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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

  • Thread starter Thread starter fusilier
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Hello, I'm a combat engineer in the reserve and I applied ACST (aircraft structure technician) Reg force 7 months ago. I recieved my confirmation email about 5 months ago but havent been called for the interview yet, I know this is normal. This is my first post here. My questions;
1- Is ACST a limited enrollment program? ;
2- Should I pass the linguistic test and can it speed up the process(I'm french)? ;
3- If you've had a similar situation, how long did it take(I know that my demand might take a few year)? ;
4- Can I get update on my demand and if yes, where? I've already called the recruiting center and they told me they're not in charge ;
5- can my previous school training accelerate the process? I'm a machinist and a welder.

Thank you!     
vatchmaster said:
Hello, I'm a combat engineer in the reserve and I applied ACST (aircraft structure technician) Reg force 7 months ago. I recieved my confirmation email about 5 months ago but havent been called for the interview yet, I know this is normal. This is my first post here. My questions;
1- Is ACST a limited enrollment program? ;
2- Should I pass the linguistic test and can it speed up the process(I'm french)? ;
3- If you've had a similar situation, how long did it take(I know that my demand might take a few year)? ;
4- Can I get update on my demand and if yes, where? I've already called the recruiting center and they told me they're not in charge ;
5- can my previous school training accelerate the process? I'm a machinist and a welder.
Thank you!   

I'll answer what I can:
1. I have no idea.
2. No it will not speed up your application, but should add more weight to it if you have a bilingual profile as it takes away posting limitations. (Hope you like Baggotville)
3. It can be as short as a few months, to multiple years. It's a very case by case basis.
4. If I were you I'd take the time to read the 5 posts before yours as they are talking directly about this.
5. Again nothing will accellerate the process, they will just add strength to your profile when they consider it against other applicants.
NSDreamer said:
I'll answer what I can:
1. I have no idea.
2. No it will not speed up your application, but should add more weight to it if you have a bilingual profile as it takes away posting limitations. (Hope you like Baggotville)
3. It can be as short as a few months, to multiple years. It's a very case by case basis.
4. If I were you I'd take the time to read the 5 posts before yours as they are talking directly about this.
5. Again nothing will accellerate the process, they will just add strength to your profile when they consider it against other applicants.

I am by no means an expert, but then by that very logic would it not make sense to become bilingual? IF Baggotville is at strength or above strength for ACST then why would they process his application. Or IF they aren't running a French dp1/ql3 for ACST until 2016 then why would DCMPG-5 waste time and resources processing that application? Wouldn't becoming bilingual indirectly speed up his application as the applicant is now eligible to be posted anywhere?

I don't see why wouldn't improve your English and/or pass the linguistic test if it is realistic for you to do so, but again that is just my 5 cents.
runormal said:
I don't see why wouldn't improve your English and/or pass the linguistic test if it is realistic for you to do so, but again that is just my 5 cents.

Their application would still be processed at the same speed, but they would have more chance of getting in yes. Hence the "add more weight to it" comment. Hell if I could get on SLT I would do so right now, but I've been told my Unit can't spare me for me to do the 6 hours a week part time SLT so heh, DUOLINGO pour moi!
thanks again for your answers, the reason I was wondering about the linguistic test is that someone told me that you cannot take the test if your not permanent. So as a reservist, I dont know how I can get a rendez-vous.. Now that I know it really worth it, Ill do what I can to get it.
vatchmaster said:
thanks again for your answers, the reason I was wondering about the linguistic test is that someone told me that you cannot take the test if your not permanent. So as a reservist, I dont know how I can get a rendez-vous.. Now that I know it really worth it, Ill do what I can to get it.

I believe there is a way, I don't know what it is. Some REO positions require bilingualism, as such you must be "ABLE" to be tested, question is how to arrange it. Your Divisions G7 probably will have the answer, but go through your CoC.
So I just got off the phone with my broker, fantastic meeting and have a few ammendments to my previous comments.
They apparently no longer review trades by boards, but by checklist and by seniority of the request. You are either qualified or you are not. If they deem you not suitable then you are red, suitable awaiting substansiation (IE a Plar) you are yellow and sit in your seniority spot until you substansiate, or good to go you are green.

If you are green, you are given the first offer that comes along in order of seniority of application. Note this is not seniority of when you turn green, but when you are considered qualified in trade or suitable for rotp etc...

New fiscal year in April! Good luck everyone!

*Edit, also they are apparently in meetings right now for updating all the online information to reflect the current process!
If I have all my BMQ, SQ and DP1 in another trade and my CFAT meets the requirements of the new trade I'm asking a CT too. Would that give me seniority over most?
GreenWood said:
If I have all my BMQ, SQ and DP1 in another trade and my CFAT meets the requirements of the new trade I'm asking a CT too. Would that give me seniority over most?

No it wouldn't the list of criteria, from what I was told, goes against the trade you are trying to enter into. You would have a yellow place on the line until you are able to substansiate your entire file for PLAR equivilancies. You would be whatever seniority your application was received at against any other comers for a position being opened for unqualified personnel.
NSDreamer said:
No it wouldn't the list of criteria, from what I was told, goes against the trade you are trying to enter into. You would have a yellow place on the line until you are able to substansiate your entire file for PLAR equivilancies. You would be whatever seniority your application was received at against any other comers for a position being opened for unqualified personnel.

Not even my BMQ gives me an advantage over civies trying to get in that trade?

Thanks for the answer btw!
GreenWood said:
Not even my BMQ gives me an advantage over civies trying to get in that trade?

Thanks for the answer btw!

It does, your BMQ and your DP1 in your current trade is what qualifies you to be ABLE to CT/OT. Without it you would have to remuster and enroll fresh. This cuts out a good 30% of the application process such as the apptitude test etc... Additionally, in accordance with the QR&Os you have precedent over untrained civilians, however in practice that is done by issuing an allotment of slots to Component transfers from my understanding. It is among those that your seniority is based upon the date of filing your component transfer.
Is it normal that I haven't heard from anyone since I put in my CT (Almost a month ago)? I don't even know if I have a broker, only received the automated email.

Thank you
GreenWood said:
Is it normal that I haven't heard from anyone since I put in my CT (Almost a month ago)? I don't even know if I have a broker, only received the automated email.

Thank you

Usually the person identified as the unit contact or yourself receives an "application received" email. I think a copy was posted somewhere earlier in the thread. Realistically, nothing's going to start processing until April and the new Fiscal year. If you want to be safe send an email to their open box just looking for confirmation of your file being received. Make sure the subject line is clear as they are likely to only skim the content at this moment in time.
GreenWood said:
Is it normal that I haven't heard from anyone since I put in my CT (Almost a month ago)? I don't even know if I have a broker, only received the automated email.

Thank you


You're in for a painful wait if one month is getting to you.

I've had my CT in since Aug 2013 and only JUST in the past couple of days got a broker assigned and my interview booked.

If you haven't heard anything yet, I'm thinking you won't until the NEXT fiscal year. (April 2016)
Habs said:

You're in for a painful wait if one month is getting to you.

I've had my CT in since Aug 2013 and only JUST in the past couple of days got a broker assigned and my interview booked.

If you haven't heard anything yet, I'm thinking you won't until the NEXT fiscal year. (April 2016)

I'll further echo these statements. I know numerous people who put CT's back in early 2014. It took us all roughly 6 months to get the ack that our file was rcvd and none of us have heard anything else.

Time will tell.
^ Thanks I just wasn't sure if I was supposed to hear from a broker after the initial automated message, I guess I wont.
Does anyone know how to change a CT ? Ive emailed them(DCMPG-5) and they told me to do it online which I guest is here; http://cmp-cpm.forces.mil.ca/dgmc/pg/iss-si/ct-tee/ct-app-tee-fra.asp but will it reset my other demand ? I just want to add another trade to my CT not cancel my last one.
vatchmaster said:
Does anyone know how to change a CT ? Ive emailed them(DCMPG-5) and they told me to do it online which I guest is here; http://cmp-cpm.forces.mil.ca/dgmc/pg/iss-si/ct-tee/ct-app-tee-fra.asp but will it reset my other demand ? I just want to add another trade to my CT not cancel my last one.

Weird, when I had to change my trade they said noted file has been updated...

Furthermore the out of office says, only one application will be retained for the member and all future applications will be deleted...

This is all based on an experience in October 2014. So it may have changed...