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Crossfit & the CF

Oh, I know why it is on the weekend.

It's just that Niner Domestic shut me down hard on it, and that was even before I got the chance to mention the cost. 

It seems on Thanksgiving your supposed to spend time with Family. 

Love my wife, miss my roommates.
Padraig OCinnead said:
I just got posted to Vancouver and, while on summer leave, I began using the WODs to put some spark back into my PT regime. For the last few years at my last unit, our section PT has been usually uninteresting, dull, and not challenging. (except while I was tasked with running it of course). However, for next few years I will be lucky enough to be able to be in charge of my regime. But, I am so stuck in the old way of group level PT that I find myself getting lonely. Are there any CFers at Jericho? As many of these exercises are new to me, at least the weight training, I am looking for assistance on form and technique.


Are you close to any affiliates out there? Most of them have drop in rates, it's always fun to do a group crossfit workout every now and then.

Anyone else on here heading to the TO cert? I jumped on it as soon as I found out about it, I didn't even realize it was thanksgiving weekend. It's nice that I'll have a day to recover :)
Rifleman, try crossfitendurance.com for all your cardio needs. It's made to supplement the WOD cardio wise.
DVessey said:
Are you close to any affiliates out there? Most of them have drop in rates, it's always fun to do a group crossfit workout every now and then.

Anyone else on here heading to the TO cert? I jumped on it as soon as I found out about it, I didn't even realize it was thanksgiving weekend. It's nice that I'll have a day to recover :)

I am going to be there, as well as a couple of other 48ths (since its our RSM that arranged this).
meni0n said:
Rifleman, try crossfitendurance.com for all your cardio needs. It's made to supplement the WOD cardio wise.

Thanks meni0n, I'll give it a go.
Big_Rifleman said:
Thanks meni0n, I'll give it a go.

Wow...had my first cross-fit work-out tonight.  I know I'm going to be hurting tomorrow.  Just amazing.  No pain no gain right?  Can't wait to when I can get to more than 2 push-ups!  Finally, I'm getting a grip on my body.
recceguy said:
Wow...had my first cross-fit work-out tonight.  I know I'm going to be hurting tomorrow.  Just amazing.  No pain no gain right?  Can't wait to when I can get to more than 2 push-ups!  Finally, I'm getting a grip on my body.

Good for you!  Keep up the good work!
Strike said:
Good for you!  Keep up the good work!

That's what he needs!! A whole bunch of us to keep him motivated to keep on with it!!

Recceguy, can you perhaps take pics of your progress as you go along for us?? I'm sure they'd lend well towards motivating others as well!!  8)
How, okay I"m going to try to post this again. Somehow I hit a wrong button and delete it.  ;D

Anyways, the DND gym around here does not have any Crossfit tools/staff to help anyone along. I"ve been doing mostly kettle bells and running on my own for a bit now.

There is a civvy gym just down the road from me that is trains in Crossfit, and I"ve always wanted to sign up. But I just have a hard time trying to figure out how to pay for it.
One idea was there is a "Secondary Education/Training Progression Forum" floating around here. And it cover "training", now wouldn't it also cover Crossfit? Most ones I see fill out are for university computer stuff. But also on the form, it ask if it would better your career with this training?

So what do you guys think? Should I take a stab at it? Are the cards in my favorite?

I"m going to ask my CoC, of course and see what they can come up with. Hehehehe..  :evil:
recceguy said:
Wow...had my first cross-fit work-out tonight.  I know I'm going to be hurting tomorrow.  Just amazing.  No pain no gain right?  Can't wait to when I can get to more than 2 push-ups!  Finally, I'm getting a grip on my body.

Are you legitimately trying crossfit, or just trying to get a rise out of everyone? From your previous post in this thread here (http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/42068/post-631601.html#msg631601) you definitely didn't seem too open to it.
DVessey said:
Are you legitimately trying crossfit, or just trying to get a rise out of everyone? From your previous post in this thread here (http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/42068/post-631601.html#msg631601) you definitely didn't seem too open to it.

The fact that he left himself logged in whilst 3 other drunken Mods were in his room might explain that post.....* shuffles away quickly*
Bruce Monkhouse said:
The fact that he left himself logged in whilst 3 other drunken Mods were in his room might explain that post.....* shuffles away quickly*

AH!  What are friends for, if not to be abused.  ;D  A lesson to all.........Log off when you leave your computer unattended. 
DVessey said:
Are you legitimately trying crossfit, or just trying to get a rise out of everyone? From your previous post in this thread here (http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/42068/post-631601.html#msg631601) you definitely didn't seem too open to it.

:rofl: :blotto: No
In the <a href=http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/83722.0.html>Cardio or Strength</a> thread Lil_T nails it:

How useful are you going to be in the infantry (or whatever) if you can lift XYZ thing, but have the stamina of a sloth?  Or if you've got the stamina of a marathon runner but can't even lift your pack?

The answer? In my opinion, it's crossfit.  Crossfit is particularly suited to military fitness because it is unspecialized.  It combines elements of running, Olympic power lifting, and gymnastics with the goal of creating the most well rounded athlete possible.

There are probably people on this forum who've maybe heard of crossfit, but have never really been exposed to the workouts or the subsequent endorphin rush after completing a crossfit workout.  This thread is for those who havn't yet drank the Kool Aide.

Just try it. You won't be disappointed.

<a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FimNZB5AHMA>Cindy</a>
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

<a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5gL9IIzbsY>Helen</a>
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups

<a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ucNjpdlkEo>Fran</a>
Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95-pound Thruster

<a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuxgnvSOM5A>Kelly</a>
Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

<a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAjV-LOW_uo>Annie</a>
Double Unders

<a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydeCu7W1VRc>Grace</a>
Clean and Jerk 135 pounds, 30 reps
(Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed)

I know there are guys who're reading this thread as they wait for the CFRC to call them back and tell them they're going to Basic, then hopefully later on to join an Infantry or other Combat Arms unit. Some of the guys reading this thread have probably considered CSOR or the JTF2 down the road.  Well, I'm not in CSOR, but I have friends who are.  They tell me that crossfit is one of the best ways to train for selection.  I have been in a rifle company in 1RCR for the past 5 years. In my experience crossfit is the most efficient method of training I've come across to prepare physically for the exercises and operations I've been on. 

For those of you who havn't yet joined but are committed to preparing themselves, I highly recommend Crossfit as an effective method of getting in good shape.
Isn't there already a thread (or several) on Crossfit?

Edit:  Yes, four on Crossfit and I'm sure it's mentioned in several of the other training threads.

But the big one called "Crossfit and the CF" turned into a train wreck and I was hoping that we could breathe some new life into the subject.
Wonderbread said:
Just try it. You won't be disappointed.

I disagree, I was, I dislike crossfit in the extreme and find it next to useless IMO.

Wonderbread said:
I know there are guys who're reading this thread as they wait for the CFRC to call them back and tell them they're going to Basic, then hopefully later on to join an Infantry or other Combat Arms unit. Some of the guys reading this thread have probably considered CSOR or the JTF2 down the road.  Well, I'm not in CSOR, but I have friends who are.  They tell me that crossfit is one of the best ways to train for selection.

Again I disagree. One of those Units has a manual for training before selection and tho there are some elements of crossfit is in there it is not crossfit centric for a reason. The other unit will soon have one and again may have elements but will not be centric. Those training manuals are and will be the best programs for passing those selections.

Wonderbread said:
For those of you who haven't yet joined but are committed to preparing themselves, I highly recommend Crossfit as an effective method of getting in good shape.

I semi agree only in terms that all fitness is good fitness prior to Basic.

Sorry Wonderbread I dislike crossfit. I am not a person who will be found worshiping at the alter of crossfit. For myself I don't gain fitness I lose previous benchmarks in other areas with no gain in others. Crossfit is not the god of PT that many people will tell you.