This government really does not look conservative at all when you look at the numbers. Expenditures increased by 31% and revenues by 15% with 7% to match pop growth and a 40 billion deficit.
- A classic case of forgetting their base. Be interesting to see if former CPC voters are dumb enough to elect a Lib/DP gummint that will bring back the Long Gun Registry with a VENGENCE and start confiscating all of the firearms that are of a new design and look EVIL.
I miss the Reform. They were honest conservatives and their promises matched their actions. I respected them. I don't have a clue who to vote for. Hopefully my riding will have someone worthwhile.
- A classic case of forgetting their base. Be interesting to see if former CPC voters are dumb enough to elect a Lib/DP gummint that will bring back the Long Gun Registry with a VENGENCE and start confiscating all of the firearms that are of a new design and look EVIL.
There are three factors which require nominal spending to increase every year:
1) Population growth
2) Inflation
3) Regulation creep (governments add legislation and rarely remove any)
Note that spending jumped by $30B (the recommended 2% of GDP agreed to by the G20) after the Layton-Dion-Duceppe coalition failure because it was a key demand of the opposition, which obscured whether or not the CPC wanted to do it of their own volition.
When in doubt, search "canada federal government fiscal tables"
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