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Cost of housing in Canada

If Pierre Poilievre and the CPC form government, they had best have more than pithy slogans to fix the housing crisis. If the younger generation voting for him aren’t satisfied in short order, they may vote for honest-to-god Marxists or fascists to fix it. It will not be an easy fix since we’re in a perfect storm of various causes causing the current crisis.

If Pierre Poilievre and the CPC form government, they had best have more than pithy slogans to fix the housing crisis.

Of course he will….”Because it’s 2025!”
If Pierre Poilievre and the CPC form government, they had best have more than pithy slogans to fix the housing crisis. If the younger generation voting for him aren’t satisfied in short order, they may vote for honest-to-god Marxists or fascists to fix it. It will not be an easy fix since we’re in a perfect storm of various causes causing the current crisis.

A bit of an expansion on this article.

'None of them are a good option'?​

Happy Conservatives go conventioneering as Liberal 'luxury beliefs' fall out of favour. But what would a Poilievre government do in the real world?​

SEP 7, 2023

Readers of this newsletter will be aware that I don’t regard contemporary “progressive” politics as genuinely progressive or Trudeau’s Liberals as particularly “liberal.” I’ve also spent a good bit of effort pointing out that in 2015 Team Trudeau came to power with a largely undisclosed “post-national” agenda that was occluded by the camouflage of what a lot of people call virtue-signalling, or use the term “woke” to describe.
A better term: “luxury beliefs.” It perfectly describes the weird thing that has displaced working-class politics on “the left,” and it neatly encapsulates the Trudeau Liberals’ governing principles too.
Advocating for defunding the police or promoting the belief we are not responsible for our actions are good ways of advertising membership of the elite. Why are affluent people more susceptible to luxury beliefs? They can afford it.
That’s from Robert Henderson, author, Cambridge University doctoral student and faculty fellow at the University of Austin, a new institution that set out as an explicit rebellion against the enfeeblement of academia by what’s known as “woke” ideology. If I’m not mistaken, the term “luxury beliefs” was coined by Henderson. Smart guy, regardless.
Very generally I’ve come out of an old-school “left wing” view of the world, more or less, only to find myself in recent years far more comfortable in the company of conservatives, or people who consider themselves classic liberals. I expect it’s because of a shared revulsion for the post-truth sensibilities that dominate so much of “the discourse” these days.
I set this out as a preamble to the case that I’m not in the tank for the Conservatives, which my loudest detractors constantly allege about me. I’m not in the tank for Poilievre or for any party and I have no ideological commitments beyond what might be discerned in my convictions in the matter of universal human rights.
I’ve simply concluded that an honest assessment would give Poilievre credit for his laser focus on the concerns and anxieties of that constituency we used to call “ordinary Canadians,” which is to say most of us. Poilievre deserves credit for this because it’s exactly the sort of thing decent political leaders should do in a healthy liberal democracy.
Poilievre’s focus appears to have done him a world of good, besides. He now enjoys a very good shot at winning his party a majority government in the next federal election. That’s why his proposed remedies for what ails this country deserve very close scrutiny, rather than hullabaloos about prayer rooms at the Conservative convention and that sort of thing.
I’ve been meaning to get to this for a while because I’ve written nothing of any consequence about Poilievre, for or against. After soaking up a lot of data these past few weeks I took an opening shot at it in my column in the National Post this week: Voters need more than snappy slogans from the Conservatives: The party needs to work on substantial policies — especially on housing and immigration — to deliver Canadians from Liberal blunders.
Those “blunders” have been a great deal more destructive than most journalists have taken the time to notice, and a great many Canadians are finally coming to terms with the damage. Because they can’t afford not to. So what does Poilievre propose, exactly?
Long story short: What Poilievre has yet to demonstrate is a talent for policy, for effective remedies that will make an appreciable difference to the pall of gloom that eight years of Justin Trudeau’s sunny-ways landlordism has cast over the country. Which is the case I make in my column. Things are worse than Poilievre says, and worse is yet to come.
I’ll elaborate below the paywall.

Canadians warm to Polievre’s Conservatives, but only a little.​

This morning’s Angus Reid polling shows that the implosion of support for the Trudeau Liberals that I refer to in my column is continuing, just as Conservatives are gathering to talk policy in Quebec City. At 39 percent, the CPC enjoys a 12-point advantage over the Liberal Party. Twice as many Canadians see Poilievre as the best prime minister as those Canadians who see Trudeau that way.
But only 18 percent of Canadians rate “taxes” as a particularly big concern, and only about 30 percent of would-be Conservate voters do, which is odd, given the close attention Poilievre pays to taxes (‘ll come to this later). Some of the Liberal base has bled away to Jagmeet Singh’s New Democrats, but the Conservatives are clearly reaping the windfall of the disaffection that has been growing across the country, in pretty well all demographic categories.

Making ends meet in Canada & the U.S. Something bad happened around 2015.

House prices to income ratio in Canada. There’s that 2015 point again:

Man does not live by bread alone. But bread would be nice, please.​

It would be foolish to hive off “bread and butter” issues from all those things that can’t be so easily captured in charts and graphs. Ottawa no longer really knows how many people live and work in Canada or how many people are coming to Canada annually, for instance. And Ottawa doesn’t seem to want to know, as I describe in my column.
“Out of status” workers? Who knows, Ottawa says, officially: Could be 20,000, could be 500,000. CIBC analysts say it could be a million people are uncounted, mostly foreign students who haven’t bothered to leave or to fill out the easy forms encouraging them to stay.
The number of newcomers is already way, way higher than the 500,000 Ottawa says it wants by way of new citizens every year starting in 2025.
Last year Ottawa’s employer-friendly streamlining of the Temporary Foreign Workers Program, all by itself, brought in 220,000 people to work on farms and fish plants and of course in Amazon warehouses and Starbucks and McDonald’s. It’s so out of control that an independent United Nations human rights official is calling Canada “a breeding ground for contemporary forms of slavery.”
The outsized influence the uberwealthy Beijing-aligned Mandarin bloc wields in Liberal power circles has a great deal to do with distortions in residential property values and weirdness in federal policy - at least as much as taxes, I’d reckon. The mobility of international capital makes luxury real estate a dirty-money boltholefor transnational criminal operations, just as wealth migration contributes to sky-high home prices already bloated by speculators who have accelerated the conversion of housing stock into the stuff of investment portfolios.
Remember the long-delayed and much-diluted foreign buyer ban Trudeau promised? It turned out not to apply to foreign “students” whose daddies can buy condos for them, and it doesn’t apply to anyone in Canada with any kind of a work-allowed visa.
Canada’s housing market was already a grotesquely inflated mess when Trudeau’s Liberals were first elected eight years ago, and I know of no evidence for the notion that Stephen Harper’s taxes had much to do with that. Now, Canadians may well be sitting on the largest housing bubble of all time. A lot of people have been making a fortune out of this obscenity. Like Vancouver-Granville Liberal MP Taleeb Noormohamed, for instance.
Noormohamed took over the Liberal banner in Vancouver-Granville after the demotion-resignation of Jody Wilson-Raybould, whose transgression was to stand for the rule of law against Team Trudeau’s backroom arm-twisting on behalf of SNC-Lavalin. Noormohamed has made a killing in the ponzi scheme Canada’s housing industry has become. He bought and sold at least 42 properties between 2005 and 2021, holding most of them for less than a year. He made $4.9 million for himself along the way.
Immigration “policy” is inextricably bound up in trade policy, which is systemically integrated with foreign policy, which is central to how Canadians understand their place in the world and how Canada measures up.
‘Just look at the growth in Canada’s GDP since Trudeau was elected! Higher than the G7 average!’ Okay, let’s have a look.It’s a mirage. Population growth - last year Canada’s knownpopulation grew faster than any year since 1957 - masks what’s been happening to Canada’s realGDP, which, by the way, is now contracting.
And no, you can’t blame refugees for this. The Trudeau government has been scaling back refugee resettlement for years, and in any case the UN’s registered refugee population holds all the highly-educated, highly-skilled workers Canada could ever ask for.
You can’t blame taxes for this, either. And here’s where things get really interesting. It’s where Poilievre isn’t quite coming clean about the housing crisis. It’s not just about taxes.

‘If things are going so great, why is everything getting worse?’​

I’m going to leave the hollering about carbon taxes for another day. There’s a lot to holler about, but the malaise that Poilievre has so astutely and properly tapped into is ultimately the result of a sort of cognitive dissonance. For a growing number of Canadians, it’s eating away at their sense of belonging, in their own country: ‘If things are humming along so swimmingly, why am I poorer, why is my city more dangerous and more expensive and more on edge? Why doesn’t anything seem to work anymore? And where are all these homeless people coming from?’
A sense of belonging, so necessary for social cohesion in a democracy, has been consistently undermined and “problematized” by luxury beliefs encoded in the Trudeau doctrine: Canada was a racist, apartheid-riven genocidal colonial settler state run by transphobes and white supremacists until Justin came along and made everything better.
Okay, enough of that. Let’s roll everything back to what Poilievre proposes by way of a “housing policy.”

Fire Gatekeepers. Build Homes. Fast.’

You need to read my column to see why that’s little more than a jingle. You could also read what Poilievre himself says about his remedies, here. To be perfectly fair there’s some really solid stuff in it. But he lathers it on quite a lot and avoids the tougher issues, bringing everything around to taxes and such like.
Let’s start with his first example: “In Vancouver, $644,000 of the total price on any given home is going to pay for government permits, zoning fees, and other bureaucratic costs.”
Wait, what?
Set aside for the moment that over the years Vancouver has tripled its housing stock while home prices have quadrupled, so building more residential units isn’t going to help. Permits, fees and taxes are certainly heaping an absurdly heavy load onto the rising cost of new housing construction. Housing analyst Ben Myers reckons that government fees on new housing have exploded by more than 1,000 percent since 2001 in Toronto, while inflation has driven up prices by 59 percent. And Vancouver is notorious for that sort of thing.
But where did Poilievre get his figure of $644,000 added to the price “on any given home” in Vancouver, from permits, fees and bureaucratic costs?
It comes from a C.D. Howe analysis, from five years ago, titled Through the Roof: The High Cost of Barriers to Building New Housing in Canadian Municipalities.
The additional $644,000 wasn’t about government taxes or charges on the cost of building “any given home.” It was an analysis of he cost of building a single-family house in Vancouver - the type of home that’s available only to buyers with at least a couple of million dollars to play around with, whose worries do not concern me. The $644,000 figure is what you get when you add onto the basic cost of building a home like that the costs attributable to zoning bylaws, water and sewer and road infrastructure, any community-amenity taxes and speculation taxes and any other such “extra” costs that would normally apply anywhere else in the developed world.
A similarly unhelpful illustration comes in the next sentence of Poilievre’s ‘Fire Gatekeepers. Build Homes. Fast’ regimen, also from Vancouver: “Senakw, a First Nation housing development with 6,000 homes, was held up by NIMBYs because they thought it was too dense and didn’t have adequate parking.”
Did this even happen?
An accurate accounting of the planned 11-tower Senakw development, to be squeezed into an old residential neighborhood at Vancouver’s Kitsilano Point, can be found in a report from the always-reliable Bob Mackin, here: Vancouver city hall withholds Senakw transportation planning documents.
Only 1,200 of the 6,000 rental units are classified as “affordable,” and no “NIMBYs” have managed to hold up theproject. The local “NIMBY” neighborhood association supports the project wholeheartedly and just wanted to know how thousands of people were going to get through their streets in and out of the massive development every day in the absence of some kind of traffic plan.
For their trouble they were made to wait a year for city hall to get back to them with 179 pages of documents. All but six of those pages were completely blacked-out “for fear that disclosure would harm intergovernmental relations, and reveal Indigenous cultural heritage and traditional knowledge.”
For a more explicitly pro-development point of view, there’s this: First Nations Projects To Play Significant Role in Reshaping Vancouver Real Estate. The Senakw project is one of four First Nation collaborations that promise to bring a total of 12,500 rental units to Vancouver: “Nevertheless, increase in migration flows will likely ensure that demand outstrips this new supply.”
So yes, by all means, it’s great that the Conservatives are concentrating on bread and butter issues. But you can’t deal with them in isolation, and voters shouldn’t allow Poilievre to get away with making things up or substituting Trudeau’s luxury beliefs with his own.
Poilievre is turning out to be a great communicator. He exhibits genuine empathy for Canadians who have been hurting and disoriented quite a lot in recent years. To focus on the Trudeau Liberals’ many blunders, their deliberate deceptions, their gross negligence and their incompetence - that’s easy work.
Poilievre clearly needs to work harder
Tax breaks for renters just add to demand-side pressure. Also, some people sitting in the narrow region between renting and owning will be moved to choose renting, and increase the demand for rentals, which will further increase demand and aggravate shortages.
Tax breaks for renters just add to demand-side pressure. Also, some people sitting in the narrow region between renting and owning will be moved to choose renting, and increase the demand for rentals, which will further increase demand and aggravate shortages.
That's why no single solution is going to work...

That said, if one decides to rent for the tax breaks, it means less competition for the people trying to buy, which means less upward pressure on homes. Rent gets too high? Buy. Housing prices too high? Rent, and get something out of it.
Every issue looks like a crisis, or can be made to look like a crisis, if there is no reliable data to drive the discussion.

Housing is right up there with the noisiest issues backed by the worst data, unfortunately:

How Data Is Key to Addressing Canada’s Housing Crisis​

Canadian housing data is often outdated, inconsistent and not openly available. What can we do about that?

That's why no single solution is going to work...

That said, if one decides to rent for the tax breaks, it means less competition for the people trying to buy, which means less upward pressure on homes. Rent gets too high? Buy. Housing prices too high? Rent, and get something out of it.
Unfortunately, the people for whom that might make sense would most likely be those who are barely able to compete in the market, and therefore not really the ones driving bids up.

Wrong Move at the Wrong Time: Economic Impacts of the New Federal Building Energy Efficiency Mandates - 12 Sep 23

As part of the 2030 emission reduction plan, the federal government is planning to decarbonize the building sector by enhancing the energy efficiency of new and existing buildings. In the Building Energy Efficiency (BEE) components of the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP), the government has proposed new building codes with the goal of achieving a 65% reduction in energy consumption for new residential buildings and a 59% reduction for new commercial buildings by 2030, compared to 2019 levels. This report provides a quantitative economic evaluation of the economic consequences of these changes from 2020 to 2050 and makes use of a large, detailed macroeconomic model of the Canadian economy specially adapted to track the effects of the policy.

While the BEE requirements are initially minor, they quickly ramp up in the middle of this decade and will increase home construction costs by an average of about 8.3% by 2030, potentially adding an estimated $55,000 to the average cost of new homes in Canada. The costs vary by province, ranging from a low of $22,144 in New Brunswick up to $78,093 in British Columbia. These requirements are expected to impose annual direct and indirect economic costs that sum to over $1,700 per worker beginning in the post-2026 period.

National GDP will initially decline to about 2% below the base case and maintain much of that gap through 2050. The GDP loss against the base case as of 2030 ranges from a low of 0.9% in Prince Edward Island to highs of 2.6% in British Columbia and 2.5% in Ontario. Nevertheless, the effects on GHG emissions are small (a reduction of about 1% below the base case) and on a per-unit basis cost about 50 times the carbon-tax value as of 2030. As a result of the large loss of GDP relative to reductions in GHG emissions, emissions intensity of the Canadian economy actually rises slightly due to the regulation.

Overall the proposed Building Energy Efficiency package is a very costly addition to the federal carbon tax. It will impose substantial costs while contributing relatively little to Canada’s greenhouse gas reduction targets. Additionally the rules will affect mainly purchasers of new homes. Since older, higher-income households tend already to own their homes, the costs discussed in this study are likely to fall disproportionately on younger and lower-income people trying to enter the housing market.
It’s sad that at this point, I’m not even surprised at the near complete disconnect between the team hunting emissions-slashing unicorns, and the generally acknowledged costing of the emissions-associated future infrastructure developments…on the positive side of things, I suppose is that it’s just legislation, and that can be reversed/revised.
Strangely enough we now have an answer to the age old question: What do women want?

Or at least what do British Girl Guides want.

In order - House, Husband, Job, Money, Kids.

Most girls would rather have a house than a husband

Girlguiding survey also reveals marked drop in happiness of girls and young women in last 14 years

ByGabriella Swerling, SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS EDITOR13 September 2023 • 8:00am


The majority of young girls would rather own their own house than have a husband, a Girlguiding survey has revealed.
When asked, “what would you most like to achieve by the age of 30?”, the majority of those aged between seven and 21 ranked “owning my own house” as their top priority.
The poll, of 2,614 girls and young women, found that 52 per cent wanted to own a house compared to 48 per cent who prioritised “having a partner or being married”.
“Having a worthwhile job” was most important to 42 per cent, while 39 per cent ticked “earning a lot of money” and 33 per cent said “having children”.
The results of the charity’s annual survey, which detailed concerns about body image, mental health and sexual harassment and aspirations and opportunity, contrast to those from 14 years ago in 2009, when having children and having a partner were the top priorities of 60 per cent of young women.

This was followed by 57 per cent wanting to own their own home, 47 per cent wanting to have children, 43 per cent saying having a worthwhile job and 35 per cent saying earning a lot of money.
The report said that: “Girls’ and young women’s choices of what they’d like to achieve by 30 are now more varied than they once were. Girls now place the greatest value on owning their own house, although the number who chose this option has dropped slightly since 2009.”
However, separate figures from the study reveal that girls’ happiness levels are at their lowest levels in 15 years as concerns about appearance, online harms and sexual harassment trouble young people.
Fewer than a fifth of all those who took part described themselves as very happy, down from 40 per cent of respondents in 2009 when the Girls’ Attitudes Survey began, with the majority (89 per cent) asked this time around saying they felt generally worried or anxious.

‘Devastating that girls’ happiness has steadily declined’​

Angela Salt, CEO of Girlguiding said: “It’s devastating to hear that girls’ happiness has steadily declined over the last 15 years. It’s clear girls are feeling pressures from all angles, from harm online, to appearance pressures to sexual harassment at school.
“Now more than ever Girlguiding, powered by volunteers, has an invaluable role to play in continuing to support girls’ wellbeing and confidence, and we’re proud to be able to offer a space where girls can be themselves and have fun – all whilst developing essential skills for their future, helping to build resilience to navigate this difficult time and the relentless pressures they face.”
Researchers said the sharpest decline in happiness was among the youngest girls – those aged between seven and 10 years old, at just 28 per cent when asked this year compared with 57 per cent of those asked in 2009.
When it came to appearance, more than two-thirds of girls (67 per cent) aged between 11 and 21 said they sometimes feel ashamed of the way they look because they are not like girls and women they see in the media and online.
In contrast, in 2009 almost three quarters (72 per cent) of all those surveyed said they were happy with how they looked, this fell to 59 per cent this year.

More than a third would consider some form of cosmetic surgery​

Just over a third of those (34 per cent) aged between 11 and 21 said they would consider some form of cosmetic surgery, a rise from 29 per cent in 2018, with 23 per cent in this age group this year saying they would consider various procedures after having seen images of influencers or celebrities getting them.
Other findings in the survey showed that the number of 13 to 21 year-olds who have received sexist comments online has more than doubled since 2018 (57 per cent compared with 24 per cent).
Some 41 per cent of those aged 11 to 21 said they often feel sad or depressed after spending time online and on social media.
Megan, 21, a Girlguiding advocate, said: “The decline in happiness highlighted in this year’s survey findings made me feel quite sad and concerned for the girls who are growing up in this environment. It is, however, not surprising to me.
“The pressures on girls, particularly in terms of appearance, online harms and sexual harassment, felt particularly resonant as I have watched multiple members in my own Girlguiding units struggle with these issues.
“Girlguiding aims to help girls tackle these issues through the various themes of its programme and the support that volunteers, such as myself, offer girls and young women.”

Which brings us to this

Canadian youngsters, female and male, have discovered the value of property and the benefits of money. Money buys freedom.
All of which is related to this. Another article with no highlights.

FIRST READING: Here's just how high immigration has gotten​

A new poll finds Canadians are now starting to think immigration is too high
Author of the article:
Tristin Hopper
Published Sep 13, 2023 • Last updated 5 hours ago • 6 minute read

Sean Fraser
Sean Fraser, the immigration minister who raised immigration to its highest level ever, and now as housing minister is hinting that immigration might be too high. PHOTO BY ADRIAN WYLD/THE CANADIAN PRESS

First Reading is a daily newsletter keeping you posted on the travails of Canadian politicos, all curated by the National Post’s own Tristin Hopper. To get an early version sent directly to your inbox, sign up here.

Every 30 days, Canada is adding enough people to fill its entire North​

A majority of Canadians now seem to think that immigration is too high, according to a recent Nanos poll. Of respondents, 53 per cent said that the government’s plan to accept 465,000 new permanent residents was too high. It’s a sharp turnaround from just a few months prior, when a similar Nanos poll in March found that only 34 per cent of Canadians thought immigration was too high.

Canada has long been one of the most pro-immigration countries on earth, and since at least the 1990s the mainstream Canadian position on immigration levels was that they were just fine. On the eve of Justin Trudeau’s election as prime minister in 2015, an Environics poll found that a decisive 57 per cent of Canadians disagreed with any notion that there is “too much immigration in Canada.”

But if this sentiment is changing, it might be because Ottawa has recently dialled up immigration to the highest levels ever seen in Canadian history. Below, a quick guide to just how many people are entering Canada these days.

Immigration is nearly double what it was at the beginning of the Trudeau government (and way more when you count “non-permanent” immigrants)

In 2014 — the last full year before the election of Justin Trudeau — Canada brought in 260,404 new permanent residents. This was actually rather high for the time, with Statistics Canada noting it was “one of the highest levels in more than 100 years.”

But last year, immigration hit 437,180, and that’s not even accounting for the massive spike in “non-permanent” immigration. When the estimated 607,782 people in that category are accounted for, the Canadian population surged by more than one million people in a single calendar year. Representing a 2.7 per cent annual rise in population, it was more than enough to cancel out any per-capita benefits from Canada’s GDP rise for that year.

It’s about on par with the United States (a country which is eight to 10 times larger)

Proportionally, Canada has long maintained higher immigration than the United States. But in recent months immigration has gotten so high that Canada is even starting to rival the Americans in terms of the raw number of newcomers.

Last year, while Canada marked one million newcomers, the U.S. announced that its net international migration was about the same. Given the size of the U.S. (331 million vs. 40 million in Canada), this means that Canada is absorbing migrants at a rate more than eight times that of the Americans.

When these trends first began showing themselves in early 2022, CIBC deputy chief economist Benjamin Tal credited it with driving down Canadian wage growth. “The last time I checked, the U.S. is 10 times larger than we are,” he said.

Housing construction isn’t even close to keeping up with the influx

In the last few weeks, the Trudeau government seemed to acknowledge for one of the first times that their aggressive immigration policy was helping to worsen the country’s housing shortage, and thus drive up real estate unaffordability.

“We want to better align our immigration policies with the absorptive capacity of communities that includes housing,” was how housing minister Sean Fraser put it to CTV on Sunday. Notably, Fraser was immigration minister before being shifted to the housing file in July.

According to one Scotiabank estimate, Canada would need to build 1.8. million homes to return the housing market to any semblance of affordability. But right now the rate of new homes isn’t even keeping up with the population increase, much less addressing the existing deficit.

In 2022 there were just 219,942 housing completions across Canada. It’s about as many homes as Canada was building in the mid-1970s, a decade when Canada was bringing in fewer than 100,000 new immigrants each year. But with current immigration rates, Canada is now bringing in about five new people for every new apartment or townhouse getting built.

It’s like repopulating all three northern territories every month

In a routine update on employment numbers last week, Statistics Canada announced the good news that the country had added 40,000 new jobs in August — before noting that all this new employment had been immediately cancelled out by immigration. That same month saw the arrival of 103,000 temporary and permanent newcomers into Canada, with the result that the country’s net employment rate actually went down. “Given this pace of population growth, employment growth of approximately 50,000 per month is required for the employment rate to remain constant,” reported Stats Canada.

The rate of 103,000 is a bit higher than normal, and was driven in part by the arrival of international students. But since the beginning of 2023, the influx of newcomers has averaged about 81,000.

For context, the entire population of the Canadian North is about 118,000. Comprising three territories — the Northwest Territories, the Yukon and Nunavut — and dozens of communities, the North has daily newspapers, several dedicated airlines, power plants and even a skyscraper. And on average, Canada is absorbing enough new people every 43 days to completely fill its North.

There are worrying signs that rising numbers of immigrants are dropping almost immediately into poverty

In the 2021 census, the trend seemed to be that poverty rates among newcomers to Canada were going down, in part due to “higher government transfers.” While there’s been no new data to contradict this trend, Canada has seen a smattering of incidents that seem to point towards an immigrant community that isn’t finding opportunity the way they used to.

A report last month found that Toronto-area food banks were experiencing a massive spike in usage among recent immigrants. Feed Scarborough, for one, released a survey finding that three quarters of their users have been in the country for less than a year. “Immigrants are struggling to meet their most basic needs,” it read.

Shelters across Ontario and Quebec have reported being overwhelmed by recent migrants, many of whom entered the country via the longstanding Roxham Road illegal border crossing. A Toronto international student found homeless and living under a bridge recently became the subject of a viral TikTok video. And in July, the Toronto-area community of Brampton was shocked by videos showing a job fair at a local supermarket being attended by massive queues containing hundreds of applicants, many of whom were international students.

Wrong Move at the Wrong Time: Economic Impacts of the New Federal Building Energy Efficiency Mandates - 12 Sep 23

As part of the 2030 emission reduction plan, the federal government is planning to decarbonize the building sector by enhancing the energy efficiency of new and existing buildings. In the Building Energy Efficiency (BEE) components of the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP), the government has proposed new building codes with the goal of achieving a 65% reduction in energy consumption for new residential buildings and a 59% reduction for new commercial buildings by 2030, compared to 2019 levels. This report provides a quantitative economic evaluation of the economic consequences of these changes from 2020 to 2050 and makes use of a large, detailed macroeconomic model of the Canadian economy specially adapted to track the effects of the policy.

While the BEE requirements are initially minor, they quickly ramp up in the middle of this decade and will increase home construction costs by an average of about 8.3% by 2030, potentially adding an estimated $55,000 to the average cost of new homes in Canada. The costs vary by province, ranging from a low of $22,144 in New Brunswick up to $78,093 in British Columbia. These requirements are expected to impose annual direct and indirect economic costs that sum to over $1,700 per worker beginning in the post-2026 period.

National GDP will initially decline to about 2% below the base case and maintain much of that gap through 2050. The GDP loss against the base case as of 2030 ranges from a low of 0.9% in Prince Edward Island to highs of 2.6% in British Columbia and 2.5% in Ontario. Nevertheless, the effects on GHG emissions are small (a reduction of about 1% below the base case) and on a per-unit basis cost about 50 times the carbon-tax value as of 2030. As a result of the large loss of GDP relative to reductions in GHG emissions, emissions intensity of the Canadian economy actually rises slightly due to the regulation.

Overall the proposed Building Energy Efficiency package is a very costly addition to the federal carbon tax. It will impose substantial costs while contributing relatively little to Canada’s greenhouse gas reduction targets. Additionally the rules will affect mainly purchasers of new homes. Since older, higher-income households tend already to own their homes, the costs discussed in this study are likely to fall disproportionately on younger and lower-income people trying to enter the housing market.
Anything climate related is very politically charged but despite what anyone thinks about GHGs and "climate change" I would think that efficiency - and in particular energy efficiency given the rising costs of energy - would be a goal all parties could get behind. Efficiency and productivity are what make you competitive, and being competitive is how you prosper.

The summary provided says the goals of the program are:
achieving a 65% reduction in energy consumption for new residential buildings and a 59% reduction for new commercial buildings by 2030, compared to 2019 levels
The report then goes on to say:
It will impose substantial costs while contributing relatively little to Canada’s greenhouse gas reduction targets.
Now I haven't had time to read the full report attached and as with every policy the devil is in the details so I have no idea if the goal of a 65% reduction in energy consumption is by less energy inputs in creating the building materials, in installation costs, in annual heating/cooling expenses once the building is occupied or a combination of all of the above.

To my mind reducing the energy consumption in a building by 65% whether that's 65% less wind energy, solar, nuclear, natural gas, coal or unobtainium is an efficiency plus regardless of whether it impacts the GHG emissions or not.

The question of whether the juice is worth the squeeze to achieve that 65% energy consumption reduction is whether those savings are offset by increased other costs incurred in achieving that reduction. If the savings are greater than any increased expenses then it's a good policy but if they are not then you're just putting lipstick on a pig.

Perhaps the full report contains that level of analysis but the summary seems to just compare the increased initial purchase price of a new home (apples) to the expected reduction in GHG's achieved (oranges). Nothing about savings over time realized from the upfront investment (good) or the increased other costs required to achieve the energy consumption targets (bad).
Anything climate related is very politically charged but despite what anyone thinks about GHGs and "climate change" I would think that efficiency - and in particular energy efficiency given the rising costs of energy - would be a goal all parties could get behind. Efficiency and productivity are what make you competitive, and being competitive is how you prosper.

The summary provided says the goals of the program are:

The report then goes on to say:

Now I haven't had time to read the full report attached and as with every policy the devil is in the details so I have no idea if the goal of a 65% reduction in energy consumption is by less energy inputs in creating the building materials, in installation costs, in annual heating/cooling expenses once the building is occupied or a combination of all of the above.

To my mind reducing the energy consumption in a building by 65% whether that's 65% less wind energy, solar, nuclear, natural gas, coal or unobtainium is an efficiency plus regardless of whether it impacts the GHG emissions or not.

The question of whether the juice is worth the squeeze to achieve that 65% energy consumption reduction is whether those savings are offset by increased other costs incurred in achieving that reduction. If the savings are greater than any increased expenses then it's a good policy but if they are not then you're just putting lipstick on a pig.

Perhaps the full report contains that level of analysis but the summary seems to just compare the increased initial purchase price of a new home (apples) to the expected reduction in GHG's achieved (oranges). Nothing about savings over time realized from the upfront investment (good) or the increased other costs required to achieve the energy consumption targets (bad).

Efficiency and cleanliness are two really simple concepts that should sell across the board.

The only thing I find bothersome about housing efficiency is that too many people seem to think that the goal is a 100% tight building isolated from its environment. My experience is that those structures tend to be unhealthy, in part because they rely on mechanical systems being properly maintained. All structures need some free flow exchange with the environment which inevitably degrades efficiency. And on the electrical side of things there isn't really a lot of room for growth when the typical electrical motor in use currently is 95% efficient.