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Conservative minority government


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The votes are in and we are going to be governed under the Conservatives for the next few years, what are your thoughts?
HAHA, ya we are turning into the Americans, this election isn't even over and now we are talking about the next :dontpanic:
Well it is going to be dicey for sure, Harper is going to work with the (NDP and possibly the Bloc) on an issue by issue basis to get things done.  The liberals are broke and can't afford another election too soon.
Piper said:
About time, I guess a minority is better then nothing.

Agreed. Now that PM Harper has his chance (has a nice ring to it doesnt it?), Im really rooting for him and his ability to prove to canada that he CAN change things for the better.

Im proud to have voted for him (even though my local riding didnt get the win we all hoped he would get)
Ya, it should be interesting there has only been a few times where the Conservatives have been the Gov't since post WWI, I believe 5 times and no longer than 2 terms.
Whats really going to be interesting as CityTV pointed is what Harper is going to find once he releases the hounds (auditors, forensic accounts etc.) on all the financial records the Liberals have been keeping for the last 12 years.  Its going to be fun to watch.
"Whats really going to be interesting as CityTV pointed is what Harper is going to find once he releases the hounds (auditors, forensic accounts etc.) on all the financial records the Liberals have been keeping for the last 12 years.  Its going to be fun to watch."

- No doubt, as we speak, the  RCLP (Royal Canadian Liberal Police) HQ is directing the shredding of files, the re-assigning of officers and the implementation of a plan that will make it VERY difficult to find any evidence at all of misdeeds in the billions of tax dollars stolen over the last ten years.  No senior 'crats or MPs will spend so much as a day in jail.  None.

Docherty said:
The votes are in and we are going to be governed under the Conservatives for the next few years, what are your thoughts?

We'll be back at the polls within a year (18 months at most).  Parliament is to fragmented to work.  A coalition with the Bloc is a death sentence in English Canada.  NDP and Conservatives or NDP and Liberals do not generate enough to form a majority.  Liberals vs Conservatives prevent any type of collaboration on issues.
"18 months at most"
just enough time to do a through search of the Liberals records and distort the findings in their own way.  May get a majority out of it.
True CFL, it may happen.  I think it depends if the Liberal party, in the face of defeat, can rally around Paul Martin or another leader.  Same thing on the Conservative side, if they can rally around Stephen Harper based on less then ideal results.  Most of the Liberal Cabinet Minister's were reelected so they have the benefit of in depth knowledge of the issues as well as experience.  The Tory government will be very weak (both experience wise and numbers). 

Look what happen to Joe Clark's 100 day government in 1979...
This time, they need a 'Whip' who can count on budget night.


Well, the Tories have at least 3 former Ontario Cabinet ministers (unless things go sideways in recounts), so their is some experience there.
Hatchet Man,

The experience is provincial (Garth Turner was Federal Revenue Minister for all of 4-6 months) and the remainder of the caucus has been in opposition too long.  The Conservatives can't let their guard down or they will allow the Liberals to set the agenda.  I was very disappointed in the results.  Did Gordon O'Conner get elected?
Gunner said:
We'll be back at the polls within a year (18 months at most).  Parliament is to fragmented to work.  A coalition with the Bloc is a death sentence in English Canada.  NDP and Conservatives or NDP and Liberals do not generate enough to form a majority.  Liberals vs Conservatives prevent any type of collaboration on issues.

I really don't think so. All parties are maxed out in terms of monetary funds not to mention the man hours required to run a campaign. Having just gone through two back to back elections, I doubt any party would consider going back to the polls any time soon. Also mentioned on one network was the possibility that the liberals would lose votes in another quick election due to many voters just deciding to vote either conservative (in order to give Harper a valid shot) or ndp in order to give them more parliamentary voice. As has been mentioned, I think you'll see Conservative issues brought one at a time and dealt with individually. The best bet for the liberals (playing devil's advocate of course >:D) would be to hope that the Conservatives fail to do anything signicant and pray that the voters forget about all the Liberal mismanagement.
All parties are maxed out in terms of monetary funds not to mention the man hours required to run a campaign. Having just gone through two back to back elections, I doubt any party would consider going back to the polls any time soon.

Certainly the Liberals are probably maxed out as indicated by some of the articles written during the campaign.  The other parties not so much.

The best bet for the liberals (playing devil's advocate of course ) would be to hope that the Conservatives fail to do anything signicant and pray that the voters forget about all the Liberal mismanagement.

They have an opportunity to reinvigorate themselves with a new leader (and new candidates...) since Paul Martin is rightly stepping down.  They remain a potent political force and the conservatives remain weak and subject to the whims of the extreme right wing.  Liberal wing nuts can say whatever they want but the Conservatives are tainted by the musings of their own wing nuts!

Might have to start a poll as to when the next election is.  
Here is where 'Deep Battle' lies:  How much time will the Liberals allow the Conservatives at the trough?  How much money will start counter-flowing from the well lubed Liberal ridings into the starving sticks?

More to the point:  How many senators, senior 'crats,  and supreme court judges can the CPC put in before they have to act on some of their 'Phase II' promises?

A majority guvmint would have allowed the radical surgery the country so desparately needs - now, that will have to wait.
