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CSIS warns terrorists may target Canada

Infanteer - I think if you would just "learn not to hate", the world would be a better place

Kumbaya my cannon-cocking friend, Kumbaya....  8)

Synthetic-tasting canned-fruit grown in third-world countries? Reason for the extreme taking of arms against established societies? I'm going to go sulk now. Don't forget, the third world isn't the lowest you can go.  You forgot the fourth and fifth-world.  Be careful not to step on any Banana's.
Wannabesoldier,  what trade in the Army do you want to get into, that will  help you achieve your goal of helping people and making a difference?
Well in January of 2000 I was sent to Tanzania where I participated in efforts to treat and educate citizens about HIV/Aids.  I was there about a year and a half. then I went to Jordan where we worked on setting up Jordanian institutions in rural area's there I saw alot of things such as the depletion of land due to over pollination. I stayed only a short while as I traveled to Morocco to aid in the development of farm land and irrigation so they produce healthier crops and feed their people better.  that is all I have done in the peace corps.  I apologize if my earlier statements were found offensive that was not my intentions.  I am unsure of what form of involvement I will want in the CF right now I am looking into the fire fighting aspect of things. I was also looking into an engineering position.
One word of advice, NEVER argue with Infanteer. I've seen many a person shot down by him.
Well in January of 2000 I was sent to Tanzania where I participated in efforts to treat and educate citizens about HIV/Aids.  I was there about a year and a half. then I went to Jordan where we worked on setting up Jordanian institutions in rural area's there I saw alot of things such as the depletion of land due to over pollination. I stayed only a short while as I traveled to Morocco to aid in the development of farm land and irrigation so they produce healthier crops and feed their people better.  that is all I have done in the peace corps.  I apologize if my earlier statements were found offensive that was not my intentions.  I am unsure of what form of involvement I will want in the CF right now I am looking into the fire fighting aspect of things. I was also looking into an engineering position.

Those are some pretty good accomplishments, and you should be proud of them. 

However, those places are not exactly breeding ground for terrorism and extremists; proof of this is the fact that the Peace Corps was able to enter into those regions and carry out its tasks.  Your "first hand" information of the roots of terrorists causes is lacking, and this is why your "American Corporations Raping the Middle East Theory" got the rough reception it did.
cheeky_monkey said:
One word of advice, NEVER argue with Infanteer. I've seen many a person shot down by him.

And its 'potty mouth' comments like some of the ones hes posted that can cause some threads to degenerate into a flame fest. I would think a mod of this board would have better taste.

There are other ways to tackle issues, and to counterpoint posts.

You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created.
-Albert Einstein
And its 'potty mouth' comments like some of the ones hes posted that can cause some threads to degenerate into a flame fest. I would think a mod of this board would have better taste.

The door is always open for you to leave.

Your trolling for a fight with the wrong guy, hombre....
And its 'potty mouth' comments like some of the ones hes posted that can cause some threads to degenerate into a flame fest. I would think a mod of this board would have better taste.

I smell troll.

There are other ways to tackle issues, and to counterpoint posts.

I agree. The mods should   kick out anyone who comes here trolling.     Your OBVIOUSLY trying to get a negitive response out of Infanteer.
Infanteer  has proven himself both through military experience and his comments on this board . You have not. This is yet another case of his being bigger than yours to quote a previous comment by you.

Maybe you should switch to lurk mode for just a little while longer goober and let the thread get back to it's topic and NOT try to pick a fight.
I'm sorry but your ignorance is apalling. If you seen my post as "OBVIOUSLY trying to get a negitive response out of Infanteer" Then your views are obviously biased.

In regards to 'troll', you've learned to use that word well I see, an ironic use, but thats ok.

I've never tried to pick a fight, I thought I would try to bring to light some of the harsh negative comments made ( a simple search will show you dozens of them), but if you'd rather not read them, you don't have to.

I do apologize for going off-topic something I don't normally do.

Goober, this is your final warning.  All you seem to want to accomplish here is to piss off the community.

If you post another useless, inflamatory post again, I'll send you to the penalty box.
Hello All,

I read this topic thread with interest, and would like to state for the record that I am civilian with no military background....

I live in rural Manitoba, and people seem to think that nothing will ever happen here. I am a member of our local emergency preparedness group, so am aware of some of the potential targets. Most people would be terrified if they knew just how many dangerous goods were stored in their community, for example.

There is one particular location that has had it's security increased substantially in recent years. It is a reason for great concern, and the threat of terrorism is taken very seriously.

Best Wishes,

You brought back a 2 year old thread to talk about an ambiguous location in rural manitoba with a slightly higher level of security?
Hello JesseWZ,

It appears so...I didn't even think to look at how old the last reply was....

I still think that it is relevant. The next terror attack isn't guaranteed to be in downtown Toronto. Most people seem to have an "it can't happen here" mentality.

