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Darwin Awards & runners-up through the years

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Loachman said:
Pizza is cheap, and genital blisters from stuffing it into one's underwear in the absence of a specific warning to the contrary will heal much quicker than it would take you or me to earn $6.78M.

I really, really don't want to know how you know this...
Simply following the thought processes as I imagine the suers use:

"What warnings are absent from this product?"

Sorry to disappoint. I've done a few entertaining things while under the influence, but not that.

As for crust options, I'd recommend (not from personal experience, but from careful and sober thought) the cheese-stuffed, if available, for extra stick-and-burn blistering potential.
So, to ensure the specific parameters are clear in my mind - you have no first hand experience with genital blisters from hot pizza stuffed down your pants.

Because, let's face it, you're a pilot... and asking for a show of hands on the flight line in any squadron about genital blisters and hot pizza... well, my understanding is that it's a prerequisite for selection for Toronto, at least...
Not exactly high on anyone's list on how they'd want to die.  :o


Police: Ukrainian chemistry student blows off his own face with explosive chewing gum, dies
Thu Dec 10, 10:27 AM

By Simon Shuster, The Associated Press

KYIV, Ukraine - A Ukrainian chemistry student has been killed by exploding bubble gum that tore off half of his face, police said Thursday.

Vladimir Likhonos, a student at a regional branch of the Kyiv Polytechnical Institute, is thought to have accidentally dipped his chewing gum into explosives he was using for his studies, police spokeswoman Elvira Biganova told The Associated Press. She said the 25-year-old mistook the powder for citric acid, which he often added to prolong the gum's taste.

Likhonos, from the town of Konotop, in northeast Ukrainian, blew off his entire jaw and most of the lower part of his face in Saturday's accident. Medical workers who arrived on the scene attempted to treat his injuries but were unable to save him.

"Even some of our seasoned officers, who have seen a thing or two, even they were pretty badly shaken up by what they found," Biganova said.

On the table where Likhonos had been working police found about 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of the suspected explosive - a powder that resembles citric acid but has yet to be identified, she said.

"Anybody could have mixed them up," Biganova said.

A bomb squad was dispatched to determine the nature of the substance, which was deemed too volatile to transport, Biganova said.
Wow, I have seen chem students doing stupid stuffs, but this one blows my mind!

I've learned something new about citric acid (you find a lot of it in lemon), I have 500 g of it on my lab shelve. Sweet, I am going to save on chewing gums.

A young Muslim woman had died after her burkha became snagged in a go-kart.
The 24-year-old woman, who has not yet been named, died a terrifying death today when a fluttering part of her burkha became caught in the wheels of a go-kart she was driving near the town of Port Stephens, north of Sydney.

The Muslim clothing the woman was wearing flew back as she sped around the track and part of it became entangled in the go-kart's wheels.

She was strangled in a second and crashed the vehicle.

Read more: Daily Mail link
Bad news for that woman.

I wonder WRT duty of care what will come of this?

A civil action filed by the family? Would they win? What would have happened if she was refused in the first place (aside from being alive)? Could then a suit be filed against the company for 'discrimination'.

Or the removal of such garments prior to riding for OHS reasons?

What about restricted vision while operating a vehicle which has an open cabin?

Somtimes common sense preVAILS (no pun intended ;D ). I will say a disaster is a series of a chain of unfortunate events, and breaking that chain would have prevented this unnecessary and gruesome death.

Overwatch Downunder said:
A civil action filed by the family? Would they win? What would have happened if she was refused in the first place (aside from being alive)? Could then a suit be filed against the company for 'discrimination'.

Or the removal of such garments prior to riding for OHS reasons?

This will certainly keep them from being sued for discrimination in the future if they require participants remove/tie back loose-fitting garments in the future.  Not only this operator but for other go-kart operators as well.
I am actually wondering how this fits the description for a "Darwin Award"?

I am pretty sure that women wearing various states of dress all over the world have done similar activities without any problems.  It just so happens this woman was unlucky.  It has nothing to do with stupidity in my opinion.

That has been bothering me since I first read this post this morning. My 2 cents.

"Her death is being likened to that of American dancer Isadora Duncan,  acknowledged as being the creator of modern dance, and who was famous for the flowing silk carves she liked to wear. 
But while riding in an open-top car in Nice in 1927, her scarf became  entangled in one of the vehicle's spoked wheels and she was strangled."

I had heard of that. Isadora Duncan had a tragic life and death. Fourteen years earlier, the driver of the car her two children were riding in with their nurse, stalled it while attempting to avoid a collision. He got out to hand-crank the engine, but he had forgotten to set the parking brake, so once he got the car to start, it went across the boulevard and rolled down the embankment into the river below. The children and the nanny drowned.
The old cars were not known for their safety features.

I guess since these guys didn't die, they only rate a dishonorable mention:

Man injured after using propane tank for target practice

Police said two men in their mid-20s were at a residence northeast of Shakespeare when the tank exploded.

“They decided to take target practice and use a rifle to shoot at a propane cylinder,” said Const. Kees Wijnands.

“They took turns firing at the cylinder from a distance they thought was safe. After a number of shots, one of the rounds struck the tank, causing the cylinder to explode. Parts of the cylinder flew back, striking one of the males and injuring him.”

Get 'em before (or while) they breed:

Who would park the car on a busy freeway in heavy fog, for a quickie?
Picture this: A young couple driving on Via Dutra, the major freeway in Brazil with tons of heavy traffic, at 6AM under heavy fog the couple decided to park the car for "dating," according to the charming Google translation. And yes, they parked in the right lane of freeway, not on the shoulder or at a gas station -- and naturally, a huge cargo truck comes by and runs right over the car, immediately killing both inside during the act. Double Double Darwin! Two (2) people making two obviously stupid decisions, and natural selection acts at the very moment the two are reproducing . . . Textbook Darwin Award.

Date looks to be 2008 for this contestant's effort...so without further ado here's the "mortar platoon" entry...

desert_rat said:
Date looks to be 2008 for this contestant's effort...so without further ado here's the "mortar platoon" entry...


This one should make it further... took out more than just one of 'em  ;D

As this topic has turned into random links to what people deem worthy of Darwin awards, I think it should be branched off into a separate topic or the original title changed.

Also, I believe it is very wrong to say that this woman is the epitome of stupidity (which is generally the criteria for a Darwin award) simply because she wore a burka. This topic would not exist if it was a white man who died because his long hair was caught in a go-kart.
hold_fast said:
Also, I believe it is very wrong to say that this woman is the epitome of stupidity (which is generally the criteria for a Darwin award) simply because she wore a burka. This topic would not exist if it was a white man who died because his long hair was caught in a go-kart.

Now that would be an award winner. I would hope that someone here would post that if they came across it in a news story  ;D
hold_fast said:
As this topic has turned into random links to what people deem worthy of Darwin awards, I think it should be branched off into a separate topic or the original title changed.

Well, mine was actually a 2010 Darwin entry.  However, I do agree with you.  If not splitting the thread, then changing the titile.

hold_fast said:
Also, I believe it is very wrong to say that this woman is the epitome of stupidity (which is generally the criteria for a Darwin award) simply because she wore a burka. This topic would not exist if it was a white man who died because his long hair was caught in a go-kart.

Also agree.
Well, we never started a new Darwin thread for 2011, but here's a candidate:

Man accidentally kills self in front of children

A 45-year-old man died after he accidentally shot himself while sitting in his minivan with his four children, waiting for his wife to return a DVD to a video store in Harrison Crossing, Va., Sunday night.

The man's wife had stepped out to return the DVD and said she heard a pop, the local CBS outlet reported. When she ran back to the minivan, her husband told her he thought he'd shot himself, she told police.

The initial investigation found that when the man tried to unbuckle his seat belt, he hit the trigger of his .40 caliber Glock and shot himself in the hip. He died in hospital.

So, what, no safety?    ::)