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......... so what's your interpretation before we go any further....
Well, I wanted to save my interpretation so I wouldn't give any one any skewed ideas, as I am looking for a devil's advocate in this case, however, now that you've asked;

Well, firstly, I am being paid under CBI 204.211 (7)(a)(i), which is, as you can see, what is paid to pers with No Former Service.

It is my very firm belief now, that I should be being paid under CBI 204.211 (7)(a)(ii). This is amplified by CBI 204.211 (10)(b), which describes my exact situation. (I CT'ed from 4 years in the PRes Infantry to the RegF.)

I am now a 2Lt, enrolled under CEOTP with former PRes Service. Therefore, according to these references, I am entitled to recieve Pay Level D, Table B.

This is my view... does anyone interpret it differently? I think its pretty straight forward.
Talk to a clerk, let him or her do the interpretatin.  There's more to it than informed opinion.
I didn't want to start a new thread on the topic so please excuse me if anyone's offended by this question...
I'm presently an OCdt in the reserves (I haven't completed BMQ), however, I'm now doing a CT to Reg Force going ROTP at Civvy U. From my understanding, after have spoken with some friends at RMC, I can not be paid less than I was as a reservist. My pay rate for a full day's pay is $87, if I was working on class B it would equal $2610 +/- per month, when I go ROTP I'm being offered $1387 per month. Shouldn't there be any protection considering I'm not changing rank or occupation just class contract?
I've looked on the link given on the previous page and nothing seems to elp on my situation sicne most are for NCM going Officer.
Guardsman said:
... after have spoken with some friends at RMC, I can not be paid less than I was as a reservist...

That's your problem right there.  Your friends vs. the recruiters.  One has opinion, the other has the regs.

When you CT, your incentive pay class is determined by a formula whose mystical secrets I don't know.  If you haven't yet completed IAP, that probably means your service time comes out to about a few minutes (plus or minus a few seconds).  Service time is not calculated based on how long you've been in the reserves, it's based on parades and contracts.  Means you don't qualify for any higher rates of pay.  Pay protection is a myth -- someone with Cpl 4 in the reserves can (as has often happened) be reduced to Pte 1 for the aforementioned reason.

OK, to complicate the issue more...
On Monday I did my interview with the PSO at the local recruiting. One question that was brought up was pay, namely pay protection. Now I was told that pay protection existed. Granted I didn't get it in writing and thats everything but prior to enrollment I'd like to see what happens.

My Case is I'm going from Lt IPC 1 Reserve to Pte (R) Regular in a different trade. But the PSO said I'd make like $44,000 - $48,000 starting off. Very unbelievable I know. But again, nothing was written down and honestly I want to do my job regardless of pay at this age in my life. However, it would be very nice to make that starting off in my career.
And the Dog wished to make of this thread an example of Lazarus..... and he made it so!

Question related to this thread: Time In... the first 30 days of class B time is not considered day for day with the reg force, correct? Is this per contract? Or is it per year? If I go on an exercise that lasts 3 weeks, and then a seperate course that lasts one month, and then another exercise that lasts six weeks, and then another course that lasts 6 weeks.... how much reg force time am I acquiring?
Dog said:
Question related to this thread: Time In... the first 30 days of class B time is not considered day for day with the reg force, correct?

I thought all Class B/C time was 1 for 1 for a CT...just that Class A was 4 days to 1 day of pensionable time? 
Dimsum said:
I thought all Class B/C time was 1 for 1 for a CT...just that Class A was 4 days to 1 day of pensionable time? 

That's how it was calculated for me on my CT to the Regs. Dog, the document you want from your OR to calculate all this is the CF 1007, and the clerks will be able to help you with that.
Those days should also be on your MPR, which you can access and view on your own, through EMMA.
17thRecceSgt said:
They way they calulate your time-in when you CT is day for day for Class B over 30 days, and the rest of it, quarter-time.

So, if you are a Res Frce Cpl, how much actual time do you have in uniform?

Also, they will tell you how much time credited you will have to your next IPC.

Take a look at your MPRR, see how much 30+ day Class B Service you have, that will count day for day if/when you CT.



So what about this then? Is he out to lunch? or what?
Dog said:
So what about this then? Is he out to lunch? or what?

Tell you what......Go to this link and Search the CFAOs, QR&Os and DAODs and find the answer:

I did a search and came up Nil. If I did a CT from res to reg to a different trade would I keep my current rate of pay? I have about 6 years class C.

Easy answer would be no. I went down to cpl incentive 4 when I CTed.
Stoker said:
I did a search and came up Nil. If I did a CT from res to reg to a different trade would I keep my current rate of pay? I have about 6 years class C.


No.  Your time does count for you, however, with a CT you are bumped down to Cpl.  Therefore the highest pay that you could receive will be Cpl IPC4.  I know all the details are in one of the CT threads around here somewhere.

...and another SHAD sees the light!  ;D
I guess there are exceptions. A friend of mine who is a PO2 MESO just went AVN and got to keep his Class C pay until his other pay catches up. The first offer gave him CPL IPC 4. He sent back a reply quoting QR&O 204.30(5) and he was given the PO2 pay.
Stoker said:
I guess there are exceptions. A friend of mine who is a PO2 MESO just went AVN and got to keep his Class C pay until his other pay catches up. The first offer gave him CPL IPC 4. He sent back a reply quoting QR&O 204.30(5) and he was given the PO2 pay.

Just for reference sake, it is a CBI, not QR&O.  ( Reference for those that require it).  It states "a higher trade group, under such conditions as established in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff".  What is a higher trade group and what are these conditions?

I haven't had a chance to go through all of the other CT threads, so I can't say if this has been discussed yet or not.  My apologies if it is a repeat.
airmich said:
Just for reference sake, it is a CBI, not QR&O.  ( Reference for those that require it).  It states "a higher trade group, under such conditions as established in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff".  What is a higher trade group and what are these conditions?

I haven't had a chance to go through all of the other CT threads, so I can't say if this has been discussed yet or not.  My apologies if it is a repeat.

I guess a higher trade group might mean a trade that's distressed or a trade that pays tech pay. My friend is going to talk to his file manager and find out the exact reasons, apparently it might be also that he is on class C, but I'll have to confirm that. Anyways that's good news for some component transfers.
Stoker said:
I guess a higher trade group might mean a trade that's distressed or a trade that pays tech pay. My friend is going to talk to his file manager and find out the exact reasons, apparently it might be also that he is on class C, but I'll have to confirm that. Anyways that's good news for some component transfers.

It would be great to find answers on that for sure.  I went into a red trade and was on Class 'C' when I transferred.  Pay cut hurt, that's for sure.  But I was informed that it was a voluntary transfer so that's the way it was.