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Corps attendance

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The same thing happends at my corps. Kids come and go, I try to keep the new cadets interested, but some if them don't like Army Cadets, I've accepted that fact. It's a shame though that more kids don't join, I've seen the cadet program do great things for the kids who join.
In the last few weeks my corp has grown. Tonight our two regular troops paraded 24 cadets combined. With the seniors it was about 30. Our recruit troop was a wopping 22 cadets. All of them had joined within the last 3 weeks. I don't know where all the kids came from but hey at least we have kids.
The Army Cadet programme has seen a net increase since I joined in 2001, my Corps has gone down though. Maybe it's because there are so many new units, plus a lot of Corps hold a lot of dead weight (names on paper you haven't seen for a long time but don't get around to SOSing because your officers feel they're better than the system and want the increased budget, but then when the region sees your actual strength at annual their plan becomes foiled.)
Dane said:
The Army Cadet programme has seen a net increase since I joined in 2001, my Corps has gone down though. Maybe it's because there are so many new units, plus a lot of Corps hold a lot of dead weight (names on paper you haven't seen for a long time but don't get around to SOSing because your officers feel they're better than the system and want the increased budget, but then when the region sees your actual strength at annual their plan becomes foiled.)
So true, I know of a corps that paraded around 70 or 80 at annual but claimed a quota of 175.

On a side note, I joined in 99, should I feel old?
no zedic, you shouldnt...i joined in October '98 so im "older" than you ;)

but the only reason i feel "old" is because i am now allowed to say "When I was a cadet...."
ouyin2000 said:
no zedic, you shouldnt...i joined in October '98 so im "older" than you ;)

but the only reason i feel "old" is because i am now allowed to say "When I was a cadet...."

Oh but I'm allowed to say that too ... and of course I also on occaision start some typical old age rants "back in my day I had to march accross the parade square through 3 feet of snow uphill both ways." .... wow I need to retire ... or perhaps just get some sleep.
The best way to Recruiting is to have a sign out on the side of the street by your unit. My unit has been doing it for the past 5 years  and have Recruiting more that 400 new cadet over those years.
At my corps we have 1 CWO 3 SGTMAJ's and only 30 cdts on a ok night .
We've got to get our number on paper over 30 or we are entitled to but one CWO or one MWO.
they have changes the standards. i am not sure what they are but as of February they have changed. my corp has like 100 on paper and we are only allowed 2 MWO's 1 CWO, and like 6 WO's , you are allowed as many of the other ranks as you want.

EDIT-  to reach the rank of WO you must now have NSCE, sucks i know
cheeky_monkey said:
One of the CI's at my corps, used to be a cadet in the late 70's early 80's. He said that on a good day you could have up to 250 - 275 cadets show up for a mandatory events (Battle of the Atlantic, Rememberance Day) and camps. But he said that on a normal parade night there was usually at least 130 cadets. Any one else have stories of HUGE corps? (Compared to todays numbers, where your lucky to get 60-70 cadets on parade)
Way back in the glorious days of my time 176 RCACS we had over 200 on paper and probally 150 every night. This ment 4 normal flights plus band plus flag party. This made for good braging rights but the classes sucked since they were so big so we split into 176 and 199 RCACS. So now I'm with 199 and we have about 100 on paper and the lowest I'm aware of is 49 people so considering this was a crapy night it's not half bad. We usually get around 75  think so I'm content with the turn out.
2332Piper said:
Really? Glad I left when I did, or I'd have been demoted.

ya it is good because right now in our corp we don't have 3 WO's and they are all NSCE. starting  in september we are going to have to cut back on one MWO though. we usually have MWO's for positions like DSM and the 2 SSM's now one of those 3 will have to be a WO.
2332Piper said:
Really? Glad I left when I did, or I'd have been demoted.
You actually wouldn't have been, unless you had too many WO's under the new standards. :)
Currently we have about 70 people on paper, with around 60 showing up on parade nights.
We currently have:
1 CPO1 (the Cox'n, and the equivalent of a CWO, right now she is in Australia)
1 CPO2 (equivalent of a MWO, he is the band PO, and currently the acting Cox'n)
7 PO1 (equivalent of a WO)
1 QPO1 (No equivalent, but higher then Sgt, lower then WO)
12 PO2 (equvalent of a Sgt, most of them are being promoted by the end of the year to QPO1)

Edit: Grammar