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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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Army Signals said:
Ok ok!

I guess at this point, the best would be to do the CT on DWAN? Or go see a recruting center?

Like PuckChaser mentioned, you will need to submit a CT via the DWAN, which could be a long drawn out process, so do it NOW!

I don't think the recruiting centre can be of much help.
The CFRC has nothing to do with CT's. 

CT's have nothing to do with RECRUITING.

See:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php/board,44.0.html
I've been wondering how this process works, I can never get a straight answer from anyone.

I've completed training, I'm a med tech and if I wanted to switch, would I have to redo all my courses that I did in the reserve?
Some say you have to redo SQ, others say that and your occupation. Some even say have to redo the entire process.
Has anyone switched? What are the problems? What would I have to redo?

Thank you.

this question has been asked about 100000000000000000 times ........ try using the search option !
Hello, first off I am new! I have exhausted a number of real life resources so I am hoping to find some help or guidance on here.

I have been in the infantry reserves for 3+ years now and decided to go Reg F Med Tech. I put my CT in September 2013 and never received a peep afterwards. I understand that you are supposed to receive a confirmation email, as well as your closest recruiting center (CFB Halifax in this case) and your home base. I received nothing and neither did they. I have called and emailed (no answer) recruiting in Ontario but can't find anything out.. it seems as though the people there literally know nothing about anything. I've called CFB Halifax numerous times about it and they said until they receive an email or my file, nothing can be done. I've begged them to try and do something so they sent an email and said maybe they are just so backed up that they haven't gotten around to sending confirmation emails.. I was advised to "hurry up and keep waiting".

I understand I am prematurely entering the worrying phase. My base advised me to put my CT in again, to which nothing came again. I have also heard that the Med Tech trade is closed right now? Perhaps that has something to do about it, but should they not at least contact me at all?

Additionally, my medical, fitness, and education are all up-to-date so I know it's not that.

Thank you in advance for any information you can give me. Contacts, advice, tough love, anything at all. Happy New Year!
Welcome to the board!

I've been around in the CAF for a long while now so I'll share my experience going through CT.

My CT from the reserve back to the Reg F in the same trade took just under 2 years. Started the process in 2011 and it came out from Ottawa as an offer in 2013. I must add that the trade was in the red (or below PML in some Army slang).

I think I had some email confirmation that my file was going to be processed. The only feedback I got later on was when my medical expired. I received an email asking me to get it up to date or my file would be closed.

Some of my peers had similar two year wait, again going CT from reserve to Reg F, same trade. I would suspect that applying to a different trade would take roughly the same time. I know of only one exception, a friend got in the Reg F in 6 months, same trade (Logistics Officer).

My understanding is that the folks working for CT in Ottawa have their hands full. The fact that the reserve is facing cutbacks means that there are a lot of applications for the Reg F. You never know though, your trade might be in higher demand than some others.

Be patient though, Reg F is worth it! Good luck!

My 2 cents.
CFRCs shouldn't have anything to do with your CT unless you have to re-write your CFAT or something.

D Mil C 7-3 CT is (IIRC) who you need to be contacting.  Contact info is available on the DWAN.
Keep in mind D Mil C is at the mercy of the quality of your MPRR, as well as the throughput of those responsible for PLARs.  Given the very small number of pers there, what they accomplish is remarkable.
Eye In The Sky said:
CFRCs shouldn't have anything to do with your CT unless you have to re-write your CFAT or something.

Half-right.  CFRCs will conduct CFAT if required, and if you are requesting a CT/OT (such as the case with OP), they will also do an interview.  As well they will arrange for other specific testing (like Air Crew medicals).
CT applications are done online through the DWAN.  After submission, it is DMCPG 5-5 (ie; formerly D Mil C 7) who are responsible for the processing of CT applications.  Nothing can happen without their input, so they are the ones you need to speak with.
How can I find out what the Trade I an CTing for will be looking at? I will have 10 years reserve infantry in june. My education (military history BA) will be complete this spring. I put in for Int Officer.

I have already been told that I should get rid of my Facebook by random people I know. I don't have anything in my life suspect in terms of the typical drunken debauchery that torpedoes people on FB. Never touched drugs. Don't drink and I don't have anything else in my life which I consider black-mailable, which would make make me a security risk.

My grades are good (high 70s-plus in subject related to my major), but I failed a few courses over the years and I am normally a C-student.

Getting rid of FB has me apprehensive because of how many people it will mean loosing touch with, many of whom only check their FB.  Would they care about political posts I have made? I am 100% loyal to Canada and my oath of service, but I have a low tolerance for BS and call it when I see it. Would deleting my FB account obviate that? Or make me look worse.

I am not real comfortable with the idea of the government reading my emails, are they going to want to do that? I guess I could live with it, I'd just rather not know somebody from the government can/is reading the old emails to my ex girlfriends. (insert NSA/big brother reference here).

Shrek1985 said:
How can I find out what the Trade I an CTing for will be looking at? I will have 10 years reserve infantry in june. My education (military history BA) will be complete this spring. I put in for Int Officer.

You are in for a long wait, if they are having trained INT officers with Tours waiting several years for a CT.

Shrek1985 said:
I have already been told that I should get rid of my Facebook by random people I know. I don't have anything in my life suspect in terms of the typical drunken debauchery that torpedoes people on FB. Never touched drugs. Don't drink and I don't have anything else in my life which I consider black-mailable, which would make make me a security risk.

Many INT Ops and INT officers have FB accts.  If you are that paranoid, you can change your screen name.

Shrek1985 said:
I am not real comfortable with the idea of the government reading my emails, are they going to want to do that? I guess I could live with it, I'd just rather not know somebody from the government can/is reading the old emails to my ex girlfriends. (insert NSA/big brother reference here).

As a BA in History, perhaps you should look at all the Rules and Regulations relating to Canada's Security Agencies on the collection of information on Canadian citizens.
I am a MCpl in the Military Police Reserve, I have been in the CAF for 7 years now. I have been through budget cuts and i have been through recruiting sprees.

I decided 4 years ago (2010) i was going to put a CT in for another trade (which was in demand) Around 2012 i received an email from a person who no longer is in the military stating that he received my file and thanked me for applying for that trade, so I waited a bit longer to see where it went. 2013 roles around.. I finally get another email stating that i must complete a aircrew medical, and interview. I immediately booked these and completed them. It is now 2014 and I am still sitting here in this same place I was 4 Years ago.. NOWHERE. I have tried talking to a broker with my file, She states i have scored very high in this trade, as well i meet all requirements, i tried talking to CFRC, i have tried talking to a MCC. Apparently my case is the first time this has happened for any one of these persons careers and they dont know what to do.

I have finally reached my peak. I have followed this trade that i have wanted to join all 4 years ive been waiting and it is STILL IN DEMAND. I have talked to recruiters in the trade itself and they tell me they need people, and yet where am i? sitting here at my desk ranting about this.

I have given up. I have decided im going to voluntarily release and rejoin in 6 months applying for the same trade that is STILL IN DEMAND!

Does anyone have any information for me WRT how they hold my rank, my pay, or if there is a safe way to do this?
MacdaddyMP said:
I am a MCpl in the Military Police Reserve, I have been in the CAF for 7 years now. I have been through budget cuts and i have been through recruiting sprees.
I decided 4 years ago (2010) i was going to put a CT in for another trade (which was in demand) Around 2012 i received an email from a person who no longer is in the military stating that he received my file and thanked me for applying for that trade, so I waited a bit longer to see where it went. 2013 roles around.. I finally get another email stating that i must complete a aircrew medical, and interview. I immediately booked these and completed them. It is now 2014 and I am still sitting here in this same place I was 4 Years ago.. NOWHERE. I have tried talking to a broker with my file, She states i have scored very high in this trade, as well i meet all requirements, i tried talking to CFRC, i have tried talking to a MCC. Apparently my case is the first time this has happened for any one of these persons careers and they dont know what to do.
I have finally reached my peak. I have followed this trade that i have wanted to join all 4 years ive been waiting and it is STILL IN DEMAND. I have talked to recruiters in the trade itself and they tell me they need people, and yet where am i? sitting here at my desk ranting about this.
I have given up. I have decided im going to voluntarily release and rejoin in 6 months applying for the same trade that is STILL IN DEMAND!
Does anyone have any information for me WRT how they hold my rank, my pay, or if there is a safe way to do this?

Let's be clear right from the start and make no mistake about this.  When you see the term "In Demand" for a CF occupation or told by people in that occupation "we need people", it just DOES NOT APPLY to anyone from the Reserves who has applied for a "Component Transfer (CT)".  Apples and Oranges.......so to speak.  Nevertheless, I do hear exactly what you are saying but there is little if anything that can be done about it.  It's just the way things go.......

CT's are managed ONLY by DMCPG 5 and the only time you will deal with a CFRC is for an interview or any other processing requirement deemed necessary.  So the only people who can help you with this is DMCPG 5 or your CT Broker direct, hence, the reason why the people at your local CFRC can't help or explain it to you, it's not their job.

Can you release from the Reserves and then re-apply to the Reg F?  Yes you can!  But there are/may be implications on re-applying.

Good luck!
George Wallace said:
You are in for a long wait, if they are having trained INT officers with Tours waiting several years for a CT.

Many INT Ops and INT officers have FB accts.  If you are that paranoid, you can change your screen name.

As a BA in History, perhaps you should look at all the Rules and Regulations relating to Canada's Security Agencies on the collection of information on Canadian citizens.

yeah...a long wait is what i figured.

The FB thing is a bit of a relief though. I honestly find it very difficult to stay in touch with people otherwise.

I just figured that maybe privacy would become one of those things we willingly give up while in uniform; like freedom of expression, ect. In the context I was thinking of it made sense. Historically, many intelligence officers have been turned due to various character flaws that would have been otherwise knowable and preventable. Contrariwise; if such were in place you run into the kind of resentment that sort of thing can easily instill in people, which weakens loyalty and character. Certainly, it did not seem beyond the pale though, in the grand scheme of things.

I guess I'm sort of bland in that respect though; never so much as tried weed in highschool.
Just to add a bit:  CTs were formerly looked after by D Mil C (Director Military Careers).

That has moved to DMCPG 5 (Director Military Careers Policy and Grievances).

Basically, a different sub-unit of DGMC (Director General Military Careers).  The DIN site for DGMC shows a breakdown of the whole org. 

Just thought I'd add that as I am sure there are posts from before saying "CTs are thru D Mil C 3-7 CT" or the like.  In short "they've moved".
Thanks for the info Eye in the sky.

I did a CT application November 7th 2013 and since then I got no feedback at all, not even a confirmation e-mail.
I emailed D mil C7 to make sure my application was processed but all I got was an automated reply saying that due to budget costs, they stopped answering e-mails about CTs. But maybe that means I should try to contact  DMCPG 5 ?

I also wanted to change my choice of trades. Do I have to fill another application again ?
lambeosaurus said:
I also wanted to change my choice of trades. Do I have to fill another application again ?

I would think any questions along that line are probably best handled by the BPSO.

My figuring anyway :dunno: