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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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Reservists can get on to EMAA, and get RPSR pay statements delviered to non-DND email accounts.  Quite nice to get alerted by email with a PDF copy of yourstatement instead of wrestling with another piece of paper on a parade night.
Is it possible to join reserves for one trade (lets say artillery) and then CT to Reg F. for another trade?
uniqnik said:
Is it possible to join reserves for one trade (lets say artillery) and then CT to Reg F. for another trade?

Yes, you'd just have to do an occupational transfer as well. Like for me, I'm reserve Armd Recce, but I want to go reg force as MP.
uniqnik said:
Is it possible to join reserves for one trade (lets say artillery) and then CT to Reg F. for another trade?


It has been covered in this topic already.  If you read the topic you will find that you can CT to another Trade, but you will only be credited for the most part with the Recruit School Bypass.  You will have to start in that "new Trade" as an untrained member and put through the QL3/QL4/QL5 Trades training as required.  You will most likely be demoted to Cpl, if you held a higher rank; but if you have any Leadership Crses (ie. PLQ) you will likely keep those qualifications.
PuckChaser said:
It really helps to get courses under your belt in the ResF first. If you get your QL5, you won't have to wait to get merit listed in the RegF to get the course. If you don't financially need to transfer, hold off and apply a month or 2 before your QL5 course, or once you're loaded. That way you get the course, and can transfer right afterwards.

Just a little update: I've decided that this (PuckChaser's advice above) is the way I am going to proceed.  My course is in March, so I will apply for a CT in February, once I get my official course loading msg.  I am due my promotion in April (assuming I pass my QL5 before then), so I hope to get an offer for the RegF as a Cpl. :)  My focus now is getting my 4's signed off and doing well on my 5's course. 
Who would you goto see for a CT/OT Chief Clerk or up the Chain. done 3 years with ppcli, now in infantry reserves, wanting to goto Naval comms.
Flips13 said:
Who would you goto see for a CT/OT Chief Clerk or up the Chain. done 3 years with ppcli, now in infantry reserves, wanting to goto Naval comms.

Neither, you can submit a form online and initiate the process. I believe it is found earlier in this thread (Non-DWAN). This link: http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/pd/pi-ip/03-08-eng.asp has the link to the forms on DWAN inside the PDF, and also outlines the entire process.
Cannot seem to open the Form:

http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/pd/pi-ip/doc/03-08-eng.pdf > http://hr3.ottawa-hull.

Any other way i could get the form since it's not opening for me?
PuckChaser said:

Ok, I certainly don't want to bother anybody about this topic since it should have everything included in this 19 page thread But.

Just to make sure i'm not missing anything i did the online form emailed it to the address at the bottom of it. Is that the only thing I have to do right now besides wait? the clerk got an email about me yesterday but didn't say what it was. I just figured since i just got into the unit it was about that. But maybe i should let her know what's going on? I haven't told anyone at the Unit that i'm CT/OT.

Flips13 said:
Ok, I certainly don't want to bother anybody about this topic since it should have everything included in this 19 page thread But.

Just to make sure i'm not missing anything i did the online form emailed it to the address at the bottom of it. Is that the only thing I have to do right now besides wait? the clerk got an email about me yesterday but didn't say what it was. I just figured since i just got into the unit it was about that. But maybe i should let her know what's going on? I haven't told anyone at the Unit that i'm CT/OT.


Well, it looks like you really know how to make friends and influence people.  Reading the above quote, you are not even at a new 'gaining' unit and you are already 'jumping ship'.  You have done only one part of your CT process; the Application.  You still have to inform your Chain of Command of your intentions, as they will be involved in the process as well.  They are going to have to provide all your docs, recommendations, etc.  You new OR will be doing a lot of administration when the time comes for you to switch over from Reserve Trade X to Regular Trade Y.  I hope that you haven't burnt all your bridges before they were built.

Good luck.
Well this was actually a suggestion by a Recruiter at this Unit. I wanted to join the Navy (did 3 years in ppcli) she mentioned the easiest way to do so would be going through the CT/OT since i don't have to deal with recruiters and filling out docs/ etc. I also mentioned it to the Chief Clerk that i was going to CT/OT. I am 2 weeks into the reserve unit and i guess on my third week i'll mention it to my section commander and he can go up from there. I'm more less using the reserves, but they have new recruits and ppl on there basic so why not help them out while i wait for my CT/OT to go through.
Hey everyone; I have my interview this week for my componet transfer from P Res (Infantry) to ACS Tech.

My Questions are:

1. What is the trade course like in Borden?

2. Is there demand for the trade right now (Maybe more due to the new C-17's and possible F-35 purchase)

3. How long would it take (roughly) to get your fives?

Hi there Greydak,

Good choice for ACS tech.  I am currently awaiting to go to borden for my course.  I can answer a couple of your questions for you.  To answer your #2 question, yes there is a demand right now for ACS techs.  They are looking at doubling from approx 430 to 850 pers in the next few years especially with the new aircraft coming in.

To answer your 3rd question: once 3's qualified and sent to your home unit, you will be rotated through shops to get your tick in the box so to speak.  This will be in your Blue Book ( things you have to achieve and signed off by a Level A qualifed Tech). Once you get the items completed in your blue book you can be considered to be 5's qualified and become a POM.

Once I find out more I will let you know but for now this is what Ive been told.
I hope that this helps you out and I'm sure if any other techs are online they can add to it.

Bubbs 25
Do I get an award?  I actually just fast-read through all 19 pages of this thread.


-Yes, statements definately are avail thru EMAA.  So Happy about that!!

From what I've gathered, this thread is more about the actual process and nuances of the CT.  From what I gather, now more than ever before-the Res-Reg CT process is supposed to be at its best operating speed no?  I'm perhaps naively not at all worried about that process.  I'm more concerned about what to actually CT/OT TO. :facepalm:

My question/enquiry is more about the steps leading UP to.  IE...WHO EXACTLY is our goto Career Manager/Counsellor?  Each time they come around, I'm bypassed because 'we're on a time limit, and the managers don't have much time to see our own people so we won't schedule you to meet them'...sigh.  So then I'm left to myself.

Other than reading the dry material on the forces website, where else is one to gather intel on what exactly this trade or that trade does on a day to day basis.  What & where one would be posted to, Where you'd operate on deployments.  Which trades (commissioning or not) would best suit my character/skill set/professional background.

I need help.  I want to CT/OT yesterday, just can't make up my mind on which of the handful of potential avenues I'm on the verge of deciding on-to commit to.
Try taking a quick stroll through the recruiting fora. That can provide you with a bit if focus.
justmyalias - find someone in the trades you are interested in and talk to them.  Of course take everything with a grain of salt as not all experiences are the same but it will give you some valuable info.  Don't know someone in the trade check with the clerks at the unit, especially the reg f one.  Often we can find someone in the diff trades that will be happy to steer you wrong. Google the trade too - sometimes it is really interesting what you will find.  Finally search/ask here - what trades are you considering and the info you seek.

For example if you asked about clerks you would get some that will tell you the main part of the job is pushing all the crap and abuse back at members that screw up their paperwork and want to always blame the clerks even though they have ignored what we told them just five minutes ago.  Postings?  basically everywhere.  Suit your character - probably not but then does it really suit anyones. If you can't take the crap on a daily basis, do not like helping people, do not like math (or are weak at it), do not know how to turn on a computer, and think that you do not get paid enough to take the crap and abuse then this is not the trade for you as I need people to crap on.  If you are as happy as a pig in sh** then welcome aboard and get filing.  Yeah I'm the old fudge in the corner doing nothing but glaring at you all day as if you stole my last beer.

Now that felt good, climb aboard the happy bus.

Wilshire Blvd. said:
Is it possible to add a second trade choice to your component transfer application?

Not on the forms I've seen, but if you're not suitable for that trade or its full they can give you a chance to pick another.
greydak said:
Hey everyone; I have my interview this week for my componet transfer from P Res (Infantry) to ACS Tech.

My Questions are:

1. What is the trade course like in Borden?

2. Is there demand for the trade right now (Maybe more due to the new C-17's and possible F-35 purchase)

3. How long would it take (roughly) to get your fives?


The course is approx 9 months long, a lot of studying and there's night classes for a portion.
Before your ql3  you do a 2 month common air force course.
Expect to wait at least 2 years to be ql3 qualified.
After Ql3, you are posted, do your on the job training, get your blue book finished and your considered Ql5 trained and your eligible for spec pay.
There is no "ql5" course.