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Declining an offer (merged)

I'll just drop my question here since it's related..

If an offer is declined, how does that affect future offers for the same occupation. For example, I have to turn down my #1 pick for valid reasons, am I able to be put back onto the  merit list down the  road, and will the original declined offer negatively affect my file at all?
If you have a valid reason for declining an offer, you can reapply for the same occupation later on. Keep in mind that you will have to re-submit some of the documentation as it will most likely expire.

I applied for the CAF with 2 trade preferences - ACISS and ATIS. I was recently offered a position for ACISS but after some thinking, I decided to decline the employment offer and instead, wait until I receive an offer for ATIS.

Will declining the employment offer automatically close my whole application file and take me off the merit list for ATIS? I didn't clarify with the recruiter that I would like to remain on the merit list for ATIS. Now I'm worried that since I didn't clarify, they would assume I'm no longer interested in the CAF and close my file.

Also, to any recruiters that may happen to see this - when is the next selection date for ATIS and how many positions are remaining?
If you are made an offer of employment and choose to reject the offer, you must ask your Recruiting Detachment to have your file re-merit listed for your remaining occupation choices.

While you do have the opportunity to list up to three occupation choices, you must keep in mind that by doing so, means that you are willing to accept an offer of employment for any of the three choices.
I recently declined an offer I was given within the forces. I declined because I am terrified of going to sea.
There was no way my offer could have been switched to AF, and that upset me but I understand. Before I made my final decision to decline the offer the recruiter did not seem very impressed that I was leading towards that direction. When I did officially decline she told me she could close my file. That scared me. I asked for it not to be closed because I am very serious about joining but I believe in the end she just accepted my decline. However, she told me I may not get an offer again. Is this true?  I did very well on all aspects of the process. I have confidence I will get the trade and element I am after but it felt like because I declined I wouldn't be offered anything else.

Does declining my offer effect future offers?  My reason was simply I'm terrified of open water. AF or Army, I probably would have accepted. Navy just isn't for me.
Kayona4 said:
I recently declined an offer I was given within the forces. I declined because I am terrified of going to sea.
There was no way my offer could have been switched to AF, and that upset me but I understand. Before I made my final decision to decline the offer the recruiter did not seem very impressed that I was leading towards that direction. When I did officially decline she told me she could close my file. That scared me. I asked for it not to be closed because I am very serious about joining but I believe in the end she just accepted my decline. However, she told me I may not get an offer again. Is this true?  I did very well on all aspects of the process. I have confidence I will get the trade and element I am after but it felt like because I declined I wouldn't be offered anything else.

Does declining my offer effect future offers?  My reason was simply I'm terrified of open water. AF or Army, I probably would have accepted. Navy just isn't for me.

If you are NOT satisfied with the offer of employment, you can one of two things.  1) Ask if it is possible to have the environmental assignment changed;  or if this is not an option 2) Decline the offer of employment, inform your Recruiting Detachment that you are NOT interested in the Naval Environment and ask that your file be re-merit listed and considered for ONLY Army or Airforce.

You should be put right back on the Merit List and eligible for a future offer but at this time of the year, pickings may be slim, so don't expect anything until mid-Mar or later.

Keep in mind that your chosen occupation is subject to service across all environments of the CF regardless of environmental assignment.    Good luck!
Hi all,

I recently got an offer for Armoured Crewman, with BMQ starting July 25 and enrolment on July 14. Unfortunately, I am not able to comfortably commit 100% because of life circumstances at the moment. If I were to decline this offer, what would be my chances of getting a second offer down the road?
I was made an offer for the May 2nd BMQ. I wasn't able to attend that date due to life circumstances. I asked for a deferral for a later BMQ date and explained my situation. They decided that it was best to have the offer declined and re-merit list me, I was called 6 days later with an offer for the June BMQ which I am able to attend. I would suggest asking for a deferral to a date that you can attend first.

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ConstableMurtis said:
Hi all,

I recently got an offer for Armoured Crewman, with BMQ starting July 25 and enrolment on July 14. Unfortunately, I am not able to comfortably commit 100% because of life circumstances at the moment. If I were to decline this offer, what would be my chances of getting a second offer down the road?

You would be in the same position as Scarlett has mentioned above.  If you choose to decline an offer of employment, you must then inform your Recruiting Detachment of what you wish to have done with your current application.  You may either have your application CLOSED (and re-Open it at a later date) or ask to be re-merit listed and considered for an offer of employment at a later date.
First, thank you for taking the time take to read this and possibly get back on this topic.

Basically I was given an offer that I did put on my application that I was interested in at the time, but I no longer am (my application process has been going on a year and a half now).  I have an Electronic Engineering Technician trade, and I wish to pursue a career in that field as a Weapons Technician (Weng Tech I believe), which I also did put on my application. The job I was offered is not in that field and I wish to be able to use the trade I have already been to school for.
I'm more so curious if I decline this offer, will it hurt my chance to hopefully get an offer in the trade I really wish to make my career.

Thanks again for your time.
Thank you for merging this with another thread based around the same topic. I have done some reading through this site, and spoke to several friends of mine in the Military and came to a decision. So, I'm just giving you an update on what's going on, in case anyone else is facing the same situation.
With great hesitation, I declined my offer to go into the career the military offered me, NESOP. I really want to pursue a career in the military, but over the past year, while my application as slowly been going through the process, I decided that I want to go into 2 particular trades, and not the other one (All of which were on my choices). I have a diploma in Electronic Engineering Technician, and I would really like to keep going on with that trade as I do enjoy it, and like the prospect of being a WENG Tech or Electrical Tech.  Also, would be nice to put my school years to good use.
Hopefully I did not make a big mistake here, but I'm hoping it will pay off in the long run and get an offer in a career path that I really want to pursue.
Thanks for your time

Asked and answered in Ask a CAF Recruiter. Adding for reference,

Just got a job offer.
Izzy said:
so I had a gentleman from the recruiting center call me today with an offer of enrollment for infantry,  now out of my 3 choices I wanted combat engineer/infantry/armored solider, was offered my second choice, now here is the question,
If I still wish to pursue combat engineer over infantry, what is that process, he stated that I would be put back on merit listing and have to wait all over again.

would this be smart on my behalf as its something I truly want, or would it just screw me over as I have a perfectly good job offer for a great position anyways...

Sergeant Laen said:
The recruiter you spoke with is 100% correct, if you turn down Infantry and wish to wait for Combat Engineer you will be placed back on the Merit List and if you are competitive enough you might receive an offer down the road for Combat Engineer.

Best Regards,
Sgt Laen
I am currently merit listed and I am wondering if i do receive a call would I be able to ask them to put the BT ahead? I just got offered a job as assistant coach for a jr a team and would like to be able to have a season doing that before joining. I would like to know what happens if i ask that or if i don't decide to go? can i re apply at a later date?

Thanks A lot!
htown11 said:
I am currently merit listed and I am wondering if i do receive a call would I be able to ask them to put the BT ahead? I just got offered a job as assistant coach for a jr a team and would like to be able to have a season doing that before joining. I would like to know what happens if i ask that or if i don't decide to go? can i re apply at a later date?

Thanks A lot!

You can request a "deferral" of the BMQ date offered but chances are, they will just rescind the offer and put you back on the Merit List, which usually results in another offer within the next 2-4 weeks.

If you have a specific date in mind, that you are available to accept an offer of employment and it is 3 months or more into the future, your best option would be to just close your application and re-open it again when you are ready to accept an offer.  Keep in mind, that you may have to redo the Interview, Medcal and Background Checks.
I am thinking of cancelling my application. Other opportunities have come up in life and I am curious to know if after cancelling, would I ever be able to apply again if I decided down the road it was something I'd like to try out for again?
Drew Grey said:
I am curious to know if after cancelling, would I ever be able to apply again if I decided down the road it was something I'd like to try out for again?

From DAA, right above yours.

DAA said:
close your application and re-open it again when you are ready to accept an offer.  Keep in mind, that you may have to redo the Interview, Medcal and Background Checks.

As always,  Recruiting / DAA  is your most trusted source of information.
I recently posted a thread inquiring about if I would be able to re apply for the army down the road if I cancelled my application now due to other opportunities that have come up in life.

Now I know I am going to get flamed here but whatever...the threads posted for reference didn't contain anything relevant to my situation..it was more about people declining offers and such.

So I'll explain my situation here..I applied in April of this year..did my CFAT in May and haven't heard anything since. So I will ask again here...If I cancel now...can I re apply down the road If I decide I want to pursue it again? Is there any minimum time one must wait before re applying again?