The Gov of NS wants Halifax to be a million person city in a few decades, and province to double in that same time. So officially they ( I refuse to be called a martimer, I'm an Ontarian) want the growth. I can't speak for PEI or NB.
But I can tell you that there is strong resistance to the growth. And they are going through a bit of a culture war at the moment as Halifax transitions from a sleepy maritime town to a bustling city.
Sure supply is an issue, and that supply is further hampered by non locals gobbling up property at inflated prices.
For context google tells me:
Average Rent:
1 BDRM = $1950
3 BDRM = $3040
Average House Price:
For further context 12 years ago we bought our house for $239,000 which was about average and we were paying $800 a month for a 2 BDRM apartment.
No doubt it's a supply issue. And the remote work types and retirees aren't helping that.