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Decent Pilot OJTs

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Bo said:
EDIT:  438 squadron in St-Hubert is a great posting  8)

J_Muir said:
What made it a good posting for you? Was there lots to do when you weren't actually working? Did you get to fly every now and then?

Thanks a lot

What's making it great is that there is obviously nothing for him to do, except peruse and post on army.ca during working hours, from his DND asset. ;D ;)
Bo said:
Seeing as how the majority of your OJT is spent in an office doing paperwork, you should pick a posting that has something to offer outside of work.

Who wants to live in Cold Lake for 6-8 months so you can do a clerk's job and hope to one day get a ride on a hornet?

Ummm....I don't know. Perhapse showing an actual interest and an actual WANT to be in their trade?    ::)

You'll be doing pretty much the same job whether you're in Cold Lake or Montreal so why not go with the city that has the most to offer? Or get posted somewhere near home so you don't get lonely (it really sucks if you're the only OJT at the base).

It's called growing up. Sooner or later you're going to have to. What are going to do if you're ever deployed?

Seeing as your posting from a DND computer right now instead of working on your OJT....you have a ways to go.

I'm wasting my breath and bandwidth.


OJT is not a very busy time Recce...  I have plenty of time in a day for doing my job AND browsing the internet when I feel like it and it's not busy.  I think that during your OJT time, it's time to have fun and enjoy life while you have time for this.  Even though I would love to fly F-18s, I didn,t want to spend 1 year in Cold Lake during one of the few times in my life when I'll be ABLE to enjoy life...

My 2 cents.

SupersonicMax said:
Even though I would love to fly F-18s, I didn,t want to spend 1 year in Cold Lake during one of the few times in my life when I'll be ABLE to enjoy life...

My 2 cents.


Very true, and something I will certainly put a lot of thought into when the time roles around.
SupersonicMax said:
OJT is not a very busy time Recce...  I have plenty of time in a day for doing my job AND browsing the internet when I feel like it and it's not busy.  I think that during your OJT time, it's time to have fun and enjoy life while you have time for this.

Never did any OJT....got in and haven't stopped in my trade since day 1.

The entire idea of OJT is to expose someone to their future trade and basically "prep" them for it.

It is supposed to give you a leg up....not a break.

You should take advantage of the opportunity and get as much out of it other than carpal tunnel.

I can tell you there is a difference between what it should be and what it is.  We see parts of our job since we can't get to fly the planes too much (we can get in as PAX easily but stick time is harder to get).  I also can assure you that pilots have plenty of time to do whatever they want (or at least most of them) like looking around on the Internet.  So yes for me OJT is a relax time between 4 hard academic years at RMC (Mech Eng) and 3 other hard training years coming up.  And I think this mentality is shared amongs my peers and (thankfully) my superiors at work.

Recce By Death said:
The entire idea of OJT is to expose someone to their future trade and basically "prep" them for it.

With that in mind, does anyone have thoughts on base would make for an interesting ojt assignment if I want to get into tac hel?  I was thinking about either Pet or Borden.  Any other suggestions/advice?  I'm not too worried about location (having a big city nearby etc.) I'm more interested in seeing what the job is like.

Valcartier or Edmonton are great too from what I hear from my friends at those places.

If you want to go to Pet dont forget its the spec ops squadron now...  :warstory:  For Valcartier, the pilots there are really cool, open minded and most of them have done their OJT time at the ops desk..wich is the same place you would be if you go there so they know how sometimes it sucks so they gladly accept a self loading baggage when they can. I think it is the same thing in Edmonton for having stayed there for a little week I really enjoyed the place too. I would only choose a tact hel squadron to go on OJT but I'm already sold to tact hel  :warstory:

As far as the OJT, I think that it is a break time between two hard course. We do have nice single shack and dont have to clean the room  ;D (oh and dont forget the air conditionner!! ) but it is a very intense course wherever you are... PFT, BFT, helo, multi or jet course. You should come take a look in CYMJ, you can tell by looking at a guy how long he's been there... it is a very demanding course but it is really rewarding at the end. Its always nice to see someone who has just completed his course after 7-9 months.
For the two recce callsigns, please back off.

OJT between flying courses is not normally an opportunity militarily, and as one who did it 28 years ago I can testify to how boring and stagnating it can be - and I was one of the luckier ones back then. I spent mine hanging around the Junior Leadership School in Summerside. The highlight was creating and running my own terrorist organization for the course final exercise. The rest was so boring that I began to contemplate reclassification to Infantry as I found the whole a** f**ce mentality to be a huge turn-off.

By all means, guys, base your choices on location and type of squadron. You're not going to get any stick time anywhere - and if you do, I'll eat these electrons. 427 Sqn's almost definitely not an option anymore, but the other Tac Hel Squadrons certainly are. We've got two OJT's in 400 Squadron Borden right now, both employed in Ops. We try to treat them decently. Both are out here on Ex Vigilant Guardian in Petawawa this week acting as No 2 Liaison Officer doing the rounds of the three Task Forces so I think that they're learning something useful.

This is a CF computer, too. I'm done for the day, nobody else needs it, and people much higher in rank than I can be seen facing green screens fairly frequently when they have the chance.
hollywood13 said:
Any comments on Comox, or Victoria for OJT??
You'd love Pat Bay.......30 some cliks from the fishheads, Vic is a nice place and 443 is (it was when I was there) one of the best kept secrets in the airforce
We keep our OJTs very busy and dole out the responsibility.  If you come to 442 Sqn, expect to be running the Ops desk and being the link between JRCC and our SAR birds.

We'll take you flying whenever you have free time - don't expect stick time unless we are on a long transit.  CF regulations state that in order to sit in the seat, we must be 1500' AGL - we usually work down around 500 - 1,000'.

As an OJTer you can expect whatever secondary duties your boss wants to throw at you, and more...
An OJT is whatever you want to make of it.  My first one was in Valcartier at the research centre.  It was a great work-up for my thesis before fourth year.  The next one was in Cold Lake working in Wing Ops.  Some might think it would have been a bore, but there was a huge turnover going on in the office and, save for the AdminO and the civvie in charge of the ranges, I was actually one of the high-time people in that office.  Pretty interesting to be a 2Lt, running weekly Ops briefs and flying schedule meetings for the week, and writing the user manual for the target and range booking program.  I also got to handle a few noise complaints, which was probably the most entertaining part as Maple Flag was in full swing...

"No ma'am, those circling lights over your house are not UFOs.  410 Sqn is practicing their night refueling.  No ma'am, I'm quite serious.  No ma'am, I'm NOT trying to hide anything from you.  They really are just planes..." ;D

This was also when the 1 CAD orders were coming out and there was a huge amount of photocopying going on -- thankfully, not by me!
I'll see if we (427) are still accepting OJT's. I think we are. As long as you have a security clearance Lvl II or higher. I will advise via these means.

You will not be doing paperwork. You will be working in ops. You can fly in the back as often as you want. You will get your BSERE, 9mm, C7, maybe C6 door gun, maybe ADVSERE, RUET, oh and don't forget gas hut!

I took an OJT with me on my last ex for a month doing. The kid was so smart he practically ran my ops for me. Big question you will have to ask is how long will you be there. If it is only for a month or so don't bother asking for pet. If you are here for six or more, PM me if you are serious.

I couls also get you into 1 Wing HQ in Kingston for a while if you are interested. Computer background helps. Job may not be glorious but Kingston rocks.

I have been telling all the people I can about taking an opportunity to go to Yellowknife.

For the folks that are in year three at Hogwarts, it is worth the consideration. It is a small unit, in a spectacular part of the country. It  definitely would be something to remember.
I did a summer OJT in Goose Bay - best OJT I ever did (I also have been with 15 Wing AMS, Snowbirds....)
J_Muir said:
What made it a good posting for you? Was there lots to do when you weren't actually working? Did you get to fly every now and then?

Thanks a lot

Montreal man, Montreal!

When I'm not working, I'm either in the gym, playing base soccer, going on Griffon flights (maybe once every 2 weeks), flying on my own (practicing circuits), or surfing army.ca.

OJT is a time where you should work on improving yourself in some endeavor. Whether that be completing your OPME's, getting some flying hours, training hard in the gym, whatever.
Bo said:
Montreal man, Montreal!

When I'm not working, I'm either in the gym, playing base soccer, going on Griffon flights (maybe once every 2 weeks), flying on my own (practicing circuits), or surfing army.ca.

OJT is a time where you should work on improving yourself in some endeavor. Whether that be completing your OPME's, getting some flying hours, training hard in the gym, whatever.

That sounds awesome Bo! I bet the nightlife in Montreal wasn't too shabby either  ;D .

Thanks for the response
Bo said:
Montreal man, Montreal!

When I'm not working, I'm either in the gym, playing base soccer, going on Griffon flights (maybe once every 2 weeks), flying on my own (practicing circuits), or surfing army.ca.

OJT is a time where you should work on improving yourself in some endeavor. Whether that be completing your OPME's, getting some flying hours, training hard in the gym, whatever.

Kingston wasn't the right fit eh?