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Defence Analyst Sunil Ram

I had no idea this would turn into what it did. Mayhaps this guy is not who he is passing himself off as?
HitorMiss said:
I had no idea this would turn into what it did. Mayhaps this guy is not who he is passing himself off as?

This may explain some other questions:  http://www.zoominfo.com/Search/PersonDetail.aspx?PersonID=1006310491   

Security Analyst
CTV Inc.
Headquarters Address:

P.O. Box 9 Station "O"
Toronto, ON M4A 2M9
Website:  www.ctv.ca
Phone:  (416) 332-7391
Fax:  (416) 332-6491

Just a little bit of "Double Speak" here:

Asked why we don't see a lone disaffected Muslim conducting a suicide attack at rush hour in Union Station, a major Toronto transit hub, Ram said: "Partly because it's not that easy to do. For starters, you have to know how to build a bomb."

Anyone even mildly savvy with computers and the Internet can find these materials online, he said.
However, Ram said a major factor in planning an attack is building up the motivation to go through with it.
"There's a group dynamic in which these people feed off each other ... There's the same psychology at work" in terror cells as the army, Ram said. "The only difference is that these individuals' motivation is ideologically based in radical Islam ... and to the extent that they are willing to take their own life."

Canadians like to think we're a little different from the rest of the West, but radical Islamists don't see us that way, Ram said.
CTV Newsnet: Security analyst Sunil Ram > CTV News: Expert analysis > CTV News: A timeline of events >

Which side of the fence is he standing on?
Here is the BIG UN award:
Lt.-Gov. Jack Wiebe today presented 30 Global Citizen Certificates to
Saskatchewan residents as part of the United Nations 50th Anniversary
program in Canada.

"Each of these individuals has contributed to the advancement of UN
issues and global understanding," Wiebe said.

A key initiative to assist in raising awareness during the anniversary
year involved a provincial steering committee to oversee several
initiatives including a Model UN Assembly at the University of Regina.
In addition, schools, community organizations and numerous individuals
launched programs to help raise awareness of the role of the United

"It is important that all governments continue to work together to
emphasize the relevance of the UN and how it relates to this country
and all citizens globally," Wiebe said.

The certificates were issued by the Canadian Committee for the 50th
anniversary of the United Nations.

Sunil Ram, facilitator at YMCA UN 50 project and Under Secretary-
General, Model UN Assembly

I had my students in Grade Nine do the same thing.

Cripes!  I have a certificate for being North of 60.  We were deployed to Pond Inlet for a few weeks in early December, a couple of years before that.  I guess I am an 'Expert' on Arctic Warfare and Northern Sovereignty.   ::)  I had better dig that out and hang it back up on the "I Love Me Wall" for the researchers of some Media outlet to see.  Make Up!  I'm starting to sweat here!..........and yes I have stayed at a Holiday Inn.
Well we have established that this person is not 100% what he says he is. It's a shame that this can of worms was opened just because I thought his interview and question answering was bang on, Maybe someone should start really digging instead of just the surface stuff we are doing here.
3rd Herd said:
He had applied to three nearby universities for a doctorate ... but recently learned that all three had turned him down.

Non-acceptance into a Doctoral program almost universally occurs for two reasons:

1) No one at the university is suitable to supervise the candidate's research. For this reason, the candidate researches the university and faculty prior to applying, and about 90% of the time establishes contact with an appropriate professor to determine if he/she is willing to take on another student.

2) Academic credentials are not up to standards. Credible universities are concerned about their reputation for quality research and publication -- either through normal academic channels or simply through things like the Macleans magazine annual university survey. It comes down to money; quality universities attract funding and better students.

If he was turned down on the first grounds (suitable faculty not available), it suggests that he cannot do research adequately to even apply to graduate studies properly. I have doubts about this first explanation -- one, maybe two universities saying no one is interested (assuming the schools applied to have a suitable program -- one doesn't apply to the Julliard School of Fine Arts for a Strategic Studies program) -- but three schools??

Therefore, his being turned down by three universities suggests his credentials may not be as golden as implied (as noted by various sources here).

I do not know Ram's situation, and so, cannot judge.

Now, if you'll forgive me, it's movie night over here.
Make your own conclusions:

3rd Herd said:
Make your own conclusions:

Careful here gents:  do you know for certain this is the same guy?
It doesn't jive with anything else he has said about himself..................I'm thinking someone else myself.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
It doesn't jive with anything else he has said about himself..................I'm thinking someone else myself.

I think being careful in jumping to conclusion in this regard is smart.  If you google "Sunil Ram" you come up with many references, obviously not related.  I don't know how common a name this is, but it's kind of like googling "John Smith" - you've got to be REAL careful to separate the wheat from the chaffe.
Same guy or not I'd be wary of someone as geographically challneged as this one is

"This is a great opportunity to train in a "Central American" country, where the threat from organized crime and kidnappings are extremely high."

Mexico is part of North America.  ::)

It the little things like that I look for in a potential bodyguard when travelling in the developing world, which is why I usually hire myself. 8)
I think its the same guy, if you go to the site linked of the blog its from north bay Ontario and he's listed as a Media consultant as well, he's a man of many hats.
Wow. Interesting read ...

Heck, I was elected to Model Parliament in High School; I won't tell you what Minister I was ( take a wild guess ...  ;) ) and all I got was a great big trophy. No UN award.  :'(

I read his 'bio' and it just leaves me with one lingering question begging an answer ... "Why isn't this guy a Doctor??"   ???
ArmyVern said:
Wow. Interesting read ...

Heck, I was elected to Model Parliament in High School; I won't tell you what Minister I was ( take a wild guess ...  ;) ) and all I got was a great big trophy. No UN award.  :'(

I read his 'bio' and it just leaves me with one lingering question begging an answer ... "Why isn't this guy a Doctor??"  ???

well assuming you were modeling the parliament that was in power at the time I'll say... Sir John Alexander Macdonald
ParaMedTech said:
Because you can't have career ADD and be a Doctor   >:D

Uhmmm, I know someone on this site who'd beg to differ!!  ;)   >:D
Future Unknown said:
well assuming you were modeling the parliament that was in power at the time I'll say... Sir John Alexander Macdonald

Careful now... I did the same model parliament the year before vern!
Careful now... I did the same model parliament the year before vern!

I thought Vern more the Mackenize-King type. Given other published references from well accredited sources about her ancestral families ability to "sweep the skies" crystal balls and seances are more in line.  ;D
This is Prof. Sunil Ram speaking... the real one not the guy up in Hunstville.

For what it is worth I started at 734 Comm Sqn Regina, I have served briefly with 1CSR Kingston and 731 Com Sqn CFB Shilo and I was a lineman!
Now if any of you know what the Pine Tree Line was and know anything about CFB Shilo at the height of the Cold War... then I don't need to explain myself anymore. For those of you who do not... read your own CF military history. Years later due to shortages of CELE officers I came back to the CF for a short stint as a SIGS officer. Now unless you happen to have a TS/level 3 SC you don't need to know any more.

Why you find my background so curious I have no idea... but note the BIO that was posted is dated and not written by ME! AMU (where I teach edited it and left out all the good bits). Now for those who have been junior James Bond's looking into my background if they actually knew how to use the Internet as a tool they would find numerous corrections due to errors made by the media about me... it does not help that the Huntsville Sunil Ram is constantly confused with me since I was not that willing to chat with the media for years. As an aside I have appeared hundreds of times in the national and international media because I know what I am talking about and because I am consistently correct (well except of the Taliban 2007 Spring offensive-- but hey you can't be right all the time  :D).

Note due to my international work... please never confuse me with some local Canadian analyst, I obviously have a contrarain view. The fact we can have this type of discussion is in fact healthy and shows we live in a true democractic state-one I have defended for over a quarter century. But in turn it does not give the right to individuals who clearly don't know their own Canadian military heritage, symbology, or customs to comment based on supposition, conjecture, wild guessing and worse of all uneducated opinion.

Oh and the UNITAR-POCI site is an OFFICIAL UN AGENCY. UNITAR is the training wing of the UN and is an independent agency. If you bother to look hard enough there is ample proof of this- again it seems people only see what they want. Hell US military personnel get professional credits for UNITAR-POCI programs. Currently thousands of UN peacekeepers have taken the courses I developed for UNITAR-POCI... look at the lists provided on the website (note this does not include numbers prior to 2005 as I recall)

What I find troubling is that there are comments on this chat about my PROTECTED B file... which really makes me wonder who runs this whole show.
Hopefully, this will make those of you having boring rainy days find something more useful to do. If not well what can I say... other than get a life! Oh and if you want to read some of my stuff there are tons and tons of articles posted on the internet including non-classified papers I wrote for the CF!
Look at Frontline-Defense, the Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, the Royal Canadian Military Institute (where I edit SITREP the private miitary magazine of the RCMI), the Globe and Mail, etc etc

ps for those of you in 32 Bgd who have said negative things (some who have claimed to know or even met me) you had better get your facts in order---  that is why I am the international defense and security analysts and you are NOT! I don't have any respect for those who do not have the balls to say what they need to to my face... so let me stand you a pint at the TOR Scots mess at Fort York or the RCMI and feel free to winge in person... its easy to be a know it all "hero"on the internet it is another thing to deal with someone in person.