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CTV Video of Afghanistan Fighting


Army.ca Legend
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Hey all
I've searched to no avail, but does anyone have a link to the recent video that CTV had of our troops fighting in Afghanistan?  I'm a course officer here at the College of Knowledge (aka, "The Infantry School") and wish to show it to the candidates.

Many thanks in advance!

Mods: If there is a link out there that I have missed, I apologise for failing to find it

von Garvin out
try this  CTV News: Steve Chao goes deep into battle 3:59 (about 1/2 way down on right hand menu)


or this
CTV Newsnet: New video of troops fighting Taliban  5:30      same link
Yeah, keep in mind the footage is from Combat Camera.....You'll probably not see the photo credit on the report......
I too was impressed. Action footage is a rarity, and the quality was surprisingly good.

Do US forces use video? I've never seen one. I think it has to do with legal liability. Once video becomes available, it will be demanded when something goes wrong. Like, for example, accusations of civilian massacre. Therefore, combat video is a double-edged sword that few states want to use.

This being said, I am very proud of our men out there. The Afghanistan mission will change this generation of Canadians, both uniformed and civilians. And videos can play an important role.

Joaquim, a concerned civilian.
So, sitting at work, I cannot download any videos.  If anyone has a copy of this, could you PM me and I can talk about getting this stuff (or snippets thereof) sent via email?

Thanks in advance.
At home now, found the site, but cannot view anything :(.  Is it just me?  If so, any suggestions?  I get sound, but no video.  I have Win XP if that helps.

Please help, I'm a computer illiterate! :D

Excellent footage - I especially liked the part where the boys started cheering when the firebase started rockin'!
try using internet explorer instead of firefox (if applicable) that was my prob.  Good to see the 2 VP boys given em' hell.

1 platon A coy rocks baby! just killing me inside that i am home now and not there, but goodluck and god speed on the last few weeks boys! :threat:
capt Schamuhn looks Hot (kidding) but serious the boys fought a hard battle and everyone in that platoon deserve a job well done , i am proud of them!
Well I am a little Biased for the 1VP A coy. But good job boys! :cdn: SBD I passed your message to the boys this morning.

I can't get the pics though.. grrrrrrrrr. I keep trying those are my boys! Well at least one of them is.
Is it only CTV that has anything like this....anything from DND?
Looking at that vid I don't think that guy could have got off an aimed shot even if he wanted too.  The wall seemed to high.
silentbutdeadly! said:
1 VP they have new pics of them on Combat Camera also

Part of the video is with interviews with 2 X 2VP guys. 
Caught this on the news the other night, it was refreshing to see. Hopefully it's a step towards the general public waking up and realising that we do much more than act as peacekeepers.

Good Work guys and gals :salute: