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Current backlog for flight training?

the tickler

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Hey everyone, I was just wondering if anyone can give me an update on what the backlog is looking like for primary and basic flight training.
Zero, or at least no more than average than any other CF course. I know several DEOs who completed BMOQ in the spring who are now on PHII - it's that fast. Even stream selection in PHII is going most candidates' way (I don't expect that to carry on forever).

Backups are now at the OTU level for some airframes.
Melbatoast said:
Zero, or at least no more than average than any other CF course. I know several DEOs who completed BMOQ in the spring who are now on PHII - it's that fast. Even stream selection in PHII is going most candidates' way (I don't expect that to carry on forever).

Backups are now at the OTU level for some airframes.


Which streams from  your experience have the greatest backlog ?  I imagine  CF requirements + candidate stream preference makes this a tough question. 

To resurrect an old thread that's just become very relevant to me; does anyone have any recent experience with how long the wait between BMOQ, PFT and BFT are? 

I've also heard DEO pilots have been going straight from St Jean to Portage but the official story still seems to be SLT before PFT.  Again, anyone have recent experience one way or the other?  I'd like to avoid SLT since I'm an old guy and not planning to make it to Major, but if I have to take it I'll start cramming now to minimize the pain.
jdl902 said:
To resurrect an old thread that's just become very relevant to me; does anyone have any recent experience with how long the wait between BMOQ, PFT and BFT are? 

I've also heard DEO pilots have been going straight from St Jean to Portage but the official story still seems to be SLT before PFT.  Again, anyone have recent experience one way or the other?  I'd like to avoid SLT since I'm an old guy and not planning to make it to Major, but if I have to take it I'll start cramming now to minimize the pain.

Au Canada, ce n'est jamais une mauvaise idée de commencer l'apprentissage du français. Félicitations pour ton offre en pilote!!  ;)
Merci Mathew.  I'd love to learn French, I would just prefer that it doesn't delay when I start PFT, I'm not getting any younger.
Just based on OJTers coming through the squadron right now, waits are less than 6 months for all phases, usually closer to 3. All in all the training system works now.

All's not perfect in pilot training land though, high output combined with drastic flying cuts across the board means that OTUs can't keep up, waiting 12-18 months for OTUs after wings is pretty much standard now in many communities. Waiting as a winged Lt/Capt with a proper posting is way better than sitting around as a 2Lt though.
I just swore in this past mid-Aug, did BMOQ starting late-August. Finished up and got posted 'home' for OJT on Dec 6th, Phase I flight at Portage started Jan 7th.  I was only home 4 weeks! 

After Portage (finished March 7) was home less than 2 weeks, then back to Winnipeg for AMT, which is only Mon-Fri.  Home for a whopping 3 weeks, now off to Moose Jaw for Phase II April 24th until about mid-Dec.

This pace is unbelievable, considering not long ago guys were sitting on OJT 12-18 mos between phases 1&2!

Others in my PFT group are doing Phase II starting Aug, still pretty darn quick.
Duckman54 said:
I just swore in this past mid-Aug, did BMOQ starting late-August. Finished up and got posted 'home' for OJT on Dec 6th, Phase I flight at Portage started Jan 7th.  I was only home 4 weeks! 

After Portage (finished March 7) was home less than 2 weeks, then back to Winnipeg for AMT, which is only Mon-Fri.  Home for a whopping 3 weeks, now off to Moose Jaw for Phase II April 24th until about mid-Dec.

This pace is unbelievable, considering not long ago guys were sitting on OJT 12-18 mos between phases 1&2!

Others in my PFT group are doing Phase II starting Aug, still pretty darn quick.

Wow!! Training is pretty quick now. It's very promising for applicants like me.

Where were you posted for OJT? On your PFT group, how many were selected to do Phase 2 on the Grob?

Good luck at Moose Jaw!!
Broken Again!

Just finished BMOQ and was given the good news that PFT will be in 12 months :facepalm:
jdl902 said:
Broken Again!

Just finished BMOQ and was given the good news that PFT will be in 12 months :facepalm:

What?!?  :o I thought the backlog problem was solved... Do you know why there is so much wait?  ???
It was solved for a while, the platoon ahead of us only had a few months of waiting and 2 of our guys are going to Portage in January.  I think overall they simply hired too many pilots this year and have swamped the system.  Seems like this should be easily avoided but someone somewhere probably has a reason for it.
jdl902 said:
It was solved for a while, the platoon ahead of us only had a few months of waiting and 2 of our guys are going to Portage in January.  I think overall they simply hired too many pilots this year and have swamped the system.  Seems like this should be easily avoided but someone somewhere probably has a reason for it.

Ok!  :(

During this wait time, where will you go? Directly to OJT or you will do the Second Language Training?
Wow. Can this mean less pilots being hired next fiscal year? Also, what kind of work does OJT usually entail, and are members normally posted closer to home for it? Thanks.
OJT is different for everybody. In my case it was mostly administrative, so a lot of paperwork where I became familiar with QR&Os, DAODs, forms to fill out, and just how the structure of the CF works. 

I was given time to take care of my own stuff like getting kit, taking courses, claims, and doing PT whenever we liked.

Somedays I was sent out to get coffee.  You take the good with the bad.  Some of my peers had extremely boring days of nothing at all, others had menial tasks that they dreaded facing day in and day out.

As far as where you're posted, you'll get asked for three choices.  Everyone I know got posted to something they chose.  Me, I got my third choice and the first day I reported I was sent to my first choice.

OJT is pretty low tempo, but it's also what you make it.
Pilot OJTs (maybe all aircrew) are supposed to be sent to flying units and have as much exposure to flying as practical. It's in 1 CAD orders or a CANAIRGEN or something. On a home computer so I can't find the ref. Some are unlucky and get posted or otherwise attached to a recruiting center or something else to do busywork - even at a squadron, particularly bigger ones, you may end up lost in the shuffle. I was relatively lucky and worked Current Ops at a squadron so got a lot of exposure to planning and executing flying operations, interacted constantly with all the active aircrew and had the opportunity to fly (go on rides, obviously) basically whenever. A good spot.
Melbatoast, you must be the exception.  Most of us went to Army units, those that went to a wing, only a few of them were involved in anything to do with flying.
Thanks for the info. I get the vibe that there is quite a bit of flexibility in selecting OJT locations.