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Big T

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If you were to parish in the military, would you have the option to be cremated? I would choose to be cremated rather then stuffed in a box, so I am just curious?!
It is perish not parish although that may be where people may go to mourn you. The CF tries to get your body back to your family and is not in the funeral home business.  Make sure you have your wishes in writing and your family will have a bonfire for you.
I don't mean to be a smartass... but whether or not you're turned to ashes you'll still be stuffed into a box, the only difference is the size of the box.
... unless you plan on getting your ashes spread out over somewhere, in that case just ignore me.
Canuckx5 said:
I don't mean to be a smartass... but whether or not you're turned to ashes you'll still be stuffed into a box, the only difference is the size of the box.
... unless you plan on getting your ashes spread out over somewhere, in that case just ignore me.

I know you mean no disrespect, thats cool.  But the idea to have your corpse lieing in a box... whole (in most cases) is just creepy for some (me).  I would rather be turned to ash, and be a mound of dust in a jar, then a rotting corpse in a box! (and i hope to spread my ashes somewhere... just havent figured out where yet. (I hope i live longer enough to figure that out, haha....)
There's always Space - The Final Frontier.

Look how "Scotty" was just recently sent off.
Actually on serious note, with regards to Scotty being beamed up (as serious as one can be), would a full body decompose if it were launched into space?
Not that i'm an expert but I imagine without air there would be a kind of preservation - if it's inside some sort of capsule the cold and the vacuum effect of space would probably work.
Che said:
Actually on serious note, with regards to Scotty being beamed up (as serious as one can be), would a full body decompose if it were launched into space?

Ask Lenin.

By the way, Che, who is buried in Grant's tomb?
Che said:
Actually on serious note, with regards to Scotty being beamed up (as serious as one can be), would a full body decompose if it were launched into space?

Good Question, I am also curious!
I've got it well-documented..

when I die, I am to be cremated...the ashes are to be places in an urn....the urn is to have a pair of google-eyes....whoever is to receive my life-insurance...and this is stipulated...must have said urn prominently displayed in their home.

This is so that whomever, will walk in, and have the feeling of me watching from beyond >:D
My original plan was for cremation, then be stuffed into a 105 blank and fired out over Bergen Hohne. Then I got thinking, the military would probably try go cheap and fire me from a 76 over Meaford. I can't stand the place now, never mind for eternity ;D

On a side note. Heard they're also freeze drying and pulverizing.
My feelings on cremation have changed over the years....

(BTW My father chose to be cremated when he died, no issues with the Army...everything was handled very well...well a few exceptions  >:( but those were on the parts of spectators)

My current thinking is that I would like to be cremated and have my ashes put into the Officer's Mess Snuff Bowl......

My goal and my wife's differ slightly. I'd appreciate a nice Photon Torpedo launch.

She on the other hand, is preparing several garbage bags. Not that I mind so much, at some point I'll be dead and won't care.

Firing point, this is the Butts...