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Cute Soldier Chicks

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What did you think it was going to be?  ;)
I was expecting this post to be another " Are there any hot chicks in the Military?" ::) hahah cute  ;D
I was expecting this post to be another " Are there any hot chicks in the Military?"  hahah cute 

And the reason you were looking?  ;)
Sh*t, gives "in the rear with the gear" a whole new meaning...

that duckling is packing some SERIOUS heat
Pretty wide variety of weapons with those chicks. I know I'd stop my car and wait.
I don't want to split hairs (or feathers), but unless I am completely out to lunch here (very likely on a Friday....), those are baby ducks, or more precisely, ducklings, not baby chickens, or chicks.

Kind of loses the attention grabbing aspect (cute soldier ducklings.......).

Sorry to precipitate on your formed group of soldiers marching down the road.....

I can't believe they are crossing open ground so closely together....geez! What the heck are they thinking? Spread out, guys!
Bwahaha thats brilliant.
Gunner said:
And the reason you were looking?    ;)

I read every forum and read most posts, even the not so intelligent ones. I like a good laugh once in awhile. It keeps me busy while my hubby is away. This one had me fooled though haha  :-*
Nice one!!!

I will have to tell hubby that one :)
We are writing a book(for ourselves) about perfect suck up phrases that men can use to get out of trouble.
We have some awesome ones so far and I am going to add that one to it!!
I have to agree with Allan those are ducklings not chicks.
scm77 if you hope to get in the army you should work on your observation skills. Whats next : confusing your buddy for a hostile. ;)
Not his fault, he stole it from militaryphotos.net.. copied it, so really it isn't his mistake....  ;)
haha fooled me too, and yes im pretty sure those are ducks. That made me laugh.

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