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Debating: Tone and Content on Army.ca

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New Member
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I find the tone here to be pretty combative at times, especially as I have moved through the recruiting parts of the site on my way to signing up. I get the impression that there is this attitude that one needs to put the new guy "in his place" which should be looked at as problematic, at least in this setting where this forum is a resource for non-members or potential members as well. I would just say that if someone new... like me... comes out with something that is factually wrong or off the mark, then explain why and do it with grace, as this shows leadership and sets the example going forward. As a new guy, I can guarantee you that I will screw up about ten million times over the next 20 or 30 years and that should be taken into consideration on this forum by members and it should be encouraged by the administration as well.
MatthewHopkins said:
OK I am going to take a break from the site. I realize I am coming off as an *** but that is not my intention. I was trying to get information and got pissy and for that I apologize.

I have been given some misguided information from people who probably meant well but didn't know what was going on and it has been rather frustrating, to say the least. I find it difficult to find solid advice on the net from those who have gone the officer route and that is probably because they are making changes all the time. So for those who are/were offended, I apologize as it wasn't my intention to put anyone down.

So I will take a break, read along and keep my mouth shut for a while and once again, if anyone is offended by me, I apologize because that really was not my intention.

Guess your break was not intended to be a long one eh?  I have taken Pee breaks that took longer....


I took a break from the computer and I came back to keep reading. I don't see the need to carry a grudge or make matters personal. I got pissy, took responsibility for my actions, and am suggesting a way to make things better going forward.

So your post here has nothing to do with todays actions.

Why did you not post this earlier?

Trying to fix nothing, you are trying to bait.

Please Mathew, take your previous advice

So I will take a break, read along and keep my mouth shut for a while and once again

I may be a jolly Mod, but I do not feel like dancing this evening.


the 48th regulator said:

So your post here has nothing to do with todays actions.

My post has to do with the tone of the forum in general, but today was an example of where I let it get me angry. I'm not going to argue with you. I simply stated my point of view on the matter after taking a breather. I see no reason to have various exchanges that get heated and nasty, including this one, when matters can be discussed with respect.
the 48th regulator said:
Guess your break was not intended to be a long one eh?  I have taken Pee breaks that took longer....



I find this post rude and provocative towards MH...  I feel that sometimes, the rules don't apply to mods...

I feel that sometimes, the rules don't apply to mods...

There is a "report" button for posts that may contravene the guidelines. Complaints about Moderators, general or specific, can be directed to Mike Bobbitt.

Other than that, methinks everyone needs to chill out - have a mojito  8)
MatthewHopkins said:
I find the tone here to be pretty combative at times, especially as I have moved through the recruiting parts of the site on my way to signing up.

MatthewHopkins said:
Airmich has not been through IAP/BOTC, is not in the Army, is not on the wrestling team, and chose to weigh in on a few different threads where I have posted despite the fact that she has no experience whatsoever. Just because you can weigh in on a thread doesn't mean you should. A simple rule in life... if you don't know what you're talking about... don't. Watch and learn from people who do, which is why I'm here trying to get some more answers.

How about hearing from someone who has actually gone through the training I am about to go through?

MatthewHopkins said:
I get the impression that there is this attitude that one needs to put the new guy "in his place" which should be looked at as problematic, at least in this setting where this forum is a resource for non-members or potential members as well.
I would just say that if someone new... like me... comes out with something that is factually wrong or off the mark, then explain why and do it with grace, as this shows leadership and sets the example going forward.

MatthewHopkins said:
Airmich has not been through IAP/BOTC, is not in the Army, is not on the wrestling team, and chose to weigh in on a few different threads where I have posted despite the fact that she has no experience whatsoever. Just because you can weigh in on a thread doesn't mean you should. A simple rule in life... if you don't know what you're talking about... don't. Watch and learn from people who do, which is why I'm here trying to get some more answers.

How about hearing from someone who has actually gone through the training I am about to go through?

MatthewHopkins said:
As a new guy, I can guarantee you that I will screw up about ten million times over the next 20 or 30 years and that should be taken into consideration on this forum by members and it should be encouraged by the administration as well.

Well, here is a bit of leadership advice, you are what we call "All over the map" with your advice and opinions.

You say one thing and do something the next.  You act one way, and change your guise but are still the same.

I see you trying to push buttons, then stepping back with the "hey show respect I was offering opinions, I already admited I was wrong before" thinking that it cleans the slate.

I will give you one more post.

Oh, sorry Max the word pee offended you?  Okay I have taken urine breaks that were longer.  All better now?


the 48th regulator said:
Oh, sorry Max the word pee offended you?  Okay I have taken urine breaks that were longer.  All better now?

I said your post was provocative and hence, could be considered as trolling.  Just an example out of dozens I could find on this forum (not necessarily all from you).  I'm just picking this one because of the nature of the topic.

the 48th regulator said:
Oh, sorry Max the word pee offended you?  Okay I have taken urine breaks that were longer.  All better now?

Actually, 48th, with all due respect that IS a little unnecessary.  It is a comment that I as a guest, would expect to get chastised for.
SupersonicMax said:
I said your post was provocative and hence, could be considered as trolling.  Just an example out of dozens I could find on this forum (not necessarily all from you).  I'm just picking this one because of the nature of the topic.


As opposed to pointing out that 3 hours earlier his tone and content was out of line.  Then after having an epiphany, he comes back to offer ways of improving the site for administrators to be attentive to the aggressive nature some people?

Excuse me if I sounded toocoarse for your liking, it was my shock that clouded my thoughts, next time I will post with my pinkie finger up.


Show me an example, please.


the 48th regulator said:
As opposed to pointing out that 3 hours earlier his tone and content was out of line.  Then after having an epiphany, he comes back to offer ways of improving the site for administrators to be attentive to the aggressive nature some people?

I believe (personal opinion, tell me if you agree or not) that as part of the Directing Staff, you should be the first one to adhere to the Conduct Guidelines of the forum.  I never said I agreed with what he said.  All I expressed was my disagreement in the way you handled the situation as DS. 

Lead by example ;)

So I comented that his time away was short, compared it to a pee break, and that is offensive.

Here Max, I will lead by example.  Maybe young Mathews and yourself will take on this little project.

Look up the word Integrity.  In fact look it up first in our search function, and you will see I like to use it.

When you find out what the definition means, begin to make it your mantra that you will always act with it.

What I saw from him, was a post that lacked any iota of it.  Trolling you say, as opposed to his post?  My post was looked upon as a trolling post, becasue I used the analogy of the time taken for a pee break was longer than his cool down. 

This was wrong and offensive??  Would you not agree that you are the one, making my post much worse than his?


Please note. Most members are either not posting a comment, thus tactfully agreeing with the DS.

Those members that are posting are presenting points that others may not be willing to mention to the DS.

As long as it is not personal, this is a thread worth discussing.
the 48th regulator said:
What I saw from him, was a post that lacked any iota of it.  Trolling you say, as opposed to his post?  My post was looked upon as a trolling post, becasue I used the analogy of the time taken for a pee break was longer than his cool down. 

I could not care less of the words you used to express your, or any idea.  I find the problem is the provocative tone of your post.  In fact, I find your post projects an image of "Do as I say, not as I do".  Again, I'm talking about your posts here, not MH's.  All I'm saying is that the DS/Mods should, just as the regular members are requested to do, respect the Conduct Guidelines.

the 48th regulator said:
Look up the word Integrity.  In fact look it up first in our search function, and you will see I like to use it.

What does it have to do with the conversation?


Edit:  Semantic
As I just stated in another thread, I do not come on here too much anymore.  

This site, I thought, was to discuss issues and capabilities with other military folks, yet if you say anything out of the ordinary, or you ask a question about something it is not too long before George Wallice comes along to tell you your an idiot, or that your should "look things up and not ask stupid questions", like it's costing him money, or somehow affects him personally....

I have seen countless times new people posting something and getting pounced for nothing.  As military folks we are supposed to be on the same team.....  sometimes I wonder....
Everyone that is involved in this thread take a cooler for a bit and relax.

People are taking things a bit too personally and getting a bit heated.

If this continues the members will be placed on an enforced 24 hr cooling off in read only mode.

This will not be allowed to dive into a flame war.

The Milnet.ca Staff
peaches said:
This site, I thought, was to discuss issues and capabilities with other military folks, yet if you say anything out of the ordinary, or you ask a question about something it is not too long before George Wallice comes along to tell you your an idiot, or that your should "look things up and not ask stupid questions", like it's costing him money, or somehow affects him personally....
And you want to know why? It is because it has been asked before, that is why. The Mod's on here are great, they point you in the right direction to what you are asking. They don't want 10-15 posts on one subject. They keep the site the way it is suppose to be, the best of it's type. If you don't like it, just don't come here, that is how easy it is...

Rant off......
Recce By Death said:
Everyone that is involved in this thread take a cooler for a bit and relax.

People are taking things a bit too personally and getting a bit heated.

If this continues the members will be placed on an enforced 24 hr cooling off in read only mode.

This will not be allowed to dive into a flame war.

The Milnet.ca Staff

I'm not taking anything personal here, and I'm far from being raged!  I'm just bringing a point that was tickling my thoughts for a while.

I hope that if the enforced cooling off occurs, everyone involved (including DS/mods) will suffer the same consequences!

Mike Baker, Recce by Death already asked for people to back off, you ranting is not helping matters.

Thread locked until tomorrow

Army.Ca Staff
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