changes in the CF, including the new CSOR. None of the reports on Harper's announcement picked up on the CSOR/Airborne thing, or the recent Transformation drive. The usual ignorance of even basic defence matters by the nation's media and political establishment.

To good  to be true?
Never heard anything about that is there a link or can you explain more info about that?