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Curious how everyone decided on their trade or Officer/NCM


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Like the title says, just curious how everyone got into the military, and what made them choose X trade, or officer vs ncm route.

Thanks all
I was wandering around MacEwan hall (University of Calgary) and I saw a number of posters advertising that the Forces were offering a $40,000 signing bonus to engineering grads. I thought to myself "hmmm I'm going to be an engineering grad."

Fast forward a couple months, and there's this career fair. Amongst the many booths is one from the local CFRC. nice Sgt there told me that the trade that they most need people with Mech. Eng. degrees in was Marine Systems Engineer. I thought to myself "hmmm Navy eh? Sounds ok".

Spring starts to turn to summer, and I apply to a number of jobs in Calgary, and one job outside of Calgary. I graduate, get a couple interviews at engineering firms around the city, and in the meantime work for the University in their furnishings department. Fast forward to NOAB in October, and it turns out that the only job that I get an offer for is the one outside of Calgary.

I ship off for basic training in January. Near the end of IAP, the Sgt posts up a list of trades that were open to transfer to. Much simpler to do when you haven't started any trades training after all. One of those was Combat Systems Engineering, and between when I had applied and then, I had kind of decided that it sounded more interesting, so I apply to switch. And it went through. And that's about it.
Interesting question as I just was talking to someone on this board about the same sort of thing! How to base your decisions.... (he also happens to be the first one to respond to your question! Guess it was still nice and fresh in his head!) :)

Can't wait to see some of the responses!
I joined up wanting Infantry, but my vision wasn't good enough so they talked me into Sig Op.. told me it's like being an Infantryman with a radio on your back. An I figured Comms would be decent, atleast more what I wanted to be doing than the Navy tech trades they tried talking me into.

An I joined NCM because I only have high school an I'm not really interested in the Officer route.
How I got into being a MARS officer:

I was a frosh at UWO and one of my staff in res was a reservist MARS type.  He talked to me the first day after frosh week about what it would be like during the school year and training in the summers; I thought to myself "...would you rather be handing out resumes in Toronto, or training in Victoria this summer?"  The next day I walked into CFRC London.

How I decided on transferring from MARS to ACSO:

A few reasons, but one of the big ones was taking the Maritime Warfare Basic course in Halifax and getting to talking with a bunch of guys from 405 and 423 Sqns and how they loved what they did.  I was considering going Reg Force anyway, and that helped tip the scales over to the light blue.
How I became an Avionics tech ?

Typical small town unemployed 1960's Martime high school graduate, yipeee.
Learned one thing in Army reserves, I wanted to join the Air Force.
Slotted to take POET after basic. Ended up as a Weapons Tech Air.
One night lying underneath a CF-104 preparing it for a bomb load while being cold, wet and miserable I saw an electronics tech inside the line shack. He was drinking a coffee and looked pretty comfortable.
Next morning I handed my remuster application into the BGTO for Armament Systems, one of the hardest and longest electronics courses in the Air Force. Loved very minute of it the techie stuff, the toys we got to play with (think top gun) and being around planes.
My story of how I got into the CF is here.

I was only just 17 and still in High School, so becoming an officer was still far in the future.  Since my old man was the one driving this career bus, he told me what my choices were.  I think Boatswain was the only choice he was going to allow - unless I wanted to live someplace else.  Thankfully the navy was looking for boatswains.

Four years later, he told me that I was going to apply for my commission.  Yep, I was a fully grown 20yr-old, but if you knew my father, you would understand he can be, well....convincing.  Except, I didn't want to become an officer right then. (I didn't know if I ever was going to) I was on my way to getting me leaf in a couple of years and was really digging being a boatswain.  Lots of back and forth ensued in the following weeks.  Obviously I lost that argument.  Since I had plenty of sea time by then, I knew I enjoyed it and I was familiar with a lot of the Naval officer occupations and MARS was the only one I wanted.
I'm a functional psychopath so I only had 4 choices.Got chosen for one.
Well i'm reserve and i still haven't gone through basic yet but maybe you'll want to hear anyway.

When i was 17 i was looking at options for universities to attend to (at the time i was living in Germany) in Canada. Since now that my high school was over and the family was moving back, i was going back aswell.
I looked into RMC but at the time i was interested in biology. This is something that RMC did not offer (or so it seemed - maybe i didn't search hard enough). Instead i went to a civvie uni.
After some soul searching and a mid life crisis (at the age of 18), half way through the semester i decided i wanted to become a fighter pilot (yeah...i know  ::) ). Then i decided i wanted to become an engineer.
Fed up of biology and with my mind all messed up, i kind of gave up on school.
I then decided to switch to engineering.
A friend of mine who was in the engineering program was doing RETP (to become an aeronautical engineer for the forces). This got me interested again.
I looked into it and decided i wanted to become a combat engineer. In my mind the army was something concerning combat. To get down to the nitty gritty of it. That's what i wanted. Stupid thinking, maybe but whatever.
Then realizing i was more interested in infantry. However, i ended up moving. Where i moved to, the only combat arms is armored (reserve). To me that was the next best thing.
So for now i will do armored and maybe when i graduate i will switch to regular force.
Reason i haven't gone RETP is because i don't know what i will want 3-4 years down the road.

NCM or Officer:
I was thinking of dropping out and going regular. Having trouble deciding what i wanted to do in university, i was basically wasting time and money. The forces sounded like something i would genuinely enjoy.
Then i looked into officer and heard that there was a shortage of good officers. Seeing as officers are harder to come by (or so i get the impression) i would probably be doing a better service to the forces to enlist as one.
I plan on being the best damn officer i can be, and I'm definitely not doing it for the money or glory.
I think it's my calling. Hopefully I'm right.
University is also a challenge and a good thing to fall back on.
Everything is intertwined.
X-mo-1979 said:
I'm a functional psychopath so I only had 4 choices.Got chosen for one.

Travel the world, meet interesting people... and kill them?!  :)
Based on the quality of recruits I would say chicken bones and tea leaves are used extensively.
X-mo-1979 said:
I'm a functional psychopath so I only had 4 choices.Got chosen for one.

I was wondering when I was going to come across some good, sound, reasoning skills in this thread.
A Sea Cadet joins the reserves Summer Student Training Program in summer of 75...  quickly decides on Reg Forces.  Living in Victoria and having actually been sailing several times with the Navy I thought Radar Plotter, Sea would be a great choice.  After several visits to CFRC I was all lined up... and picked up a brochure on the Artillery while waiting my turn.....  Helicopters, Tanks (M109 actually, but what did I know then) cool things with bulldozer tracks....  Excuse me Sir.... What is this trade all about....  Arm goes around shoulder.... come with me Son...  Two propaganda movies later and I was sworn in as A GUNNER!!  Mom was less enthusiastic about it for some reason. 

5 years later in Lahr, I decided to re-muster (LOTREP) after being jerked around one to many times.  BPSO talks me out of Radar Plotter, Sea yet again.  Said mechanical aptitude is more suited for Aero Engine Tech.  He sealed the deal by pointing out instant spec pay following successful completion of TQ3 course.
I started to receive real estate offers for Trenton 3 months later, confirming acceptance.
That's it in a nutshell! 

X-mo-1979 said:
I'm a functional psychopath so I only had 4 choices.Got chosen for one.

Only 4?

Wanted in on the fast track, so took the first trade they offered - BPI...

I came from a military family and I guess I only ever thought I would serve in the military. As an army cadet my Corps had been hosted by 8CH and then the RCD in Petawawa. After going through the vehicle hangar, APC moves and the IMR I wanted to be Armoured and have never looked back. I was a Trooper in the reserves for a bit while in university, and I saw an opportunity to enrol in the RESO program. I then component transferred after graduating.

bdave said:
Well i'm reserve and i still haven't gone through basic yet but maybe you'll want to hear anyway.

Then i looked into officer and heard that there was a shortage of good officers. Seeing as officers are harder to come by (or so i get the impression) i would probably be doing a better service to the forces to enlist as one.

You might want to complete your officer training and perhaps actually lead troops for a while before you make editorial comments on the quality of the serving officer corps. I like confidence and aggression, but a little humility should be tempered in there.

I played G.I.Joe most of my childhood so it wasn't big surprised to my folks when I enlisted. Was AVS tech for most of it (that's because I also like battle star Galactica) then got tired of it so I decided to re-muster AES Op. I've been a 0019 for little more then a year and just lovin' it.  Thats about it in a nutshell.
MARS said:
Since my old man was the one driving this career bus, he told me what my choices were.  I think Boatswain was the only choice he was going to allow - unless I wanted to live someplace else. 

Reminds me of the old joke:
Recruiter says, "Why do you want to join the Navy, son?"
"My father said it'd be a good idea, sir."
"Oh? And what does your father do?"
"He's in the Army, sir."
kincanucks said:
Based on the quality of recruits I would say chicken bones and tea leaves are used extensively.
Not all of us who are currently in the recruiting process are Nintendo Commandos  :camo:  However judging from the appearances and general attitude of applicants that I've run into at the CFRC, I can see exactly why you said that.

As for my decision on trade(s), it was hard just picking 3 on my application- looking over all those that were available, I found too many caught my interest. However, my grandfather was a tanker in WWII and always spoke fondly of it, which made it my primary trade choice in the end.  I'm not quite expecting Combat Arms though since there is a chance that my eyesight will be V4, thankfully SigOps is still a relatively hot trade and would fall under my medical category should things go that way.
I grew up a Naval Base Brat on the East Coast.  Growing up I kept hearing all the stories from my freinds who were traveling the world.  My Dad's trade kept the family in the same port his whole career.  So I grew up with a yearning to travel but in a differant way then my Dad saw the world.  I did Sea Cadets and didnt mind that.  Once I turned 17  in 84 I had a freind in the Militia and thought I would try it.  Liked it and almost 4 years later decided to join the Reg force Infantry in 88.  I thought about being an officer now and then but my mantra was if I was enjoying the job I woudnt work on changing it. 21 years later and although there have been moments I still like it.

BTW I got to see most of Europe, spent time 200miles above the artic circle all before I turned 19.  Since then I have well expanded on that. 