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Craziest stunts ever pulled on new guys

This is football related but goes with the theme. Every year a team I used to play with has an alumni celebration. This of course, consists of drinking copious amounts of beer. What happens is chairs are arranged as if the people sitting in them occupied various positions in a bomber during a WW 2 raid on Germany. As the skit goes on, various positions are eliminated until only a new alumni, one of the engines, catches on fire and is doused with beer. Again a terrible waste of beer, but by then everyone is usually sufficiently soused by then anyway.
I faintly Remember my Dad telling a bunch of his friends over some beer, of a time when he took some reserves from ontario out on a training ex with his platoon of the royal newfoundland regiment. Anyhow at the brief Befor setting out Dad speaks up "Now guys I know most of ye are new to the Rock (newfoundland) so b4 we heads out I just want to tell ye guys from the mainland that dont know already, Just watch out for the saltwater moose, it‘s maiting season around these parts now so the slatwater moose tends to get very disturbed if we come to close to them".Anyways about 2 hours into the ex one pte speaks up (dad said you could tell there was something bothering him the whole time because he never left his side), " sgt ummm u dont think were bothering the saltwater moose around here do ya". Well all the newfies just about lost it haha. Wish I was there.
Originally posted by dominas:
[qb] while on the range they sent one of the guys on our course to the sgt to get a "brass magnet" .. definitely worth a laugh. Poor kid had no idea what he was walking himself into. [/qb]
Do you mean Brass Parade? Where the guy has to pick up ALL the empty casings.
Two things stand out in my mind since I enlisted in the Australian Army. So at that time, being new to the Army and the country, the Diggers enjoy as they say here "taking the pi$$ out of you".

On my 1st posting to 103 Fd Wksp, GE PL, (I was fresh off the boat from Canada) we went out bush and were chucking M26 Frags, so before the Rge Prac started, this young LT said to me "SGT Allen why don‘t ya go up to the tower and see if you can see any roos?" I knew something was up.....

I went up the tower, but up the stairs was this huge **** - off spider in this giant web literally blocking the path! I hestitated momentairily, then kicked my way thru the web, squishing this huge hand sized spider on my way up. As I turned around a group of say 40 men clapped and cheered, and said in Aussie fashion, "good on ya Sarge". Needless to say, I was accepted.

Secondly, on my 2nd posting to 5CSSB Wksp Coy, GE PL we were out at Gan-Gan, in the bush, when I returned to the tent RAEME OPS ‘office‘. There was about 10 Diggers hanging around, and looking a bit guilty of something. As I entered they followed, and as I pulled my folding metal chair out to sit from uder the folding table, there in front of me was a freshly killed King Brown Snake (deadly as ****), about 6ft long, and all curled up looking like it was alive, but its head was hanging by a thread.

So, without hesitiation, I picked it up, and said "a King Brown, anyone got a camera"?

Well, a few Diggers began to snap some pics, and to this day, I have that pic too. Again I was accepted into the fold in this new unit.

Now in my 3rd posting, I have yet to have something like this happen. Being RAEME and in the system for going on 10yrs, I am known in the Corps now and some call me the ‘Mad Canuck‘, or "Hey Canada". Although I have had my Aussie citizenship for 7 yrs now, I do consider myself Australian, but I never forget my roots, and where I come from. Every 01 Jul, we go down to the VC Pub in North Sydney, and celebrate Canada Day with other Ex-Pats.

Mind you I still have to put up with a tonne of shyte at at times (politics), but I rarely have to use my rank, as we are men, and professional soldiers and get along well most of the time.

Cheers and beers,

Snow snake‘s !! :eek:

Winter Indoc. alway‘s remember to inform and alert other‘s when snow snake track‘s are seen in the snow.