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CATO 46-01 - Army Cadet Dress Regulations:
Article 29 (Wearing Items of Dress), Page 12, Para m. (Boots)

"...Boots shall not be modified with any type of metal cleats, hobnails or other metal attachments to the heel or sole."

CSTC's are allowed to go outside the jurisdiction of certain CATO's because they operate on their own set of SOP's, or other regulations.  In this case, allowing cadets to wear "clickers". 
One of the main reasons, at least from what I've heard, that many LHQ's don't allow "clickers" is because of the safety hazard(s).  Apparantly too many people have slipped on the metal and smoked their head on the parade square, floor, etc usually ending with disastrous results, albeit funny to watch.
I've read the CATOs, and I am aware that "boots shall not be modified.." etc. Im not about to actually be that stupid as to acutally keep them on. It was a sarcastic comment people.
Buschgirl427 said:
I've read the CATOs, and I am aware that "boots shall not be modified.." etc. Im not about to actually be that stupid as to acutally keep them on. It was a sarcastic comment people.
No it wasn't.

You said they were still on, and that you wished you didn't have to take them off.
C/WO_Q-Ball said:
CATO 46-01 - Army Cadet Dress Regulations:
Article 29 (Wearing Items of Dress), Page 12, Para m. (Boots)

"...Boots shall not be modified with any type of metal cleats, hobnails or other metal attachments to the heel or sole."

CSTC's are allowed to go outside the jurisdiction of certain CATO's because they operate on their own set of SOP's, or other regulations.  In this case, allowing cadets to wear "clickers". 

That is wrong, a CSTC can NOT go around the CATOs. a CATO is a lawful order from D Cdts, a CSTC by no stretch of the imagination can go above, around, under, or through a CATO.

This is a new rule from the Dress Regs as found in September 2005, as such there should be no clickers in 2006.

Besides I was the one that ordered them the last two years :p Someone else will have to go get 'er done.
Buschgirl427 said:
I've read the CATOs, and I am aware that "boots shall not be modified.." etc. Im not about to actually be that stupid as to acutally keep them on. It was a sarcastic comment people.

I dont get the appeal.  I find those stupid little things pretty irritating.  If I had to put up with cadets in a barrack clicking around all day i'd go nuts.  The *thump* sound of boot heel hitting pavement sounds a heck of alot better than clicking.  They make you sound so light footed, and if someone is out of step its alot more noticeable.

lose the clickers and stop moaning and groaning
When I did D&C back in 1993, we were not given any clickers. Some poeple had them, others didn't. I found them slippery. I much preffered double soles instead. Also, I wanted to add that in Pacific Region we have PRCI's that can modify and in some cases completely over-rule certain QRO-cdts, CATO's and DAOD's. Usually the PRCI will just re-iterate a CATO but not always. There could be a PRCI for camp boots. However, I would suggest that generally all cadets should try to dress the same (like uniformity?). I don't find clickers a problem, but having only one policy works best for everyone.
Nobby said:
When I did D&C back in 1993, we were not given any clickers. Some poeple had them, others didn't. I found them slippery. I much preffered double soles instead. Also, I wanted to add that in Pacific Region we have PRCI's that can modify and in some cases completely over-rule certain QRO-cdts, CATO's and DAOD's. Usually the PRCI will just re-iterate a CATO but not always. There could be a PRCI for camp boots. However, I would suggest that generally all cadets should try to dress the same (like uniformity?). I don't find clickers a problem, but having only one policy works best for everyone.

PRCIs can NOT over rule a CATO. Read the CATOs written by D Cdts and then read the PRCIs written by RSCU (P). It's like saying a provincial law can over rule a federal law (let's just forget the good old NWS clause :p ) PRCIs are intended to augment or futher CATO based regulations.

There is not a PRCI for "camp boots."
Perhaps I should re-phrase my some of my comments. Experience has shown that when there is a lack of a CATO on a particular subject, that this lack has allowed individual regions to write their own regulations as they see fit. Some of these regulations have been very over-bearing, lacking good judgement, and ridiculous. In this specific case the rules are clear. However, I would challenge some of you out there, to go ahead and read some of these rules (ie: pacific region PRCI's). You will find some fairly "interesting" rules.